110 Destruction Photos

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I have lots of memories with the little Lee Loader. I was as happy as a frog in water when I discovered a seven dollar Lee and found out that I could turn out decent ammo with it.

...Now and then I look through that auction place and see lots of the old Lee stuff for sale...I wish I did more shooting sometimes just to have an excuse to bid on some of those "memory makers"...:)
I still have my old Lee Loaders out in the garage. When my kids got a little bigger they wanted to shoot and I couldn't keep up with them with the Lee Loader. I bought a RCBS Junior and used that for years. Finally, when I had increased my salary enough I bought a nice Dillon progressive loader. Now that I have everything that I need, I don't load all that much anymore. Kids grown and moved away. Only one goes shooting with me now and then.

When I load now I fill up two five gallon buckets, one of .38 spl. and the other of .45acp. I don't have to reload very often anymore.

None of us could could belive it when it happend but it did he also got one heck of an infection
going to great lengths to conjure up a story to make a B.S. scenario seem credible.

What motivation do you think I would have to lie about this? What's to gain for me? I already decided against contacting either company for possible warranty service, so how would it benefit me to be making up a story to explain the damages?

It really surprises me that the Byrd appeared to hold out better than the Buck. I've had a folding hunter since before they were called 110's. I've hammered and done dumb things with it and it has always blazed through. Is it possible that by the time you broke the Buck you were too exhausted to hit the Byrd as hard? Perhaps that's why the Byrd appeared to last longer?

Hope you did not damage yourself too much and that the knives died in a good cause.

Thanks for the concern. Luckily I only have some cuts on my arms and hands, that's about it. My friend was even better off.

What I did isn't something anyone would expect a folder to last through. I knew they were going to be damaged in some way, I didn't know to what extent though. The entire time I used the Buck normally it never gave me any issues. It's a very sturdy knife that served me well, but it appears the thick brass can be broken. I still feel overall though the Byrd is a bit stronger. It's steel liners are as thick as the Buck's brass is underneath the wood insert where the handle fractured.
Vivi, I am curious simply as to why you won't tell us what you did. I, much like many other posters here, own a Buck 110, and I am really curious as to how it could undergo such extensive damage. You've already established that it was an extreme situation and you don't go around busting up knives for the fun of it, and you've already said that you're not going to try for a warranty. I'm sure I'm not the only one itching to know what happened, why don't you share?
What motivation do you think I would have to lie about this? What's to gain for me? I already decided against contacting either company for possible warranty service, so how would it benefit me to be making up a story to explain the damages?

Why don't you tell us? Ripley himself wouldn't believe the crap you're posting! You really need to get yourself a girl(if one will have anything to do with you) to occupy your time. The drugs will eventually lead to your demise. There's no need to be ashamed, as you can get help. You may even be lucky enough to meet a nice ninja girl at your local drug outreach center that will place the knives on the stump before you smash them into little pieces with a hammer. I wish you the best! And remember...Say NO to drugs!
Vivi, I am curious simply as to why you won't tell us what you did. I, much like many other posters here, own a Buck 110, and I am really curious as to how it could undergo such extensive damage. You've already established that it was an extreme situation and you don't go around busting up knives for the fun of it, and you've already said that you're not going to try for a warranty. I'm sure I'm not the only one itching to know what happened, why don't you share?

He is a secret triple double agent for the C.I.A. and flat out refuses to share the sordid details with the knife community. If he were to tell us, he would have to kill each and every one of us. It is for our own safety.:jerkit:
Vivi, I am curious simply as to why you won't tell us what you did. I, much like many other posters here, own a Buck 110, and I am really curious as to how it could undergo such extensive damage. You've already established that it was an extreme situation and you don't go around busting up knives for the fun of it, and you've already said that you're not going to try for a warranty. I'm sure I'm not the only one itching to know what happened, why don't you share?

I have my reasons. If you knew the situation, you'd understand. It's just not something I want to talk about. I'm only here to share the minor, knife related part with you guys. I apologize for witholding the info because it would be useful for you guys to know, but nows not the time.

Buck_110, I would appreciate if you could refrain from posting in the tone you've been using. If you'd like to email me about any problems you have with my posts, feel free to, but I'd like to try and keep this thread grounded where it belongs; knives.
Honestly, I don't get your motivation for posting any of this. "Hey guys look what I did to a 110 aren't I awesome? Oh and I'm not gonna tell you how, but I'm not gonna tell you why I won't tell you." What are you trying to gain by telling us any of this?

Also, Buck_110, good job calling him out on the spyderco forums as well, ten bucks says they don't want to put up with his nonsense there as well.
What are you trying to gain by telling us any of this?

Nothing. I came here to share photos of broken knives that were put through an unusual set of circumstances for the benefit of our knife community, common behaviour at this site.

Yes, I wish to withhold my story, as I'm sure many of you people have things in your lives you don't always want to openly share with hundreds of strangers. My decision to do such is my own right; it contradicts no rules these forums are run by. The responses I've received however do.
...I came here to share photos of broken knives that were put through an unusual set of circumstances for the benefit of our knife community, common behaviour at this site.

Please, in 1 million words or less, explain how sharing your photos of knife pieces would benefit anybody on God's green earth; let alone the knife community.
Please, in 1 million words or less, explain how sharing your photos of knife pieces would benefit anybody on God's green earth; let alone the knife community.

No verbiage required from Vivi, but can be summed up in what's provided below. . . . .


Agree. The only way the photos help/serve the community is to know how they were destroyed. We don't need why, but we do need how. Pictures of knife pieces are useless.
^^^^This thread is real good Awesome pics too!!!! ^^^^
MORE FULL ARM SWINGS!!!!!!!!!! At least in this thread you explain what and why even if it is really weird... You didn't just post pics of a bent "sharpened" butter knife and then move along...

Were more butter knives being put to the test? How many did the Buck 110 demolish before being fed into the wood chipper?
I'd like to see him subject a Buck 110 S30V, BG-42, CPM154, ATS-34 and [older] 440C to this torture test...looks like he can afford it...hammer them all through a railroad spike, or whatever... :) :thumbup:
He doesn't have a job....
The point of this thread.

Vivi destroyed some knives and he wants people to oooh and aaah over his destructive prowess.

Without context, the thread says nothing about the capabilities of the knives.
The point of this thread.

Vivi destroyed some knives and he wants people to oooh and aaah over his destructive prowess.

Without context, the thread says nothing about the capabilities of the knives.

Well said!!
Pretty much end of story!:thumbup:
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