Knife Knut Classification..

Awesome post alan...I havent laughed like that in a long time. oh yea p.s I admit im a huge sebenza fan and i would love to get a picture of me and chris reeeve, but humping his leg is going a little far...well maybe if he thru in a large sebenza with wood inlay.
Dr Sharp - with all of your raving about your new Sebenza, it sounds like you'd be "inlaying a little wood" yourself!

(I got my small Sebenza last week -- and in ecstatic delirium ordered a large yesterday. I think the small is perfect, but want to see if with the large the perfection "goes to eleven.")
at first I was offended and then started to get it. good go.
what about the damn_ass_cus nuts? I might be there if I could afford more of them!
interesting thread.
Don't forget the Archaic Archivist. They are on a quest for patina clad (rusted) edged steel, that was already old the day your grampa was concieved. This type of collector is often found wearing gloves, and carrying a jar of wax. Warning: they can become remarkably violent if someone attempts to use or sharpen one of their knives.

Let's not forget the Blacktickle Prybabies.
Or the old guys and their 'slipped joints'
Or the Mayonites
Or the Bowie Boys
Fellow knife knuts,

There may actually be several sub categories, for years I was a sebenzanistas-wannabe. I wanted to hump Chris' leg but did not have the cash or persuasive power to get his interest.

Nowadays, Chris and I have quite a modern relationship, meaning he allows me to hump other stuff as well. I wouldn't say no to the Axis lock on my 805 on a cold day, I can tell you that, but in my head, I would have a picture of my Buck Mayo for its sleek appearance.

Seeing as I ride a Ducati and drive an old Miata, my Leatherman is always with me, although I have as yet never succeeded in creating any nuclear device with it. Again, I probably have the wannabee status here.

I have enough machetes and fixed blades for a hunting party, but the only game I see around my home are pigeons whilst watching Ray Mears on the telly.


see, see, i told you! the sebz are like a rabid pack of wolves, ready to propagate and spawn virus-like generations! be afraid to touch a sebenza. be very afraid :D

thanks for the responses folks. btw, i can't wait to actually handle a sebenza, in full-body protective gear of course.

If you become a Benchmade droid, you wouldn't have to worry about lock failure due to your, ahem, 'manual blade detent'. But you would be asking more questions about how safe exposure to Militec and Tuff Cluff is to raw skin.

Way too funny.
tom - my duncan needs some edgepro reprofiling, ben dale hasn't called me back, i may demand your help soon :D

*goes to seek a cure for chronic tuff cloth rash.. finds it: just rub the rashes with militec!*
Better off getting that type of help from The Tourist or Nosmo. They're the EdgePro champs.
My large Sebenza just arrived -- so let me know when you're done with that leg, Art.
Alan, which group are you? ...or are you in a category all your own?

Ok, that was great!!! Thanks for making me laugh, it's always good when we can laugh at ourselves (and others)

I'm a mix bread. I have lots of Sebenzanista and Bali Songbird in me, plus a little Backwood Billy maybe (I have a Dozier straight personal, so it's only a little Dozier)

Pass that leg when your done guys....
Hey, did somebody mention something about the Bowie Boys? I resemble that remark.

Actually, I fit into another group altogether. That would be the "Has no life forum dweller" group. Or so I've been told.