Your alias?

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I picked shootist because:
1. I love to shoot
2. "The Shootist" is one of my favorite all-time movies. ( The credo is something that I have found is a good rule to live by.)

I added 16 because I was picking an instant messenger name and shootist was taken. since 16 is my badge number I thought I would add it. 16 is also my lucky number.
My first name is Barton, somewhere along the way they called me Bartman... But I was here first!!! Must be my HAIR???

[This message has been edited by Bartman (edited 05 March 1999).]
My name came from the cuvred shape of a blade kriss it comes from Malaisia a tribe there would make these blades from Meteors that would fall from the sky these meteors would have an iron content that the tribe would use for there knives and swords these knives were legend to possess the magic of the stars.