Anything goes three...The trifecta of stoopid goes on.

man, first time i've ever been frustrated with my long hair.... grrr... almost to the point where I can't stand it. Just gotta stick it out til winter....
If you opened my passenger side of my truck you would get buried in water bottles. I drink A LOT of water. Plus I have my 2 clean canteens. I need to get a camelpak for when I work in attics.
well the weather here has been good, but a tad humid.

today's high is 76 degrees with 68% humidity.
I'm pretty sure it's the water your system flushes to filter out the alcohol that dehydrates you. It bounces between 75 and 90, but the actual temperature doesn't matter. It could be 150 degrees out and the sun exposure in the high desert here is still the worst part... I've worn eddie bauer bush shirts for the last week and a half in a row. Can't take em off. Thank God for the Ultimate Summer Clearance Sale, this is the coolest wearing shirt I've ever owned-highly recommended.
It is hot hot hot ...

I'm constantly sipping water ... 5 litres so far today ...

Psh, I just got into a customers S5 that has been sitting in the middle of the lot all day. Black on black. Not fun. 4 liters so far today..
Who im not sure. But im wondering if he found an annoying leprechaun and a pot of gold...

Judging by his reaction over the rainbow in the first place could you imagine what he would have done if he saw a leprechaun? I believe it would be accompanied by a myriad of fluids.
Make sure you guys post pics of your 'pets' eating!!! :D

tasty baby rats

