Dirk Pinkerton knife GIVEAWAY contest! (damascus this time)

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Apr 23, 2007
*Must be 18 years of age or older (if I ask for proof, you shall and will provide it)
*Must live in the continental United States, excluding New York City.
*Must have been a member of bladeforums for at least 3 months
*Must abide by all local, state, and Federal knife laws.
*Must be a carbon based life form
*Only one entry per person
*Submit entries no later than March 16th 2012, 11:59 pm EST.

MISCELLANEOUS fine print: Winner agrees to abide by all local, state, and federal laws regarding knife ownership. We will not be held responsible for any injury or death caused by inappropriate use of the knife. The knife is not a toy and should not be treated as such. These knives are sharp and can cause injury if mishandled.

Alright. Now for the contest: There will be two parts to the contest. You must participate in both.
Dirk Pinkerton is hosting this giveaway contest. He and Darrel are buds. I met both at Blade 2011. The duo have formed sort of a loose alliance if you will. It seems creative juices are lacking when it comes to naming knives. I warned Dirk good and well that even if the forumites suggest a name, he might not end up liking any of them. To that end, we have a back up plan in place, the same one we used in the previous give away, where we decide a winner based on part two of the contest. Dirk came up with the actual contest. I had no part in coming up with the actual contest portion, but he kept with my theme of asking some question that facilitates the thought process. Rules are as follows and contestants must take part in both parts to be eligible.

1) Suggest a name for the knife below.

2) Quoting part of Dirk's email to me.
It seems most people have a quote or saying that holds a special meaning. So, they give us their favorite quote or saying, it's origin and why it is important to them.
There you have it. Tell us your favorite quote or saying, the origin behind it, and why it is important to you. IF multiple people have the same favorite quote and we pick that quote as a winner, we will randomly pull those people's names from a hat to decide on the winner.

*If Dirk does not like any of the names you guys suggest, we will forgo that part of the contest and just base the winner on the quote part of the contest.

Not that I'm entering the contest, but my favorite quote is, "I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams." -William Butler Yeats. The origin to me, not the origin of his quote because who knows where that came from, is from one of my favorite movies. The main character quotes WB Yeats before taking a bullet to the chest. Why is it important to me? It basically means, "Who the hell are you to say what I can and cannot accomplish in life?" WB Yeats is an accomplished poet and playwright of the 20th century. He died in 1939.


1st place: You win the knife you're trying to come up a name for. However, unlike the one pictured here, this one will be made of Chad Nichols Hiro Hito pattern damascus.

2nd place: Hand made shrapnel knife. Quoting Dirk again here:
Shrapnel is what I call knives I make from scrap or "drops". The main idea is that I keep the design to the profile of the scrap as it is. I don't modify it. So, it is a completely unique and random knife.

3rd place: Meyerco Dirk Pinkerton design of your choice.

Have fun and good luck everyone.
First page again. Don't mind me, I just check the HTM forum obsessively...

1. This knife gives me the impression of some sort of bird of prey talon. So I'd call it the Razor Talon, especially because it looks like something that would look very Talon-ish in hand.

2. My favorite quote is the first line of the poem, "Desiderata," by Max Ehrmann. I've reproduced the whole thing below, because I just love it.

"Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy."

I ran into this one way back in middle school, and it's stuck with me for nigh unto 2 decades so far. It was really the first thing I ever heard that spoke to me about how I wanted to live my life: to be one with the world, to always strive to be better myself, and to accept others for who they are. It's about finding and loving your place in the world, and living as deeply and fully as possible. And, at the end of the day, it speaks to the credo I try my best to live by--that when I reach my death bed, I should have lived such that I have as few regrets as possible. It's about not forcing yourself on the world, but sitting back and enjoying the world as it is. I love the whole poem, but just to recognize that the world is so full of people constantly rushing about on all kinds of affairs, and yet relaxing and being yourself can be infinitely rewarding. I find it especially helpful during rush hour... :D

Thanks for all of the generous contests! It's nice to see some of Dirk's work up for this one.
1) The Raven, not only because their my favorite team but because the overall shape looks like the ravens logo (to me at least) :D

2) My qoute is " All roads lead home"..... This quote was told to me by my father when I first started driving and it really stuck. I was always cautious to travel away from my local town not because I was affraid of travel but because I was nervous of getting lost. Kind of childish I know, but for some reason that was my greatest fear. My dad told me this when I headed out on a trip to South Dakota( a 2 day drive, 15 hours to ohio and then another 18 hours to South Dakota) and it really gave me a piece of mind. Now no matter where I go, I know that no matter where I am there is always a road that will take me where I need to go.

I also want to say a huge thanks to the DDR team for always holding great contests and giving away such treasures. I appreciate all the hard work you guys do.

Thanks again for the oppurtunity, Wolf5391
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1. Name: The blade reminds me both of a crows head and a talon as well. So my name would be: Crows Claw.

2. Quote: My father and I work in the same place, I had been having a particularly rough week, and this typical day was going worse. As we were pulling out of work cars were coming and my dad just mentioned to watch the road. " I replied that "whats it matter, sometimes death seems like it would be easier ". My dad responded " It takes more guts to live, than it does to die". Any way thats my quote. It means a lot to me in more way than one. One, we only have one life to live, and we might as well make it count. Try new foods, do extreme things. Make it count.

ETA, Wolf, I posted this before I saw yours, wild how similar the posts are :) great minds think alike.
1. Name: The blade reminds me both of a crows head and a talon as well. So my name would be: Crows Claw.

2. Quote: My father and I work in the same place, I had been having a particularly rough week, and this typical day was going worse. As we were pulling out of work cars were coming and my dad just mentioned to watch the road. " I replied that "whats it matter, sometimes death seems like it would be easier ". My dad responded " It takes more guts to live, than it does to die". Any way thats my quote. It means a lot to me in more way than one. One, we only have one life to live, and we might as well make it count. Try new foods, do extreme things. Make it count.

