Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

Thanks Jack! We’re going to relax and try to stay cool! I hope you’ve been able get some relaxing in today! I saw on the news here where parts of Europe are experiencing quite a heatwave! Hope you’re staying cool and hydrated! ;) :D

Not really Ron, I always have too much to do! :D Thanks anyway my friend, maybe later ;) :thumbsup:

Good Morning Guardians.
I'm headed out to do a little fishing.
Here's a quick sunrise picture for y'all.

Tight lines John! Your Hartshead Barlow is looking fabulous :) :thumbsup:
Great post Harvey! I'm glad you were able to spend the day with her.

Spectacular stag.

Headed 150 miles south today to celebrate our grandson's (Jaxon Trace) 4th birthday. :) Have a great weekend all.View attachment 1152843
Dwight, how did you manage that Hartshead Barlow with horn covers???
Thanks very much Dave, Vince, John, Harvey, Dwight and OG - you’re all most kind, and I appreciate your gracious words a lot.

This is such a great group to hang out with.

Thanks Jeff, you have a good eye, my friend.

Now you have me wondering how many different source countries I could cram into a pic along with my Lambsfoot knives! I should have thrown in some Austrian binos and German designed, Portuguese made glass (Leica rangefinder)!

Cool stuff lads, I used to like reading Crisis and the later Revolver a lot, they were comics that were way ahead of their time in many ways.

Grant Morrison and Rian Hughes did an excellent take on Dan Dare as a retiree, living on a military pension, and writing his memoirs in a Thatcheresque dystopian ‘future’. While the people of the north are starving, Dare is brought out of retirement to be the figurehead for the reelection campaign of Prime Minister ‘Gloria Monday’.

Thanks Jack, no worries my friend.

Yes I agree - the Sambar stag on all these Hartsheads is very fine, but I’m grateful to have scored an exceptionally nice one. The mark side has bold, deep linear grooves which remind me of GEC’s Horsecut Bone jigging pattern. The pile side has some great knobbly high spots, which will get even better over time with some pocket wear.

I lucked out, as being a southpaw, I like knives which have a good pile side, and this one certainly delivered in that respect. Another thing I look for on stag covers is some lighter spots, which will develop that lovely yellow buttery colour over time, and this one has that too.

I’m still happily CFing and CEing this knife, every spare minute!

All the time, money, effort and accumulated knowledge and wisdom you put into designing and getting these made is very much appreciated.

Cheers David.

Yes, I’m not really a knife collector, I just like examining and using historical working knives from different parts of the world, and trying to gain an understanding of different patterns and steels and hand tool evolution. The Lambsfoot knife must easily be the most represented single pattern in my ‘accumulation of edged tools’.

Yes it’s winter here mate - not winter as you know it of course, and certainly nothing like Dave and Will must take for granted.

I was hunting up around the 1000-1200 metre (3300-4000’) line in the High Country. A dusting of snow makes tracking sign much easier, of course. This was the only hunt I recall being on, that I’ve seen no fresh deer sign at all, despite that area usually being well populated with Sambar.


My hunting partner and I kept covering more ground, and finally came across some other hunters who told us that the area had had a hound crew working it over heavily all week.

Never mind, it’s always a pleasure just to be out in the bush at dawn, and the campfire conversation and cameraderie is always something to look forward to as well.

But that’s part of the gamble of hunting public land. It’ll be back to private property next time, for sure.

Congratulations Barry! And I’ve been admiring all those excellent photos you’ve been posting lately.

Well said mate and good on ya for supporting the forum. The Porch is truly a special place on the net, and the Guardians is a great corner of the Porch.

I can never get enough of seeing that one, Ron. All the Ironwood 2019s are unique in their way, but that one is just about the most graceful and elegant in its patterning IMHO. One of Dylan’s @Pàdruig is similar if I remember aright, the one with diagonal stripes on the other side.

Great pic Rachel, and a fine set.

Dang, if I’d known you were after a finger plane, I could’ve gotten you a brand new one, made with the original tooling, at the last place I worked at. I’ll keep an eye out for a second hand one, although they’re not as common as some of the other old Sheffield made woodworking tools.

I like this ‘Lambsfoot and Tools’ theme - good call @JohnDF .

I’ll have to take a few pics mañana.

Nice one mate. I had some chips left over from dinner last night. We Guardians know what to do with leftover chips, yeah?

