Concealed Carry Gun or not...

I used to carry a Colt Lightweight Tactical Officers when I lived in Texas but got away from it for several reasons. Most notably is my hearing loss. I have a severe case of tinnitus and I can't afford to loose any more hearing so I don't shoot anymore. If I don't shoot, I don't practice means I don't carry. Besides, I live in CT now and things are a lot different up here.
Colt Lightweight Officers model.


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And you will continue on in life, NOT feeling the need for a gun, as I do (I haven't felt the need for a gun), until the day that you truly NEED a gun. At that point, if you ever encounter a situation where you really need a gun, you will either have a gun on your person and have a fighting chance, or you will likely be killed with no mercy. Sorry to be blunt, but that is the reason I and many others carry a gun for self defense.

P.S. At the time when a gun becomes the only thing between saving an innocent life and death at the hands of a crazed killer, it might not be your own life you are saving.

This attitude is what saddens me, constantly looking for and expecting the worst that may occur. I don't know anything about any of you or your situations in life but between the way I approach my life, the people I associate with and my lifetime of experiences, I can't imagine getting to the point at which carrying a weapon everywhere I go becomes a necessity.

My approach may be different than yours and these are the choices we make.

I live in Fla so I either carry in the waist or sometime in a shoulder holster. I typical switch between a Glock 23 and 26 and will at times carry a Kahr 9mm in a front or cargo pocket.
I view CCW as just carrying another tool, no different than the blanket in my car, the emergency med info on my person, the pen in my pocket, the knife in my other pocket, etc. It's insurance, just like the seatbelt I wear everyday in my car even though I've never been in a serious accident where my life was in danger.
I don't have a permit for Texas yet, although I've considered it. I'm pretty overweight, so putting anything else in my waistband would be a tight fit :) although I do manage to keep a thin Spyderco in the waistband, and usually a "few" other knives in other pockets.

Those of you that carry, what do you do with your weapon when you get to a location where you aren't permitted to bring the weapon? The thought of just leaving it in the car bothers me, knowing how often cars are broken into. I like the idea of some sort of gun safe in the truck, although I'm not sure where I would fit it. Are y'all comfortable just leaving your weapon in the glove box?

My work prohibits "dangerous weapons" and I just consider my knives to be tools, although I'm careful not to let them be seen around the sheeple, but I couldn't bring a gun to work, and wouldn't want to leave it in the car.
SC CWP I carry a S&W M&P .40c in a Crossbreed Supertuck.Just bought a S&W 1911PD .45 waiting on my holster from Comp-Tac to come in and I will start carry it.Need to get my NH or Florida permit so I can carry to Blade.
I don't have a permit for Texas yet, although I've considered it. I'm pretty overweight, so putting anything else in my waistband would be a tight fit :) although I do manage to keep a thin Spyderco in the waistband, and usually a "few" other knives in other pockets.

Those of you that carry, what do you do with your weapon when you get to a location where you aren't permitted to bring the weapon? The thought of just leaving it in the car bothers me, knowing how often cars are broken into. I like the idea of some sort of gun safe in the truck, although I'm not sure where I would fit it. Are y'all comfortable just leaving your weapon in the glove box?

My work prohibits "dangerous weapons" and I just consider my knives to be tools, although I'm careful not to let them be seen around the sheeple, but I couldn't bring a gun to work, and wouldn't want to leave it in the car.

I use a metal gun box with a cable around my seats' frame to secure my handgun. I am no lawyer but installing a semi permanent lock box in my truck seems to indemnify my actions. Like the safe(s) in my house to keep my guns "inaccessible to unauthorized persons" I have a mini "safe" in my truck for those just in case times I can't bring my gun with me. My waist line has also seen slimmer days. A maxpedition bag or dillon safepacker may work. If not buy the next size shirts up of find a slimmer handgun to carry iwb. I have drawers of holsters and multiple "carry" garments if you will. Good luck.
I prefer to carry my Kahr pm9 but sometimes will just pocket the Sig 238 if Im wearing my tank top.
This attitude is what saddens me, constantly looking for and expecting the worst that may occur. I don't know anything about any of you or your situations in life but between the way I approach my life, the people I associate with and my lifetime of experiences, I can't imagine getting to the point at which carrying a weapon everywhere I go becomes a necessity.

My approach may be different than yours and these are the choices we make.


