Hats off................to Opinel

About half of my No. 8's in this pic:


Fun to customize to your liking ...... I don't change the shape of the wood much ...... there's a lot of history in that shape, if you read about it. ;) 😊
I don't either. I like the shape, but the first thing I did with all my Opies, after loosening up the pivot, was sand a notch to make them easier to pinch open.
Primble Primble you have a great collection there.!

Am going to dust off my Dremel and have a go at add some texture/light carving - something I’ve always fancied having a go at. Having had a look on the ‘net, there are some stunning examples around.
$100 and sold out.

That's what I hate about calling a release a limited edition and stating a number of pieces. I don't buy any knife because of numbers made, but, a lot of people want that.
I don't like serialized knives either .......... I see it as gimmicky and is a distraction, in my opinion.
If Opinel didn't bite on that and they sold out, they could release more. :(:thumbsdown: 😊
I wish it was more like we'll make this many and if demand exceeds that, more released.
I thought the website said "Available later in the Spring."

It did say that and I signed up for notification. Not sure where MR. R. saw that price tag. 🤔😊 ............ he does seem to have special connections though.;)🤣
The USA site has it as sold out. The official Opinel site lists it as coming soon for 89 euros.. Very mixed signals!🥴
I just read an article in Knife News. It stated Opinel will have 6000 available world wide coming this spring.
Hope this is not an opinionated article.
That's what I hate about calling a release a limited edition and stating a number of pieces. I don't buy any knife because of numbers made, but, a lot of people want that.
I don't like serialized knives either .......... I see it as gimmicky and is a distraction, in my opinion.
If Opinel didn't bite on that and they sold out, they could release more. :(:thumbsdown: 😊
I wish it was more like we'll make this many and if demand exceeds that, more released.
Rolex has taught many companies a 'lesson' that I fear will become more prevalent in all sorts of fields/products :rolleyes:
The USA site has it as sold out. The official Opinel site lists it as coming soon for 89 euros.. Very mixed signals!🥴

I wonder how they can be sold out if there was never an option for early order. ? 🤔

I'm thinking they got their announcement wires crossed .......... and why do they have a link to be notified upon release if no more are available ? 🤔

I signed up ........... I reckon we'll find out. 🤣