Have you ever lost an expensive knife?

This is one of the reasons I carry budget (sub $100) blades. In fact, most of my folders are around $65 or below with a few outliers. This helps in alleviating my guilt when I abuse them like the cheap tarts they were destined to be. It's really liberating ;) Not sure I could ever bring myself to abuse a $500 folder like I do with budget tools, and yeah if I ever lost a $500 I would likely be panicking lol.

Happy you found your knife OP, it's a beauty!
This is one of the reasons I carry budget (sub $100) blades. In fact, most of my folders are around $65 or below with a few outliers. This helps in alleviating my guilt when I abuse them like the cheap tarts they were destined to be. It's really liberating ;) Not sure I could ever bring myself to abuse a $500 folder like I do with budget tools, and yeah if I ever lost a $500 I would likely be panicking lol.

Happy you found your knife OP, it's a beauty!
That takes serious discipline, wisdom that I should have, but lack. Although I do put my Victorinox through its fair share of abuse. And yes, it does feel good, you're right about that one.... I should relish those moments more often
Searched all over for my favorite Dozier Prof Guides knife which had been my go-everywhere knife for many years. I was so irritated that I couldn’t find it, and that it would take a long time to get another with horizontal sheath. About 5 months later I was going through my snowmobile gear and there it was clipped to my bib strap. No clue why I didn’t look sooner.

Lost a PM2 in the snow after locking the chain at my property. I didn’t notice until I had driven away, turned around with a sick feeling (love that knife). It had pulled out of my pocket when I pulled a long key cord out and had fallen straight down about a foot into the 3 feet of snow. So happy I found it. Now I carry orange Enduras with bright fobs for chores at the property.
Something with historical value like that would probably leave me broken in tears. I'm sorry to hear you weren't able to recover your bayonet. Hopefully you can find another one some day.
Unfortunately most of the ones still around in good condition have disappeared in people's collections. At the time I paid 250. I have no clue what they go for now though
Microtech UTX-75 and a 10V Kizer Sheepdog black/black Micarta at my new job within the first two months. Last manager found the Chaparral I had knowmisplaced. I just use a Cricket, Chap, or Kopa most of the time now.- good cutters and good looking. Steel framelock, CF and steel bolster/Cocobolo. Can't find my K390 DFly
A sebenza25 micarta and a ZT 561...... They magically lost themselves from my belongings while I was in the hospital....... Talk about a sour feeling😠. Also had a Swiss Champ stolen.out.of my Jeep.......Apparently that knuckle head OD'd few days later....

Not sure which feels worse losing your "PRECIOUS" or have it stolen...🤔
Thought I'd share with you guys the turmoil I put myself through today. As the title hints to the ordeal that occurred today, how many of you have had that sick to your stomach feeling of losing an expensive knife? The feeling that creeps over you, you know, the one that practically makes you want to throw up while the panic sets in? Losing a $500 knife might just about drive anyone crazy.
I wish you guys could have seen how far I went down the rabbit hole of uncertainty. My mind was racing, I couldn't think straight and was trying to retrace my steps to no avail. I went through everything, and I mean everything, the entire damn dresser, the bed, clothes, the trash, called three stores to get a resounding no each time. I even went through the dog food bags that I opened up today, elbow deep into the dog food storage bags. Went outback for half an hour, wandering and swearing to myself as the panic kept building up. Anxiety like this is really no fun. After the third hour I was seriously dragging ass, my mood shot, I was starting to convince myself this one was a gonner. I was literally telling myself that I had to let this one go because it was nowhere to be found, and I was about to give up. It wasn't until after hour-five, I started to wander around the house, thinking about everything that I had done today. As I was looking into my stepson bedroom where we keep the printer, it dawned on me that I had printed out a shipping label for my Hinderer return. And low and behold, it was sitting right next to the printer. Holy hell what a relief, I felt like such an asshole though for allowing myself to sink into such a deep rut of melancholy. I can only laugh at myself now as I realize how easily this knife owned me. I seriously hope none of you ever have to go through this shitshow of an experience. But how many of you were able to find what you thought was lost? Anyone lose one for good?
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I’ve known that melancholy. Either through loosing or theft. Beautiful Al Mars, Kershaws etc in the 1990s. And the one I regret the most is my grandfather's knife from the Boer War era; I buried it near a bush for some obscure reason and could never again find it. I was about 7 or younger.
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I once lost a knife, and knew that I had lost it. The recollection of it even now, 15 years later, seems like only yesterday. It was lovely winters morning with snow about 8 inches deep on the ground and I had picked a Jukka Hankala Tommi to take along, unusually my daughter had decided to accompany me and our two Jack Russel's on the morning walk. It was brilliant for her to decide to tag along so I decided to talk a longer than usual route with the tommi tucked in my pocket, belt carry is frowned upon in public over here. We did the usual, collected a bit of birch bark, and generally just messed about enjoying the contrast of snow and beautiful clear crisp blue skies and sunshine.
When we returned home I went to take the knife from the jacket pocket and it was not there, I can understand entirely that the range of emotions that you went though, from disbelief to dismay and everything in-between. I had to go and look for it, it was my pride and joy. We all set off again, retracing our steps through the snow, this time it was not such a wonderful walk, frustration at the snow, panic that I would never find it and then after another couple of miles the dogs feet must have been getting cold and Paddy, the dogs were called Max and Paddy after the TV show, was on his back with his feet up in the air, my daughter let out a big aaawwwww hes cold and rushed over to pick him up I went over a bit slower and there, in the snow with the faintest tip of the sheath poking up was the Hankala. We could not believe it! Absolute joy and salutations abounded, my daughter kept saying that Paddy had found the knife, of course it was a complete coincidence. I went along with it and she loved telling the story to everyone about how we had the best, cleverest dog in the world. We made a fuss of them both that day I'll tell you, left extra lamb on the Bone. She loves telling that story, even now all these years later. Thank you for that Jukka.

After that experience I did not get any more careful with knives, but appeased myself, to certain extent, by calling them Missing In Action rather than lost. I must have ten rucksacks and numerous tents in the loft, there could be knives everywhere "stashed and ready to go".

Currently on the MIA list are a TK3, a Puma folding hunter in stag from the 50's(God knows how much I miss that knife), a Nepalise bone handled edc type with a fretworked solid silver scabbard, a stag senator, another stag senator that I bought to replace that lost one, and numerous others, too many to mention. Some have even turned up in my Sons bedroom and then mysteriously disappeared again. :)

I really must make a conscious and concerted effort to be more organised.
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Years ago I dropped a small Sebenza into a wall from the attic while installing a ceiling fan on a side job in a beautiful old house, lath and plaster walls. Cost 700 bucks to have the wall repaired ( Im an electrician so I opened it up with my hammer) but I got my Sebenza back….
Years ago I dropped a small Sebenza into a wall from the attic while installing a ceiling fan on a side job in a beautiful old house, lath and plaster walls. Cost 700 bucks to have the wall repaired ( Im an electrician so I opened it up with my hammer) but I got my Sebenza back….


Tomato potato
I just recently lost my my Rex45 Native Chief. It’s been missing for over a month now. I’m hoping that I misplaced it somewhere, instead of losing it.