Beware of

Feedback: +7 / =0 / -0
Aug 25, 2000
:rolleyes: I placed a bid on Blade Auction for a Protech TR-3 with a Brend satin finish blade and won the auction on 26 February. sent me an email informing me of my winning bid and I did an immediate PayPal transfer that same night. I heard nothing from these people until 03 March when they finally informed me that they had received my payment and were shipping out the knife. The email also informed me that they would not respond to any inquires about the status of shipping due to the high volume of sales. It is now 08 March and I still do not have my knife. The real kick in the butt to all of this is the fact that charges a whopping 12 bucks for shipping. Will I ever get my knife? Probably, but I thought you should all be aware of the fact that these people charge Rolex prices for shipping and give you Timex service on same. :barf:
Hey bud!! Sorry about your stress! Those are the same guys who where selling one of a kind MT's on Ebay, and we all knew what that was about!
By masterchef
Hey bud!! Sorry about your stress! Those are the same guys who where selling one of a kind MT's on Ebay, and we all knew what that was about!

I had not heard about the Striders, is there a link to track down. Just curious as I´ve just started doing internet deals.

Oh boy! I have not heard about the MTs or the Striders. What's the story on this outfit? Am I going to get screwed? :(
Sorry about that 45acp.I was refering to Microtech's.They were trying to pawn off some production LUDT's as one of a kind hand made WHAMMY JAMMY only they could get! It was a real slap in the face to anyone with half a brain! Will for sure NEVER buy anything their involved with!!!:barf:
Sorry to hear about your trouble. Since you paid via paypal, you do have recourse through them. My suggestion is to contact them and see if you can have the charges reversed, since you did not receive your merchandise.

If anything, they can act as a remediator on your behalf and perhaps get them to respond faster.

That is my suggestion. Good luck in getting this issue resolved.
:mad: Unfortunately no Keith and it does not look good either. I received an email from on the 11th of March after I threatened to do a charge back on my PayPal transfer and they assured me that the knife was shipped out via Fed Ex on that date. They included a tracking number and as of 6:18 PM on today's date Fed Ex informs me that no item with that tracking number has been scanned into the system. At this point I would have to say that even if I do eventually get my knife I would highly recommend that everyone here avoid these people like the plague. They are truly bad news. If I don't get that knife soon I am also going to try and get this outfit banned on Blade Auction.:grumpy:
Just thought eveyone might like an update on these thieves at After receiving two seperate emails containing two different Fed Ex tracking numbers on the 11th claiming they sent out my knife I have run those numbers several times over three days. So far the Fed Ex site continues to inform me that the package has yet to be scanned into the system. It is obvious they went out and got a Fed Ex label with a number assigned to it and then never did anything with it. I have been lied to repeatedly by these people at Edgeweapons since 26 Feb when I first won the auction. Now we are at the stage where they are ignoring my emails about this situation so I have decided to contact Blade Auction and try to get them banned from selling anything at that site. I am also thinking about contacting the State's Attorney General in New York where at least one of these vermin is operating from. Any other suggestions guys?:(
Sod Buster,

E-mail him directions to this thread.

Let's see if he will respond here.

You probably should have done that before it got to this point.

Don't give up.
Cougar, I can't go the USPS route on this one since he ships via Fed Ex. After raising holy hell with him and directing him to this thread on GBU as RGray suggested I got an email response tonight. They now admit that they once again did not ship the knife do to "problems with the shipping department". :rolleyes: They have now offered to ship the knife out on Monday via Fed Ex overnight and include a complimentary Swat Guardfather. I have accepted their offer and certainly hope they come thru this time. If they do then I will get the word out immediately to you guys on the forum. Although the service has been horrible if I eventually get the knife I can't very well call them thieves and will recant on that ASAP. :footinmou
Sodbuster, I know how you feel. I "won" a BA item(MT UT-6) on 3/3 and paid via Paypal...I'm still waiting. They finally sent me a shipping notice with a tracking # on 3/12. FedEx says it was a notice generated by Michele Sauer on "Shipping Mgr" softwear. Michele is "shell" of Anyway, as of today there's still no record of my knife supposedly shipped 3/12. FedEx says no one asked for a shipment pickup, they just generated a shipping bill. It does say on website that business hrs. are Tues.-Thurs. only. You'd think that they'd at least check their e-mail on days off and soothe their increasingly irate customers, 'cause I'm starting to get that way. ..haven't heard an answer to my requests for an explanation. I'm trying to stay optomistic on this... Stay in touch, Greg
Greg, based in what you have just said I would have to think that is an outfit that relies on one time customers only since you have gone through almost exactly the same ordeal that I have. I am amazed at any business that would treat its customers in this manner. :eek: We shall see if they ship out my knife on Monday as promised.
Sodbuster, technically speaking, you and I aren't first time "customers" just yet...we just sent $ to someone. As soon as we get our knives, THEN we're customers.:p ...Laters, Greg
Sodbuster, technically speaking, you and I aren't first time "customers" just yet...we just sent $ to someone. As soon as we get our knives, THEN we're customers.:p ...Laters, Greg
I won two Dalton knives on Ebay and when I got the message from the seller I noticed the return address was EDGEWEAPONS. I knew I'd heard the name somewhere but passed it off as probably a dealer I've dealt with in the past. The problem was the invoice had a shipping charge of $13. I went to the original auction and it's charge listed $8. So, I wrote the guy and asked about the shipping and asked to combine the two knives.

Here's one of the knives...

I thought it was a steal at the price.

Anyway, to make a long story somewhat shorter, I finally remembered where I'd seen the name. Yup, right here in this thread. THANKS! I'll now move cautiously with this guy and I will send him this thread and ask him to respond.

I look forward to seeing if you guys get your knives....JC III