Breakfast Chip Butty, with a double helping of Lamb on the side!

Thanks GT. Grandly gnarly indeed, my friend. One of the things I enjoy about each new edition of Jack’s Lambsfoots landing with their new owners is looking forward to your perceptive descriptions of the different examples.

I also appreciate the interesting analytical data you and Greg WhittlinAway WhittlinAway present on the Guardians thread.

Greg, I think I lost your comment in the multiquote, so I’ll just say thanks, and it’s great to see you back here posting regularly, my friend.

(Sorry, in splitting this post and copying it to Notes on my phone it’s corrupted the images and emoticons in the quotes. I’ve tried to go back and fix them, but if I do more than one, it deletes all the others again. I’ll just have to leave it, I’m afraid - with apologies if I’m referring to images that you can’t see.:mad::()

Chin, thanks for your explanation for your hunt and the great pictures that accompany all of your posts.
Received this one this morning. GEC #93 Lambfoot for Waynorth Cutlery.

Really a great week for me with last Monday reception of my Hartshead Barlow

Two great looking lambs, Christian, and so well photographed!
pjsjr pjsjr Thank you Preston. Cool look at your HHB. Is it resting on a turntable?

I’m with you. I just could never think of what image or thought I would want to memorialize. No worries if other want them. I didn’t get the right vibe, but I could have gone to town taking pictures of the artists and clients at the Tattoo parlour. It’s the kind of portraits I love to take.

Here’s to a good training session, Preston. I admire your dedication.

Yes it is, Harvey. I love and have old audio equipment, good eye! I know it's called body art and having taught art(elementary school) I do appreciate the skill and technique. Like you say 'I'm with you' and yes those would make wonderful subjects.
How about an English style tweed cap?
With the "Lambsfoot Logo" embroidered on the side or back, it would also be a great way to display the pins :cool:


Great idea and photograph...what a balancing act!:thumbsup:
I think I'd have to pass on that style of hat. :oops:
I'm with you on that John...I might buy one if that's what the group goes with and use it as a prop. Sorry, but, I'm not wearing one!
Hi Guardians,

Hope everyone is having a great weekend :) I've had a long, but enjoyable day. Travelled over to Huddersfield, and visited the market there, couple of interesting finds ;) Had a great second breakfast, then went out for a walk on the Yorkshire moors, before finishing off with a great pint in a small brewery tap :) Few pics from today, but it's mid evening here now, and I'm afraid I'm not going to get caught up tonight :eek: Bear with me please, and I'll hopefully have a few hours to spend here tomorrow :) :thumbsup:





No worries, glad you had a good day and with those wonderful lambs how could it be anything else.
Artwork ready for ball caps....


I'm thinking black outline with tan face, ivory colored brows, eyes and muzzle on a (what color) ball cap, 'cause I know I can get them done and I know the approximate finished cost. ( about 30 bucks shipped )
Good work, Barry, I'd go for a ball cap like that...all fabric, no mesh or plastic, please.
Thanks Preston! :)

Chin thanks for the compliment on my 2019 Ironwood. It does have a graceful pattern in the grain. That’s a great looking breakfast sandwich, as we call it here! Your also sporting a beautiful pair of knives. Your new Hartshead has some very nice Stag! :)

Thanks for the compliment John! I’ve always liked that picture of you ‘19 Ironwood too my friend! :)

Two beauties there IC! :)

Very nice Dave! Congratulations! :)

Congratulations on that beautiful knife OG! :thumbsup: :)

I really hope I haven’t missed anyone on these quotes but I’m running late and short on time! There’s definitely a lot going on in the world of the Lambfoot! I’ve been admiring these four off and on all day! I hope all you Guardians have had a great day! :)

Ahhh, quadruplets...and such looking ones. I'd be spending time admiring them too
Just don't make it green and gold. Everyone will think you're Colorado State fans.:D
That can't be all bad:D:p:D
Well, I'm hopelessly behind. I've made an effort to catch up, but I'm sure I've missed several posts to which I'd intended to reply. Such is life riding the wave of love for the lambsfoot. It's been kinda like Mavericks the past couple of days. ;)

Well done Greg, nicely photographed! I also think you'd have been tremendously disappointed not get one.

Beautiful addition and a wise decision. :D

Congrats, Greg; what a matchless knife! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

Thank you for the compliments on my Waynorth Lambsfoot, gentlemen. pjsjr pjsjr , I'm sure I would have survived without it, but why take the risk? ;D :D

Waynorth Real Lambfoot, Sheffield Design, American Made! Wow!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::D:D:D



A lovely set! Congrats, Ron.

