Flu outbreak....

anyone who would sacrifice their on health and family for ignorant uneducated fool's. well is a fool! i'm with skam. it's called personal resposibility. if people aren't prepared not my problem!!! if they choose not to pay attention, so be it. but i bet the fool's could tell you the score of some meaningless basketball game last night. but have no ideal of the world around them. GOOD RIDANCE!!

No problem. Its on you, man.
No problem. Its on you, man.

Anyone else find humor in the fact that ignorance is related only to one's ability to track a b-ball game and has nothing to do with one's inability to compose a well-punctuated and spell-checked writing?
I find it amazing how an intended good post turns into what it has.

How about some goodwill here?
I have been keeping a close eye on this flu.

God forbid their is a mass outbreak of some sort; I would expect some people to run from their duties, and only worry about themselves, and thats fine. Considering I know there will be others willing to stand and help their fellow brothers and face the problem head on.

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don't know if you know it or not but the last picture is a staged photo op! propaganda! the hill was actually taken by an all black unit, but the puplic would be more patriotic if the staged photo was produced. FYI.
I've been a respiratory therapist for 34 years. I will continue to go to work in a continuous pool of infection. Will help those I can and hope I don't bring it home. Somebody has to take care of your loved ones. We don't get much credit. Most people don't know what we do. We are in the middle of everything. I do think it is time for a big distraction and get people focused on things out of their control. Ignore the man behind the curtain.
don't know if you know it or not but the last picture is a staged photo op! propaganda! the hill was actually taken by an all black unit, but the puplic would be more patriotic if the staged photo was produced. FYI.

Actually, that particular photo, taken by Joe Rosenthal, was the second photo taken. The first (still in the Marine Corps archives) wasn't as good. They decided to replace the first flag with a larger version, and so produced the famous photo by Rosenthal.

The first raising was also done by US Marines. Incidentally, the Marine Corps had no black units on Iwo Jima.

You can troll somewhere else, if you would like.
they are reporting on the net (i have no idiot box) that it was manufactured in a lab.

Uhm... who is "they"? And do you realize you just put a huge amount of credence (and appear to expect others to do the same) in something you labeled "on the net"?

Gas is now five cents a gallon again. There, you read it on the net, so it must be true. Where do I fill up?
don't know if you know it or not but the last picture is a staged photo op! propaganda! the hill was actually taken by an all black unit, but the puplic would be more patriotic if the staged photo was produced. FYI.

1. Thank you for your incredbile lack of historical knowledge and the insult to the Native Americans rep'd by this photo.

2. For this, ignore you I must...a BF first for me...
Guyon, please, please tell me that the five cents a gallon price is available here in San Diego. Now that I've read it on the net, I'm going to keep my eyes open: I can hardly wait to be the first in line at the gas station.
i'm not trolling. it is historical fact. one of my best friends whom died last may 5 at the age of 89 was there!!! just as the bringing down of the SH statue was a staged event for the media.
it's been released upon the puplic. laugh if you will, but i've known about it for months. it will come in waves. be prepared! california, texas, new york, kansas.

I do think it is time for a big distraction and get people focused on things out of their control. Ignore the man behind the curtain.

Words fail me. I don't know if you're really that stupid, that gullible, or simply trolling, but it probably doesn't matter. Do you know how to read? If so, then read some history.
Subject to the feelings of those who dismiss all news as a conspiracy to mislead, the kids with the "swine flu" in the U.S. had mild cases and needed no hospitalization. Some have died in Mexico. Said to be < 100 (minimal compared to the drug wars and those HAVE spread to the U.S.).

40,000 a year die of flu in the U.S. - mostly the "usual suspects" -- old and immune deficient + no shots. Slightly under motor vehicle accidents.

400,000 a year die of tobacco.

200,000 a year die of alcohol

Anyone watch Sanford and Sons? "It's the Big One, Alice!" Some day it will be. Just no reason to think this is it. But whatever floats your boat.

And upwards of 20 million (globally) died in the 1918 Spanish Flu because it was particularly virulent, with the morbidity at its highest in the 2nd of 3 "waves." I'm sure when the first outbreak hit, no one thought it would get bad either. And you might remember Thomas, but that pandemic was nasty because it killed young healthy adults as well.

I agree, I don't think it's time to panic yet and start shrieking about the big one. Just because host transmission has jumped to human-human doesn't necessarily equate pandemic. But it's so easy for recombinations, reassortment, and point mutations to produce strains of devastating virulence, that it's definitely noteworthy and cause for concern when a new human-human strain pops up and starts killing healthy adults.
And upwards of 20 million (globally) died in the 1918 Spanish Flu because it was particularly virulent,

Are you sure this didn't have anything to do with poor medical care and sparsity of vaccines?
And upwards of 20 million (globally) died in the 1918 Spanish Flu because it was particularly virulent, with the morbidity at its highest in the 2nd of 3 "waves." I'm sure when the first outbreak hit, no one thought it would get bad either. And you might remember Thomas, but that pandemic was nasty because it killed young healthy adults as well.

I think we're in a little better shape than the 1918 folks...

The 1918 “Spanish flu” pandemic came in waves — a first summertime one was mild, then a severe one hit the following winter. By some accounts, a third milder but still serious wave hit cities that had done the best jobs of protecting themselves from the second wave.

However, as experts note, in 1918 there was no Tamiflu, no antibiotics to fight pneumonia, and no powered ventilators.
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/26/world/americas/26flu.html?ref=health
Guys lets follow Dougo's leed and ignore. Keep are tempers in check.

The photo was posted to point out selfless acts of brave people. If Skimmerhorn wants to speculate on why, how, or whome the photo is; let him speculate by himself.
my life is consumed by reading. things are not as the seem. fox,cnn they are nothing moe than propaganda. open your eyes and you will find things are not as they seem!
the puplic is spoon feed lies everyday. do your own research and you will find the truth!
i am not a damn troller. i am simply speaking my opionion. if you don't like it. go piss up a rope!!