Destructive Knife Steel Testing . . .

More people interested is a company is always good, leads to innovations and more product.

And if Dipstick would have stuck to just breaking knives instead of the antics and trash talk. I feel more people would have been more accepting. Like I said, it’s a pure personality issue as I truly enjoy “testing” videos.
I wouldn't trust the test against specifically designed knives for that purpose. Especially with INFI (whose composition is secret) nobody can guarantee that it will be the same INFI that is used in mass produced knives.
Yeah, I’m sure the real INFI is kept in house while the watered down inferior version is sold to the masses :rolleyes:
Mad Respect to Joe for finally coming out with the truth

Hearing the reasons and having my own personal experience with nosy “Karen” type neighbors, this makes my blood boil. Maybe he could put up a fense or relocate the tests to an indoor “facility”.

I can see how frustration with his community ganging up on him could spill over into getting pissed off about knives to form the logic of “big companies taking advantage of the little guy”

I hope he’s able to continue, but less of the brand bashing and more of the testing. Dude has a ton of potential to become a modern “Noss” or even better. Id hate to see it go to waste.
So it was a case of crappy neighbours.
Not surprised...that is often the case.

The only surprising part is due to the size of land he was operating on.
You have to be really dedicated to being an awful neighbour when there is that much separation between you.

Was never a fan of his channel, but I'm really not a fan of his neighbours. People like that suck. :thumbsdown:
I have a lot of respect for this type of honesty and clarification. I had figured it was something like this. This is more reminiscent of how he was when he started. He should've stuck with this type of behavior. It sucks to hear whats happening to him and why. People need to mind their own business. Its a problem everywhere. Their lives are so inconsequential and bland they get some sort of sick excitement and stimulation by involving others in it in a negative way. Hopefully he can come back, having learned some important lessons along the way. Takes some balls to admit to your faults. And Joex showed some balls today. Cheers, Joe.
I hadn't noticed these; thanks for posting.

There are 2 things to be noted here:

1) I wouldn't trust the test against specifically designed knives for that purpose. Especially with INFI (whose composition is secret) nobody can guarantee that it will be the same INFI that is used in mass produced knives. I would like to see more scientific testing, but against randomly picked mass produced knives, or otherwise it won't have any relevance (at least for me as a consumer).

2) It is interesting to keep a watch on Joe X to see if he comes back public with his videos again. If he does, it probably means that he staged all this situation himself to enhance his popularity. He did something similar about 1 year ago, when he hided all of his videos from public access for a few days and without giving any detail about the "why" (he just said something like "that's over").

3) It was not Youtube who attacked him (that's for sure), because I know how Google proceeds when they do that to a channel. He would have had no chance to post anything anymore and he would have probably had all his Android devices also blocked until issuing an official letter to Google to negotiate for unblocking the devices (they might have unlocked them, but not the channel). You can see that he posted that bye-bye video afterwards, from the same channel, so it wasn't a strike from Google & YT. Also if you watch his playlists, you notice that the videos are not deleted, but only hidden from public access. So I suspect two possible things: either Busse or one of their relatives did him something, or Joe X himself staged all this. I am personally watching this story till the end to decide which of the two I need to hate more (just kiddin' :D).
I was probably right 🤔. He probably staged all this.... Even him admits in the opening 2 minutes that he got a lot of new subscribers with this move.
I was probably right 🤔. He probably staged all this.... Even him admits in the opening 2 minutes that he got a lot of new subscribers with this move.
Time will tell. If he comes back in 2 weeks, sure. But I get the impression he really has some piece of $@#& neighbors. His story makes sense and I didn't get the impression he was being dishonest. He said a lot of things that could very easily hurt his pride. And I don't think his pride is worth 500 subscribers. Just my 2.

Edit: I also think we've had more than enough baseless speculation and wild conspiracies for a good while.
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I gotta' tell y'all...

As a South Texas Rednexican who has travelled the World a small bit, hearing an Austrian say, "You know, you country boys who living on the know that you are different than people from the city", was a kinda' AWESOME. (*Amen, Joe)

I always thought that Austria was a beautiful country. However, now that I know that they have rednecks there, I like it even more.
I was not a fan of his videos but he is a good guy : just like he regrets saying bad things about Jerry Tops and Esee i regret being negative towards joe : i feel bad about any negativity i had against this guy !
Some of what he said was in bad taste. But he owned up to it, apologized, realized it was rude, and appears to be a good dude. I'm happy he clarified everything.
I had a feeling the problems were coming from within his country: too bad his property is so open and not more woodsy or secluded : i also figured what he was doing might cause concern if anyone was seeing what he was doing and thought he might be a lunatic .