I've been doing an abysmal job of keeping up on this thread this week. Too much to do and too little time!!

I missed out on the rosewood's but Jack was gracious enough to give me 2 stags. I don't know what's wrong with me.... I like to have a back up of my favorite knives. It's going to be hard to beat these for knife of the year! Thank you Jack! You really outdid yourself with these! I can't imagine how much time and energy you spent on these, but they really are stellar!

I had plenty of commute time so lots and lots of CFing......

I'll try my best to catch up this weekend, but the weekend's jam packed also. Hope you all had a great week Guardians!



Congratulations! I'm sure that Jack would prefer that all of these had landed at their new homes by now, but I'm still enjoying seeing them trickle in.

GREAT research!!! Keep up the good work:thumbsup:
Greg, thanks for the statistics! 2019 is certainly turning into year of the lamb

You're both welcome. It's fun digging in some time and seeing what's to be found.

I carry a stag Barlow lambsfoot...

...because it's so darn good-looking!

How 'bout you?

Hard to argue with that reasoning. :)

The sandwich and my AC.

Oh man, that looks tasty! Thanks for sharing the story of your day.

Hartshead Barlow in gnarly stag. The A&S logo completes it.View attachment 1152830

And another fine examples lands. Congratulations!

Greg, I think I lost your comment in the multiquote, so I’ll just say thanks, and it’s great to see you back here posting regularly, my friend.

No worries, my friend. It's been nice participating again. I hope I'll be able to keep it up.

I'm glad you've also been finding the time to post. Such great stuff tucked in your shared thoughts and photos. :)

Well, it happened!! I received a beautiful Lambsfoot from Charlies Waynorth Cutlery :thumbsup::D I just had to post something real quick just because.:p
Thank you so much, Charlie! for all the work you put into making this happen.:thumbsup:
View attachment 1153026

I know that "just a real quick because" posting feeling. :D Congratulations! You got a good one.

MAIL CALL :cool: :D :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
As many others have already said, absolutely stunning.
Charlie, you've outdone yourself and GEC has shown they are still able to manufacture an outstanding product...when they put effort into it (not always the case lately, in my experience). And thank you, Barry.
Couldn't be more pleased with the outstanding jigging and no crud came out when I flushed it. No gaps whatsoever. The etching is aligned perfectly. It could be a tad sharper (just my preference) but a light honing should take care of that very easily as it is evenly ground - no issues there.
I'm almost floating on air! I'm still awaiting an Ebony and when it arrives, I'm sure I'll be so high up in the clouds you'll need to shout from a ladder for you words to reach me ;)
As far as I'm concerned, 2019 is unquestionably the Year of the Lambsfoot :D
Oh yeah, it fits nicely in a Tweed slip should you have one lying around :rolleyes:

And you got a good one, too! :D

There’s definitely a lot going on in the world of the Lambfoot! I’ve been admiring these four off and on all day! I hope all you Guardians have had a great day! :)


A fabulous four, for sure. :thumbsup:
No worries, glad you had a good day and with those wonderful lambs how could it be anything else.

Thanks Preston :thumbsup:

Well, I'm hopelessly behind. I've made an effort to catch up, but I'm sure I've missed several posts to which I'd intended to reply. Such is life riding the wave of love for the lambsfoot. It's been kinda like Mavericks the past couple of days. ;)

Congratulations! I'm sure that Jack would prefer that all of these had landed at their new homes by now, but I'm still enjoying seeing them trickle in.

It sure is Greg! :D Thanks for your efforts my friend, I also think I have missed a few posts :( :thumbsup:

I sure would, "4-7 days"?! o_O :mad:
Lovely photo Dwight
Thank you Jack.

Dwight, how did you manage that Hartshead Barlow with horn covers???
HaHaHa! It really does look like horn. The mark side is very normal grained rosewood but the pile side is pretty amazing.

I don't need anymore table cutlery, but I couldn't resist this box :thumbsup:

The box is quite a find Jack! The cutlery ain't bad either. :)

Have a great Sunday allIMG_3609.jpeg
What gorgeous Photos being shown on the Thread- of stunning Knives!

Paul Hilborn my friend- you are most welcome, you are so extremely generous, and you seem to forget just how many things you do for a lot of people my friend...

