OT: just had my first kiss...

Sep 21, 2000
I know I know, it's off topic and I know I know, I'm kicking my own a$$ saying this right now, but I see you guys as my friends and I thought I'd just mention this

At 9:20 PM, March 8th, I had my first kiss. It was a goodbye kiss; I didn't really see it coming at that moment. it was great though

and I'm only 17!

and to keep it somewhat on topic, she knows I carry two BM42's on me outside of school and she's totally cool with it. I once flipped a cheapie at this indoor flea market in front of her, and she seemed impressed. she was like "cool! and how do you know this?
Thats good news for you. I am VERY glad that she approves of your Bali habit, because mine is not and it does cause problems. A little bit of advice: If she is obcessed with her weight (either thinks she's too fat and isn't or is already skinny but is overly conscious of gaining) IT WILL NEVER GET BETTER! I am dating a girl 2 years younger than me and have been for 3 years and it's only gotten worse. I'm in hell 3/4 of the time.

Make sure you let her know that collecting Bali's can get quite expensive and get her used to every aspect of the balilife right now while everything is settling in. If you wait to long you can run into problems.

Now is the time to get her used to your way of life and you can help mold her to it. You will have to give some too but don't give too much.

Let me be the first to congratulate you. And yes this does not belong here and I really don't think that it is something to be discussed but what the heck!!! (no offense but I probably would not share an even like this on the web) BUT Its cool dude I know where your coming from!!!

17 and its your first kiss? GET UP TO PACE, PICK UP THE PACE, PICK UP THE PACE MY BROTHER !!!! Just kidding.. take your time, no need to rush anything. Sounds like a nice girl ... and she tolerates your 42's and you addiction ... she's also a hottie I assume? Just giving you a hard time ... that's what you get for posting this here.

Man everyone here is growing up... a tear rolls down face. Now you can join me and Cam flipping balisongs and cursing for chicks.
Good luck -- keep up the good work it only gets easier and funner,
Man I was late and not the first to congratulate you. Oh well ... actually I don't know BaliLover.. You don't want to scare her away .. I have found that people in general scare rather easily, are easily deterred and can be panicky. (I hope I didn't offend anyone, but uneducated people can be easily mistaken when it comes to what they are unfamiliar with -- working in a knife store I get a ton of this [ex. people coming in asking what you would use that for and why you would ever have a knife like that and then they will only look at Swiss army knives and think your weird to have or use a small poclket knife.. I have seen it all]) Be careful and play it safe.

BaliLover.. 2 years eh...that's a bit much

Just kidding! lol

Hmmmm... transfer to the Community Forum where it's on-topic (since there is no topic) and let you face The Great And Powerful Vampire Gerbil, or leave it here... Hmmmm...

What does anyone think?

Oh and BTW,

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2"> I didn't really see it coming at that moment</font>

Nobody every does. It's better that way.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!

I'd say it might do some good to see what the all powerful, blessed, etc. VG has to say. He could give a truely rodent like welcome over in Community

It might not hurt to keep a copy here though so it doesn't get completely out of hand in the only place that the poor guy has to defend himself in amongst reasonable persons.

Oh yeah, congrats Darth. I'm happy you are catching up to speed
Congratulations! I'm with those who say not to rush it. It's too easy to scare her and ruin a good thing. Let her get used to you and take you for who you are. JRF.

[This message has been edited by jrf (edited 03-09-2001).]

Talk about "Kiss and tell"

This might be cute now, but a little word of advice:

If this thing goes beyond kissing and into the "naked & nasty" realm, do yourself a favor.......


Congratulations bud!

getting 'em open
is half the fun!
Congradulations Darth Detori,

It must have been special for you to post it here with these guys.

When I read the topic, I though you were talking about when that special knife first cuts you; that special kiss.

Anyway thanks for posting this; it made me feel good.

You're alright.

I think I'm going to cry.

Rick Gray - Left Handers Unite
Darth Detori, E-mail me your address and I will mail you a very lightly used BM 705 for your girl friend.

Rick Gray - Left Handers Unite
I think we should keep him here, among his kinsman ..

Edited:RGRay: wow, what a brotherhood we have here .. such a kind gesture ..


[This message has been edited by Chris Anagarika (edited 03-09-2001).]
So far, it's a draw. One vote for Community, one vote otherwise... and counting.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">This might be cute now, but a little word of advice: If this thing goes beyond kissing and into the "naked & nasty" realm, do yourself a favor.......</font>

If that got posted, it'd have to go to The Whine and Cheese Forum (now also VG's domain) immediately. I don't think you want that... Though it'd probably result in a run on W&C passwords.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!

[This message has been edited by Gollnick (edited 03-09-2001).]
Gollnick, leave it alone.

Who's Ray?

Rick Gray - Left Handers Unite

[This message has been edited by RGRAY (edited 03-09-2001).]
Way to go Darth! I guess we should leave this here, among us friends.

Rick, you the man!
Cute post.
Love deserve to be in this forum (well not all the time but when it's so cute
But, was it a French Kiss ?
If not, this is your next goal, young boy


A suggestion : 1 "out of topic" post per month allowed -- only if it is something strong (eg not a car sell).
And the POST should start with "OT:" to warn us.

Ah.. the first kiss.. I remember it clearly... it was sweeeet... we spent a lot of time kissing...but I never got any further than that with her.. that still upsets me.. ;-)

Anyway, well done Darth! I think you're a romantic person, like myself. But that doesn't mean you can't post NUDE PICTURES !!

Hehe just kidding, but why not post a facial picture of your angel, so we can see what you're talking about? (I wanna see her, because I really AM a romantic person, and I like this story! :cool:)

Balisong Sweden
>>At 9:20 PM, March 8th, I had my first kiss.

Just remember, unless you plan to marry this girl, then your messing with someone who will be another man's wife.

That is the problem with the schools today, and why there are so many shooting, and why they do not allow knives in the schools anymore, because they took the Ten Commandments out of the schools.

It's the porno industry that does all the funding for a so called seperation of church and state. But James tell us true religion is to keep oneself pure and undefiled. That is why the Bible calls those who practice a false religion a harlot.

Check it out: <A HREF="http://members.tripod.com/~FollowingJesus/TopTen.html">Ultimate Top Ten</A>