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110 Destruction Photos

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Nothing. I came here to share photos of broken knives that were put through an unusual set of circumstances for the benefit of our knife community, common behaviour at this site.

Yes, I wish to withhold my story, as I'm sure many of you people have things in your lives you don't always want to openly share with hundreds of strangers. My decision to do such is my own right; it contradicts no rules these forums are run by. The responses I've received however do.

Well someone has to tell the story!

We were near the planet Nimrod. Our Battle Star was taking plenty of hits from the Klingons. A futon torpedo took out 11 of our 14 Cummins diesel engines. With no power our ship began to fall like a rock. We deployed the massive parachutes to slow our decent but as luck would have it burned up when entering the planet Nimrods atmosphere. When the ship impacted the surface. Most of the escape routes were not accessable. We attempted to remove a screen to get out of the ship which triggered the emergency shutters. The emegency shutters are 4 inch's thick and are made of reprocessed eddie baure knives. So he used the Byrd and I used the Buck and we chopped right through that shutter. We later used one of the brass bolsters to strike against a rock to create a signal fire. It was three days before the USS Tigershark picked us up.
Dude, why bring up a broken knife story, and then not tell the story? This is why people call you a nitwit. If you were making full arm swings into metal, and the knives broke, you must have been up to something. Breaking in or out of something perhaps? And why wouldn't you just kick the door or window or whatever open instead of hacking away? Besides, to shatter a 110 in your hand would have torn you up. Is your hand ok or what??
WOWOW i am gone for only 4 days and you all have a full fleaged heated
pot sturing with a stick
guys argueing with vivi is like wresling with a pig int he mud
the pig is haveing fun!!
about like arguing with me - hee hee '
vivi if yo's wants ta trully sture things payz ya money and go to the cove
there you can cross words wit dome of de best and dont have to explaines a dorn thing ...
read troll's post to start poop ...
ya dont need to poop here ...
de's guys is being nice fer now ...
if ya want ta break up poor inocenet un derservuing buck knives
dats yur bees wax... as we realy care of the knives and what to know Y's
da fail
fi it was a test say so ...
dont be cheesy wit the detailes .... .
i cans thunk o lots o stuff i dont wants others to know like i may have dated.... but i can certently say if i got ot first base and how ...
to jest say i gots my face slaped only leads to otherw wanting to know why!!
so jest tell them with out telling so you can perserve ya digtny or jest go a3awy caus4r ya jest looking stupid like i tyope...
so put up or shut up and go away...
leave my friends alone..
or put up your money so you can go to the cove were your type of post gets the attention it deserves ...
get this secervy dog off my deck before it wets it self out of shame...
Well someone has to tell the story!

We were near the planet Nimrod. Our Battle Star was taking plenty of hits from the Klingons. A futon torpedo took out 11 of our 14 Cummins diesel engines. With no power our ship began to fall like a rock. We deployed the massive parachutes to slow our decent but as luck would have it burned up when entering the planet Nimrods atmosphere. When the ship impacted the surface. Most of the escape routes were not accessable. We attempted to remove a screen to get out of the ship which triggered the emergency shutters. The emegency shutters are 4 inch's thick and are made of reprocessed eddie baure knives. So he used the Byrd and I used the Buck and we chopped right through that shutter. We later used one of the brass bolsters to strike against a rock to create a signal fire. It was three days before the USS Tigershark picked us up.

That made me cry...especially the part about the shutters. Too funny!:thumbup:

I really don't have a dog in this fight but I will throw in my two cents worth just for grins.

Vivi doesn't want to share his story. That's his business. Unfortunately for us, it can only lead us to believe that his reasons are either because, what he was doing to was either Illegal or Incredibly STUPID. My guess is he doesn't want to confess to something illegal or is embarrassed that he was doing something SOOO stupid that he will face ridicule. Either way, it's his business.

Vivi, I am glad that you and your friend weren't hurt more severely, since the damage to the knife was total, it would surely fare better than flesh and blood. You are both incredibly lucky.

i'm not on for a few days, and return to this! vivi, what were you doing?

i've seen a photo of a 110 that stopped a grenade or booby trap in vietnam. wasn't half as bad as yours :eek:

i'll try to find the link.

i've chopped down 3 inch oak saplings with my 110, and it was no worse for wear.

feel like telling us the story?
I have my reasons. If you knew the situation, you'd understand. It's just not something I want to talk about.
I would say the answer is no.

I have a few broken knives, some from abuse and some just broke on their own. The ones that broke on their own there were something like Frost Cuterly. Either way, buying cheap knives or trying to open a door, it was a dumb thing to do. :rolleyes:

This story also reminds me of Sears and Craftsman tools. Once I brought in a large screw driver that had the handle fall off and asked for a new one. The salesman asked me what I did and I said I used it to pry open the stuck door and the three mile island nuclear plant and I broke it. He looked at me funny and gave me a new one. Maybe that is what Vivi did?
It is the official knife of Will Robinson.:D

DANGER!!! Danger, Will Robinson!!!

LOL! And to think I though that looked hi-tech at one point. Now it looks like a radio stuck in an ash can.

...I'd venture a guess that a lot of us around here may look a bit "dated" compared to how we looked 30 years ago...LOL...:cool: :eek:
...I'd venture a guess that a lot of us around here may look a bit "dated" compared to how we looked 30 years ago...LOL...:cool: :eek:

I guess the robot aged better than we did. I don't see any gray hairs. "He" looks exactly the same. I wish I was in my early twenties again. I was a real motorhead. I sure miss the cars and that type of women that hung around us. You couldn't exactly take 'em home to meet the parents, but those were never my real intentions anyway.:D
It had to be the trunk of a car, where he was locked for obnoxious ramblings in BF

Yes Scoot...
It was in the dark of that trunk, on the way to Florida, where the knife hopelessly encountered Dave's lock box.

BTW, D60, good to see ya.

And not that anyone cares, but I always dug that blonde sister of Will's on "Lost in Space". As a pre-teen when I saw her I sensed a funny feeling. It was like lookng at the Montgomery Ward catalog "unmentionables" section.
tff goose lol i never seen the original lost in space it was before my time
and i imagine little goose as a cross between dennis the menace and chucky :eek: :p :D
BTW, D60, good to see ya.

And not that anyone cares, but I always dug that blonde sister of Will's on "Lost in Space". As a pre-teen when I saw her I sensed a funny feeling. It was like lookng at the Montgomery Ward catalog "unmentionables" section.

LOL! Ya gotta admit Will was a bit light on his feet. Then again, I don't recall Wally or the Beaver with girls either.:rolleyes:
tff goose lol i never seen the original lost in space it was before my time
and i imagine little goose as a cross between dennis the menace and chucky :eek: :p :D

I dunno if you saw my post before I cleaned it up. ;)
But I mentioned "little Goose". He was ALWAYS in the front row of the class.
He'd start out in the back row...but by about the end of the fisrt month, it was in front row city. :D
lol ya goose i hear ya on the front row thing i did some time there myself :)
but i also had a couple of milf type teachers and strangely enough in their class i got sent to the back , i guess they figured it wasnt worth it to have me watching them when they were watching me lol :D
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