Speaking of Stunning - Jacks gift to me- This Ashleys Choice stunned me- and for good reasons- what a beautiful Knife this is, the Stag is just beautiful, the size of the Knife is slightly smaller than the usual Guardians- and it is all in all perfect!
I have been struck down with the Bot...the usual change of climate thing that happens and strikes you down :( so I went downstairs to sit in the Sun and took a few Cell phone shots....


Here is a rememberance Stone we have in the Garden for my first boy- Luke - he was a beautiful big Rotty and just a lovely friend, he left me at 14 & 1/2 years old and I still miss him to this day....


Another Remembrance Stone of my 2nd friend- Murphy, he had to be put down at 2 & 1/2 because of a Cancer Tumor in his eye orbit of his Skull- devastating to loose li'l Murph but so glad we had beautiful wee Murph in our lives...


I thought this was quite neat the beautiful Snakewood blending in with the Rust on a Patina'd Bird Garden Ornament ........:)


After this I went down and got my usual Coffe and I thought I would treat myself to an Omelette this Morning....

Wonderful photos, Chin. The remembrance stones are so nice, sorry for your loss. I think Will Rogers said something to the effect...if there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.
Thanks John, and my trusty ebony user Lambsfoot thanks ye too.:thumbsup: I’m glad to see you’re enjoying the virtues of the hard working Rosewood Lambsfoot.

No worries Rachel, I’m the same with cool looking old (and new) tools.

Let’s see how many we can pull up for some of these ‘Lambsfoot and Tools’ photos!;):cool:

Here’s a quick pic, showing that fine Lambsfoot pocketknives are not the only quality handtools still being made in Sheffield:

View attachment 1153194

Thank you kindly Harvey, I’m only a dabbler with a phone camera, my friend. Your amazing photos on the other hand, I could stare at for hours.:cool::)

Thanks Ron, it was very tasty. I heeded our friend @donn ’s advice to stay away from mustard before lunchtime.

So some Sriracha sauce and fresh yellow habanero slices from my last chilli peppers of the season had to suffice for some zest, along with the Henderson’s!;):D:eek:

Thanks for the compliment on the stag too on my Hartshead. I’m over the moon with it!:thumbsup:

Wow, you’re right about that one being an absolute treasure, Mark.:cool:


I’d kinda promised myself no more ebony knives, and to just enjoy the ones I already have, but you guys aren’t making it easy with those wonderful photos of your stunning Waynorth lambsfoots!;)


Hmmm, regarding the hat... I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade, but are American baseball caps even worn much in the home of the Lambsfoot and the Yorkshire flat cap?

The only ones I remember seeing in England were on the crackheads hanging around Arundel Gate, just ‘round the corner from the fabled Norfolk St in Sheffield, who I had to exchange a bit of ‘street banter’ with, whenever I walked past!:eek::rolleyes::D

Kevin @flatblackcapo - I like your suggestions, my friend, and I’m sending you a membership card forthwith!;):p:D

View attachment 1153193

I do like the badges/pins, which you can just put on anything.

View attachment 1153199

Ok, I don’t wear hats much anyway, so I’ll just bow out now.:D

Barry, you’ve been hiding your light under a bushel, my friend. You’re a dab hand with a pen.:thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:
Today me and my family had a blast!! We took the quick drive up "the hill" to Lake Tahoe and hung out at Nevada Beach and had lunch. My son was brave enough to take a quick dip into Lake Tahoe's notoriously cold water. I snuck in a quick nap too;). After Tahoe on the way home, we stopped by Echo lake to take in the scenery. What a beautiful alpine lake!:cool:

The two blades I took with me.

My wife wanted to try these hard seltzers out, I was curious as well. They weren't terrible, but seltzers are not my thing.