ETA, Wolf, I posted this before I saw yours, wild how similar the posts are :) great minds think alike.

:) yes, yes they do.
To this day I have a fear of getting lost. I never go anywhere without my GPS. Sense of direction is not something I inherited. Fortunately for me, technology makes that a lot more bearable.
To this day I have a fear of getting lost. I never go anywhere without my GPS. Sense of direction is not something I inherited. Fortunately for me, technology makes that a lot more bearable.

i got a gps last year and it has been a very good investment :D Baltimore is hard to navigate with all the 1 way streets. You get lost very easily, and its definately not the place you wanna get lost in :eek:
Drawing a blank a names....without a doubt.

I am looking forward to seeing what comes up, not only for a name but for the quotes as well.

Thanks for the help, everyone!
Id call it "Ripper" or "The Ripper"....

And my quote is by Winston Churchill..

" Never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.''

Thanks for the chance
Id call it "Ripper" or "The Ripper"....

And my quote is by Winston Churchill..

" Never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.''

Thanks for the chance
Great quote by Churchill, but why is it important to you?
The Sack Ripper

Quote: " Between thought and reality lies a vast endless void...." My own quote ca@ 1987

Thanks, and this means a lot because it provokes thought and my father said it was one of the deepest statements he ever heard.

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Guys, please don't forget the part of the contest that asks for you to explain why the quote has meaning to you.
1. I would suggest calling it the Interfector, latin for assassin.

2. "My life will be buoyant and my death tranquil, only if I rest on a store of honor." - Mark Helprin The quote is from a short story about a contractor restoring a house for the widow of a 9/11 victim. Quote reminds me to take care as to how my actions affect others. I'm reminded that even if my kindness is not reciprocated, the act itself will enrich my life.
Ahhh just made it. 3 months 1 day. For the name, it looks like something from the class "Reptillia".

One of my favorite sayings is... "Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men."
Not sure where I remember seeing it. But to me it means if we always follow the rules we cannot grow, evolve and find better ways to accomplish things and live our lives.

My other fav quote is. "The land does not belong to us we belong to the land." Wow, such a simple truth. I saw it on PBS late one night as a teenager and think it was Chief Joseph of Seattle? But it come to mind when economic greed creeps in and we forget how small we really are.

Thanks for the chance, you guys rock.
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I too seem to think it looks like a crows head. Why not call it the crow in spanish: ” El Cuervo”...

My favorite quote is one by Elmer Davis, "This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave."

This quote has a very strong meaning for me because freedom is something you don't truly appreciate until you haven't had it. I
am originally from a communist country, I understand what the quote is implying and completely believe in it.
The commies were a stone's throw from where I grew up in West Germany. I still remember when the wall came down and David Hasselhoff was on top of it singing I've Been Looking For Freedom. It would not be until I learned English that I understood what the lyrics meant.
What a great contest and opportunity, thanks.

1. Roc - the mythological raptor that attacked Sinbad's ship. I figure if you're going with a bird kind of name and that knife is definitely avian in inspiration, you should definitely go with one of the biggest baddest birds of prey ever.

2. “No mi tires sin razon, No mi envaines sin honra.” which translates from Spanish as "Draw me not without provocation, sheathe me not without honor." It is said to have been inscribed on George A Custer's Toledo made Cavalry sword. Came across it while researching his contributions to the Union Cavalry turnaround during the Civil War. I always liked that it suggested restraint and the pursuit of honor at war. It's a thought that can just as easily be applied today.

My name suggestion is Woodpecker. I think it looks quite a bit like the head of a Pileated Woodpecker: http://images.nationalgeographic.co...006/cache/pileated-woodpecker_660_600x450.jpg

Here's my quote:

"What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?" -- Robert Schuller

A lot of people perceive this as a motivational speaker-type of line, but I see it as a more personal realization of someone's behavior in relation to others. If you really couldn't fail, what would you do?

As a Christian, I see this as being unashamed in your faith and unafraid to reach out and love others. If we are truly called to live how Christ lived and spread the news about His love, then we have no business being afraid of failure. If we're really doing what God has told us to do, then there is no such thing as failure. For some it might be fear of rejection, others a fear of losing their way of life, but none of that really matters in the big picture.
Great contest, and thanks for the chance! I recently stumbled upon the awesomeness that is DDR, HTM, and Dirk Pinkerton. Loving the work from all of you!

For the name: I think the "Falx" would be an awesome name! It originally meant Sickle in Latin, but came to represent any curved, edged tool. It just sounds cool! Could even be the mini Falx. Also, the word sort of resembles Falcon, which comes to mind when observing the blade in question. (A Beauty, by the way).

For the quote: The quote that comes to mind is "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." I think this quote is attributed to Confucius, but my late grandmother frequently said those exact words. She observed beauty, good, and positivity in everything she set her eyes on. In the years that I knew her, lived with her, and was close to her, I can honestly say I never heard a negative thing come from her mouth. She has been a huge example of seeing the good in everything. Our world is filled with it, it just takes some effort to see it.

Thanks for the opportunity, some great ideas and quotes thus far!
What a great contest. thanks so much for the opportunity.

Name: One Eyed Reaper. (Reminds me of some eyed scythe)

Quote: “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” - Albert Einstein

Originated in Germany by Nobel winner Einstein. What this quote means to me, is if you want to accomplish things you have to be willing to think originally and be willing to be wrong. If you dont take chances, you will always be left with an uncertainty of not knowing what could have been. This quote gives me motivation to push the limits on what i normally wouldnt try, and allows me to overcome many mental and physical hurdles.
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