Your Favorite Small Knife

Sep 20, 1999
From time to time I read here about people who work for the Federal government who have to adhere to a 2.5" limit. I don't have limit but I often carry small out of deference to my surroundings. To make a long story short tell what are your favorite small knives (blades 2.5" or less, and an OAL of 6.5" or less). My favorites are the Spyderco Ladybug, the Spyderco Dragonfly, the Chris Reeve Umfaan, both the lightweight and micarta Mini-Dyads, the Benchmade 330, and a really neat knife I picked up in South Africa, the Kershaw Biltong, a sheepsfoot lockback with a nailnick but very easy to open one handed.
Spyderco Mouse is one beefy little blade!

AKTI Member #A000832

"Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes, the bear eats you."
I don't have a lot of small knives, but the four I have are all excellent. My spyderco dragonfly is tiny but really fits in my hand so perfectly it makes it feel like a much bigger knife. I also have a spydie cricket, ladybug, and a crkt peck and these all find there way into my hand at some point in the day, ladybug is on my keychain, peck is my money clip at times, and the cricket sits on my desk, and gets used to open envelpes alot.
I carry my dragonfly anytime I think I can't get away with a bigger knife, i.e. airport, courthouse, school.
My Favorite is my WhiteWolf Pocket Pro Auto. Blade snaps open with authority, no blade play. Since I generally use it for cutting thick plastic or thin wire banding, or the occasional bale of coated twine the Serrations are extremely helpful. Also, it's just fun to open...snap.....SNAP...SNAP.. fun that is until you are threatened by your Spouse if you don't STOP opening it.

Marine Sniper Motto:
There's no use Running, you'll only Die Tired!
The smallest knife I carry regularly is a Microtech UDT. Approx. 6.5" oal, blade a little under 2.75". Cuts everything it needs to, opens with a SNAP, quality all the way. Oh, yeah, and like Hillbillenigma, it irritates my wife after a while.
It's not 2.5, but it's the smallest I have so I'll have to put it in. MOD Hornet. It's still real small, but extreemly beefy. I had a CRKT Small Point Guard , but I gave it to my girlfriend because it's " Sooo Cute ". She said that, not me..
William Henry Carbon Fiber Lancet, sits in my shirt pocket everyday and gets used the most of the several knives I carry daily, today a guy asked how many I had on today and when pockets were empty there were 8 knives laying on the bench....


"The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions!"
Take the time to read your Bible Now, don't be left behind...

G2 LeatherWorks
Bob Dozier drop point Ti folder. This knife has a ~ 2.5" D2 blade that just won't quit. Fit and finish are perfect.
My favorite small knife is my Victorinox Mini-ChampII SAK. Between the two knife blades, the flat and Phillips-head screwdrivers, the small scissors, "orange-peel cutter" hooked blade, tweezers, retractable and replacable blue ball-point pen, es well as other tools, it gets far more use than any of my other knives. All this in a 2.25" package. Can't be beat!

My Custom Knife Collection
AKTI Member #A000289

Deo Vindice

[This message has been edited by Senator (edited 09-20-2000).]
My favorite small carry knife is one of my own making. Its very similar to these three


The middle knife was traded to James Mattis at Blade Show West for a William Henry. He said it sure looks better in person than on your site( wish I knew how he got his scans so clear). Sure wish he would have had more time to enjoy it.

They are all linerlocks and are not noticable in the pocket.

Arthur D. Washburn
ADW Custom Knives

[This message has been edited by BeowulftheGeat (edited 09-20-2000).]
Carry a Case 6333 pattern,10 dot 1970.Has 3 blades.Has a Wharncliff,Pen and Muskrat main blade.Been carryin it for a good many years.


have a"knife"day
As Gary said, William Henry Carbon Fiber Lancet. But I just got mine today. The perfect shirt pocket knife.


"All is well. And all will be well - in the garden." Chance the Gardener
I'll cast another vote for the CF Lancet. Mine goes to work with me every day. The Cricket deserves to be mentioned as well; very handy little folder.


Let no one ever from henceforth say one word in any way countenancing war. It is dangerous even to speak of how here and there the individual may gain some hardship of soul by it. For war is hell, and those who institute it are criminals. Siegfried Loraine Sassoon
Arthur, those are some great-looking knives you got there. Do you have any more pics of your work, mabye on a website somewhere. Would be interested in getting a knife made sometime in the future.

Arthur Washburn wrote:
> My favorite small carry knife is one of my
> own making. Its very similar to these three


"Praise not the day until evening has come;a sword until it is tried; ice until it has been crossed; beer until it has been drunk" - Viking proverb

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[This message has been edited by redvenom (edited 09-21-2000).]
Spyderco ladybug - on the key chain, Spyderco mini Police necklace - love to admire this one!
And last but not least --
The Spydercard -- never leave home without this!


have spydies
will travel...
AKTI Member #A001148
I'm gonna have to go traditional on you folks here. My favorite carry knife is an old jig bone handled Eye Brand 3 blade stockman. This is one of the older ones with two eyes on the blade and another eye on the ricasso. This one is not the super large one, but somewhere in the middle as far as size. I dont think an airport security team would blink an eye at this one. Perfect fit and finish, good German carbon steel blades that take an hold a wicked edge. I like all the knives listed so far, and own most of them, but somehow, I still have a weakness for good old pocketknives. Especially the old German ones. Anybody else feel the same?

Danbo, soul brother of Rambo
Spydie Navigator


I get some pleasure from finding a relentlessly peaceful use for a combative looking knife.