There is only so much you can avoid by the people you hang out with or by choosing to be a hermit (not saying you are). My wife and I went to blockbuster the other night at only like 8 or so. Some idiot was jaywalking and decided to turn and punch my car while I passed by him. He then followed us to the parking lot and blocked the roadway and when I went to go around him he punched my car again. He followed us again to our parking spot where he lunged at me and grabbed my throat. Being a former Marine I know it would not look good that I went straight to deadly force so I simply told him I was armed and he should take his hands off me. Sorry but most inexperienced armed citizens probably would have at least cleared their holster if not shot this idiot. You will never be able to choose when or where you may need to defend yourself, your only decision is what you bring to the fight. I don't believe guns are for everyone, for some it would just make matters worse, but my belief is if you are competent and well trained, it will benefit others as well as yourself, let alone your loved ones who may be nearby. Had that guy gone for my wife he would have been shot!!!
This attitude is what saddens me, constantly looking for and expecting the worst that may occur. I don't know anything about any of you or your situations in life but between the way I approach my life, the people I associate with and my lifetime of experiences, I can't imagine getting to the point at which carrying a weapon everywhere I go becomes a necessity.

My approach may be different than yours and these are the choices we make.

It's too bad you think I am "looking for" or "expecting" the worst to happen. I do neither, but I am realistic about what can happen in life. The alternative to considering what can happen is to be blissfully ignorant of the dangers people face every day. As long as you think bad things do not happen to good people, they won't ...right?

I don't think about carrying a gun any more than I think about wearing a seatbelt. I have met many people who think it is weird that I carry a gun. You know what is weird? Me not carrying a gun :) When I carry a gun, that is just me being my normal-self.

"Necessity" to carry a weapon? I said a gun had never in my life been a necessity for me (a "need"). ...and I never want it to be a necessity. Is there a comprehension problem here?
It's definitely a mindset that not everyone grasps. My wife is still on the fence about it, but will occasionally check if I'm carrying if we're somewhere rough.

A gentleman will seldom, if ever, need a pistol. However, if he does, he needs it very badly! -- Sir Winston Churchill
This attitude is what saddens me, constantly looking for and expecting the worst that may occur. I don't know anything about any of you or your situations in life but between the way I approach my life, the people I associate with and my lifetime of experiences, I can't imagine getting to the point at which carrying a weapon everywhere I go becomes a necessity.

My approach may be different than yours and these are the choices we make.


I don't carry a handgun because I'm expecting trouble. Just like I don't wear a seatblet because I'm expecting to get in a wreck.

If I'm expecting trouble I won't go, or if that's not an option I'll bring a long gun....and preferably lot of friends with long guns.;)

I hope that for as long as I carry a gun it will be for absolutely no purpose. But I never want to see the day when I need one and don't have it.
I carry a H&K P-7 9mm - I picked it up used about 20 years ago - it's what they call squeeze cocker - when you squeeze the grip, it cocks the pistol so you can carry it with a round in the chamber without worrying at all and it ready to go as soon as you pull it out - it's a very cool gun - very reliable and acccurate.
Mr.44SPL is correct. If you read the newspaper or watch the TV NEWS you can't find a place without violence.

While I live in a smaller suburban area, I care enough about my and my families lives enough to carry the burden on my hip every day. I've done so now for over 30 years and have never shot someone or even had to point it at another human being. But if the time ever comes that some crazy/drugged/evil person decides to do harm to me and mine - I can take care of the threat.

And, yes, I've had firearms training and I compete in competitions at the local ranges twice a month.
My Tn permit is good in several other states.I was carrying my Defender most of the time but I just got night sights and a set on Busse Combat grips on my Commander so I think it will be seeing most of the carry.
My very close friend was shot in the neck pointblank at the lakefront near new orleans (which is a good clean family place) at approximately 9pm, for his car! They told him to exit the car at gunpoint, he did and they still shot him once in the neck and threw him over the sea wall to die! He was followed from the french quarter (bourbon st.) and killed for his car. I carry a gun when I'm in or around bad places in new orleans (due to my job) because thats where I'm from and I know better not to get caught without protection. Hopefully I never have to take it out and use it but if the situation presents itself I'm prepared. I will not die as a victom to a senseless crime if I can help it.
I have a Ruger 44 mag. redhawk with a inside or outside the waistband holster, but it is too heavy to carry around town. I take it camping. For my around town conceal carry, I carry a Smith & Wesson 357 mag. AirLite PD in a Mika pocket holster. I don't even know it's there and no one else does either.