Hog Killer photos

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I have to admit I too am not a big fan of the hog hacking.
I was raised with the concept of when hunting you don't shoot unless you know you have a good shot; one shot one kill mentality. As any animal that you are killing is deserved of your respect (even a nuisance animal) and should be taken with respect. And anything that was killed became food so the animal did not die for no reason.
While I have personally never gone hog hunting a good family friend has done a good few hog hunts, some even done with a boar spear and was able to dispatch them with good clean kills instead of having to hack and stab away at them.

I was shooting a 6.8 SPC and had my ESEE Junglas lashed to my backpack. I always carry it in the field. Its rare to have such a large knife with such a quality edge. I stumbled on about 14 hogs on a small pasture Sunday morning and let loose on them with my rifle. I put 6 of them down with one magazine before I ran out of ammo (hey, they were running fast!) . I had two of them still running around and didnt have time to reload, so I drew the Junglas and went after them.

If you are shooting 6.8 SPC I'm guessing it was done so from an AR style platform. So, did you only have one mag loaded cause I can't imagine it would be faster to draw a knife and run after some hogs (which running with an unsheathed knife is never a good idea btw) than to drop a mag and slap a new one in and continue to fire?

It all just seems a little ug me man like Rambo to me. That is not meant as an insult just that it all seems a little needless and reckless to me IMO.
I have to admit I too am not a big fan of the hog hacking.
I was raised with the concept of when hunting you don't shoot unless you know you have a good shot; one shot one kill mentality. As any animal that you are killing is deserved of your respect (even a nuisance animal) and should be taken with respect. And anything that was killed became food so the animal did not die for no reason.
While I have personally never gone hog hunting a good family friend has done a good few hog hunts, some even done with a boar spear and was able to dispatch them with good clean kills instead of having to hack and stab away at them.

If you are shooting 6.8 SPC I'm guessing it was done so from an AR style platform. So, did you only have one mag loaded cause I can't imagine it would be faster to draw a knife and run after some hogs (which running with an unsheathed knife is never a good idea btw) than to drop a mag and slap a new one in and continue to fire?

It all just seems a little ug me man like Rambo to me. That is not meant as an insult just that it all seems a little needless and reckless to me IMO.

things work a little differently in Texas
I have to admit I too am not a big fan of the hog hacking.
I was raised with the concept of when hunting you don't shoot unless you know you have a good shot; one shot one kill mentality. As any animal that you are killing is deserved of your respect (even a nuisance animal) and should be taken with respect. And anything that was killed became food so the animal did not die for no reason.
While I have personally never gone hog hunting a good family friend has done a good few hog hunts, some even done with a boar spear and was able to dispatch them with good clean kills instead of having to hack and stab away at them.

If you are shooting 6.8 SPC I'm guessing it was done so from an AR style platform. So, did you only have one mag loaded cause I can't imagine it would be faster to draw a knife and run after some hogs (which running with an unsheathed knife is never a good idea btw) than to drop a mag and slap a new one in and continue to fire?

It all just seems a little ug me man like Rambo to me. That is not meant as an insult just that it all seems a little needless and reckless to me IMO.

This pretty much took the words out of my mouth.
Well,I think you did an outstanding job!:thumbup::cool:In fact,I think Jeff&Mike ought to give you a little something for being such good advertizing.:D
things work a little differently in Texas

Morals should not be geographically based.

I'm sorry that just seems like a lame excuse to justify doing what ever anybody wants.

From what I understand illegal immigrants are a problem out in Texas too. Maybe you should just go hacking away at them too since things are so different out there.
Wow! You need to have some balls to go that close from scared wild hogs!

Yes, it seems "cruel" when the beast is dead and cold, but as Microsuck mentionned, he had to hack because it was attacking back. It's not like if you're yards and yards away, maybe in a cabin or tree stand, and just have to decide whether you pull the trigger or not, it was a real fight, with risks for Microsuck to get severly wounded. And the hog won't have done him favors if he got him down neither. Hogs have tusks, run fast, hit bad, and are much stronger than humans. We are just apes, running slow, with poor resistance. Without his Junglas and his will to fight and win, the ape Microsuck wouldn't be here to tell us, apes, his hunting trip.

