• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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110 Destruction Photos

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Chopping through metal with full arms swings with lots of adrenaline in me, using it as a makeshift hammer etc. Me and my friend got in a sticky situation, but we can out a lot better than the knives. *shrug*
What's fascinating to me is how little damage the edge suffered, especially considering you can see I reprofiled this 110 flat to the stone.

So are we going to get the details of what happened?



Please post a picture of the palm of your hand that was holding this knife while you where chopping through said metal. Surely your hand must have suffered one small boo boo at the very least; considering what the knife looks like, and especially since the frame exploded. Where the frame "broke" should roughly represent the middle of the palm of the hand holding it.

You sir, are a LIAR. You don't really expect people to believe that, do you? I'll bet you don't even believe your own B.S. The only metal you would possibly be trying to chop through with your adrenaline pumping is the lock on your sister's chastity belt. Move along!

Please post a picture of the palm of your hand that was holding this knife while you where chopping through said metal. Surely your hand must have suffered one small boo boo at the very least; considering what the knife looks like, and especially since the frame exploded. Where the frame "broke" should roughly represent the middle of the palm of the hand holding it.

You sir, are a LIAR. You don't really expect people to believe that, do you? I'll bet you don't even believe your own B.S. The only metal you would possibly be trying to chop through with your adrenaline pumping is the lock on you sister's chastity belt. Move along!

:eek: Note to self: "do not try to sell your 124 ProLine as 'almost mint' to Buck_110". :eek:

LOL B110...it's only January and you already have my vote for POST OF THE YEAR :thumbup: :thumbup:
Buck_110..you owe me....I just laughed and choked coffee everywhere

...I've learned my lesson around this place Scott...You can get a case of 12 el'cheapo keyboards at Sam's Club for $79.99...but ya gotta buy the case...With Buck_110 and the "honker" around here you'll need the whole case sooner rather than later anyway...:eek: :p
Buck_110..you owe me....I just laughed and choked coffee everywhere

I don't even bring any beverages near the computer when I log on to Blade Forums anymore. Its too expensive and hazardous for the keyboard and its almost a sure bet!
Like I said no details. You can think whatever you want. Enjoy the pictures, make up your own version of what happened and let's just leave it at that. If you don't believe me, that's your call. I'm not here to convince people otherwise.

If you want to ask me about the knife, go ahead. More than happy to answer those questions.
Actually my hands are kind of messed up. Nothing too bad, just some swelling and cuts. Oh well. Like I said no details. You can think whatever you want. Enjoy the pictures, make up your own version of what happened and let's just leave it at that.

Let me guess, you tell chicks you work for the C.I.A. and can't talk about it because you'd have to kill them.

YOU ARE A JOKE!:jerkit:
Like I said no details. You can think whatever you want. Enjoy the pictures, make up your own version of what happened and let's just leave it at that. If you don't believe me, that's your call. I'm not here to convince people otherwise.

If you want to ask me about the knife, go ahead. More than happy to answer those questions.

They are asking questions about the knife, you aren't giving any details...
If you post pics but won't say how or why you smashed the crap outta your 110, why even post the pics? I could throw my stuff in a wood chipper too and post the pics but where does that get anyone? This thread is useless...
Only since he, Vivi, joined our little community. :D

Who is this Vivi guy? He stumbled into the Buck forum by mistake I think. The crap he's posting doesn't go on in here. Inbreeding is bad enough, but he's an example of inbreeding gone wrong.
LOL B110...it's only January and you already have my vote for POST OF THE YEAR :thumbup: :thumbup:
Actually, I think Buck_110 out did himself with the last post.

Edit: Wow you guys are fast posting, this is the quote I thought was so good:

"Let me guess, you tell chicks you work for the C.I.A. and can't talk about it because you'd have to kill them.

They are asking questions about the knife, you aren't giving any details...
If you post pics but won't say how or why you smashed the crap outta your 110, why even post the pics? I could throw my stuff in a wood chipper too and post the pics but where does that get anyone? This thread is useless...

Your arguement has little relevence considering how intent people in this thread are on discussing things outside of the knife. I said I'd answer knife related questions and I meant that sincerely. I've tried to describe the nature of what happened without giving away details to a story I'd personally rather keep private (I would appreciate this decision being accepted).

If you want to ask me questions about the 110 or the Cara Cara, again I'll do my best to give you the details. If this thread is going to degenerate into senseless posts, I'll refrain from responding and request the thread be closed.

If you genuinely want to know what happened to my hands and what specific actions cause the 110 to break in half, I'll answer, but not if I feel like my answer (Regardless of what that answer is) is only going to be met with more ridicule.
Chopping through metal with full arms swings with lots of adrenaline in me, using it as a makeshift hammer etc. Me and my friend got in a sticky situation, but we can out a lot better than the knives. *shrug*

What's fascinating to me is how little damage the edge suffered, especially considering you can see I reprofiled this 110 flat to the stone.

How thick was the metal? what was it that you chopped? and how many
full arm swings did it take?:confused:
I'll refrain from responding and request the thread be closed.

That's the best thing we've heard you say yet! Please, please refrain and go away you sad little man. You are the very reason people should lock their sheep up at night. Beat it! I hear your sister calling, she must be lonely.
Your arguement has little relevence considering how intent people in this thread are on discussing things outside of the knife. I said I'd answer knife related questions and I meant that sincerely.

O.K. heres questions you will answer.
What kind of knife is the wood handled one?
How did it break in half in the middle of the handle? Not from chopping by hand thats for sure...
How could you even consider it for warranty?
Why did you post this here?
Why do you say my post was an arguement?

I'll refrain from responding and request the thread be closed.

:thumbup: Is that considered an arguement??
:eek: :eek: ...WHOOOOAA!!!!!...Leave for a few minutes to check out a couple o' "porn sites" ( looking at some "unsheathed" 110's and 112's ) and I see a skirmish where the CIA may even get involved...sheeesh...:eek: :eek: :p
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