Beauty shot of the new Waynorth Ebony.:eek::eek::eek:

My son standing on the dam at Echo Lake.:)

Here is the Echo with the little marina. It is ran by our water district and supplies parts of the county with this crystal clear water.:thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:
Great photos of great scenery and, of course, the knives, Taylor. Glad you had time with your family. Looks like a little snow is still in those hills?
Thanks Preston, I love the way the old makers wanted to make works of art of the tools they created :)
Hope you had a great day Preston :) :thumbsup:
Morning Guardians, it's a couple of minutes before noon here, and after 3 1/2 hours, I finally caught up! :eek: I hope that everyone is having a fantastic weekend, and enjoy your Sunday folks :) :thumbsup:

Carrying some Damascus today, shown here with a wee pamphlet on the English Civil War that I found in the market yesterday :) :thumbsup:

Good job, Jack...I do so admire and appreciate all your efforts on behalf of this thread.
The dog training yesterday was long, hot and hard. I had planned to take some photos of Rosie and the training grounds but didn't have a chance. When I got home I was tried, fed Dutch and myself, had a shower and fell asleep watching some thing on the tube. Trying to catch up on this thread and some work around the house. The stuff around the house will be there...not so, this thread!:eek:
Have a good Sunday, Guardians
Here's Rosie this AM...

Good Morning Guardians.
I'm headed out to do a little fishing.
Here's a quick sunrise picture for y'all.
Good luck fishing...will you use the HHB to clean the catch?
Thank you for the compliments on my Waynorth Lambsfoot, gentlemen. pjsjr pjsjr , I'm sure I would have survived without it, but why take the risk? ;D :D
Why, indeed! Greg aren't we obligated to try and have ever knife we really want?
HaHaHa! It really does look like horn. The mark side is very normal grained rosewood but the pile side is pretty amazing.
I thought it was Photoshop surprised to learn it's rosewood...more photos, ple
Why, indeed! Greg aren't we obligated to try and have ever knife we really want?


I've long passed having every knife I truly need, so I feel fortunate to be able to try for a few of those I just want. I'm trying to rein that in, but the two folders I've purchased this year were both lambsfoot knives. I guess that hints at where my true wants lie. :)

ETA: Oops, forgot about an inconsequential eBay purchase. Of the two new folders, that is...
Last edited:
Thank you Jack.

HaHaHa! It really does look like horn. The mark side is very normal grained rosewood but the pile side is pretty amazing.

The box is quite a find Jack! The cutlery ain't bad either. :)

Have a great Sunday allView attachment 1153398

I have never seen another piece of Rosewood like it Dwight :) Thank you, that's a beautiful pic, very photogenic knife :) :thumbsup:

Good job, Jack...I do so admire and appreciate all your efforts on behalf of this thread.

That's kind Preston :) :thumbsup:

The dog training yesterday was long, hot and hard. I had planned to take some photos of Rosie and the training grounds but didn't have a chance. When I got home I was tried, fed Dutch and myself, had a shower and fell asleep watching some thing on the tube. Trying to catch up on this thread and some work around the house. The stuff around the house will be there...not so, this thread!:eek:
Have a good Sunday, Guardians
Here's Rosie this AM...

Good luck fishing...will you use the HHB to clean the catch?

Why, indeed! Greg aren't we obligated to try and have ever knife we really want?

I thought it was Photoshop surprised to learn it's rosewood...more photos, ple

Sounds like a hard day my friend, I also fell asleep early last night, and thought just the same as you today! :D Rosie is looking good my friend :) :thumbsup:

Wonderful pic Jack :thumbsup:

Thank you Christian :) :thumbsup:

I've long passed having every knife I truly need, so I feel fortunate to be able to try for a few of those I just want. I'm trying to rein that in, but the two folders I've purchased this year were both lambsfoot knives. I guess that hints at where my true wants lie. :)

Good choice Greg ;) :thumbsup:
Good Morning Guardians!
I have been having some trouble with this computer for a couple of months and the last several days have been challenging and I think I am going to do a Windows 10 reset. If I understand that correctly it will remove what is on the C: drive and reinstall Windows 10 and then I will have to have it look for multiple updates and multiple restarts. I don't know if this process takes an hour or a day or more? I have been following along when I am allowed to and there are multiple websites it just will not log into, also I get notified I do not have the latest security updates, yet it does not find any when I check for updates.

I have been enjoying the great photographs and wonderful stories that you all have been posting. I have taken some photographs of the only lambsfoot in my meager collection and I am unable to get a close-up that is readable of the tang stamp from A. Wright and Son.

I used to wonder why the weather service always warned "old people" to stay inside when the temperatures and humidity get high. The last couple of days I have found out first hand now that I, too, am an "old people". The warning extends through today here and then the mower will get a workout, too.

I will do a complete virus scan, followed by a data backup to a USB Flash Drive, If anyone has anything regarding the Windows 10 reset that maybe helpful I will appreciate your input before I do the deed. Wish me luck.