Maybe we can question the need to run after hogs with a knife, but at least we must salute Microsuck's courage and skill once in situation.
Damn. You just HAD to post this and force me to buy a third knife this month i cant afford...
I don't hunt, although we will trap and snare on some survival training. I'm just not into killing anything. In fact, I have a small herd of deer that are in my yard regularly that I enjoy watching - in the "off" season. Now, with all the said, come gardening time war will once again be declared on the herd once they step foot into my garden and start raping my peach trees. Will use head shots from a .22 rifle to take out any and every size and shape of these bastards, then take the front-end loader and shove them down into a draw for the buzzards to eat. Yes, I've tried the electric fence thing and a half-million other methods to keep them out of my green beans - a .22 works the best and if I could chase them down with a Junglas I would do so and chop their damn head off. So, to put it bluntly, I have zero problems with anyone hunting hogs in Texas with any and all means possible. I've got some good friends in Falfurias that own 60 acres. They raise a garden on it and one round of hogs coming through can wipe it out with the devastation they are capable of. Shoot 'em, cut em, use C4, call in an air strike, put Al Queda on them....whatever. I have no problem with it.
Ive put down a few hogs in Texas as well, just never with a knife...you sir are a certified badass:thumbup:
Morals should not be geographically based.

I'm sorry that just seems like a lame excuse to justify doing what ever anybody wants.

Nothing immoral about having balls and a strong sense of self-preservation. It would have been plain stupid to stand there and get his leg maimed. These ain't pet pot-bellied pigs we're talking about. They are wild mean and vicious. Bottom line, if something tries to kill you, you try to kill it right back.

Why didn't he reload? Could be a slue of reasons, but he probably didn't have time. I'm guess you haven't done much feral hog hunting. At least one almost always charges and can be on you quick fast in a hurry. Even if you could reload in time, wielding a rifle at point blank range that quickly is difficult, not to mention extremely dangerous especially if you are with someone else. Much safer to go to the knife than risk negligently shooting yourself or a hunting pal. Many folks will hunt from the bed of a truck just to be on the safe side because it can be quite perilous when the pigs scatter. (One a side note I've had a friend treed by a small feral hog, he wished he had a knife. :D)

I can understand someone who doesn't have to deal with these parasites feeling sheepish about it, but as someone whose pastures are regularly destroyed by them I have quite the opposite opinion. Also had friends and family lose some really cool dogs (non-hunting just regular family dogs) to feral hogs. So I'm not opposed to killing them by any means necessary, and have. I don't care if someone wants to to hunt them with a ninja sword and nunchucks as long as they're making dead pigs. They are that loathed.

Different strokes.

From what I understand illegal immigrants are a problem out in Texas too. Maybe you should just go hacking away at them too since things are so different out there.

Don't be absurd, there's no season. :p

Seriously though, come on, that's not even the same thing. Can't deport the pigs.
Junglas sales are about to rise for sure!

This is true. Starting with mine and all my other RAT / ESEE products.

Which is a pity for me, as I really liked them but I cannot support this type of promotion.
Folks from other states just have no idea how inundated we are here in Tx.

The official numbers are extremely conservative and we are literally overrun with hogs here. I'm in the Houston city limits and we have issues.

Hogs are shot on site here. Any shot you can take. Ethics be damned to be honest.
Morals should not be geographically based.

I'm sorry that just seems like a lame excuse to justify doing what ever anybody wants.

From what I understand illegal immigrants are a problem out in Texas too. Maybe you should just go hacking away at them too since things are so different out there.

You really want to go there? 'Cause I have the cure for our ills w.r.t. drug- and human-smuggling illegals coming across the border. But no one here or elsewhere would like to hear it. :mad:

I think he did an EXCELLENT job. Hogs in Texas are like rats, from what I've read and heard. They just make better bacon. If he wants to go after one with a Vic Classic and slice it to death with a thousand paper-cuts, so be it. That's HIS choice. I'm not man enough to do it that way, or even with a Junglas. I personally would have a few more mags and have them loaded, but I'm more pussified than this guy. Not proud of it, but I'm not dis-honest, either.
I don't know Andrew but I would bet he doesn't fashion himself as a tough guy. In fact, most folks who never see themselves that way are probably the toughest folks I've ever met. He simply improvised to get the job done that he had decided to do, and for that I have a ton of respect for the man. I've seen this time and time again by scrawny little Indians in South America. They do some pretty amazing feats when they decide to. Not anything Rambo or "tough" about it. It's just one man's will to get the job done that he set out to do. Good on him!
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