OT: just had my first kiss...

"On a side note: is illegal for a minor to carry a bali outside of school?"
It's illegal for ANYONE to carry a bali

and I totally agree with nate on the "when I met her that I thought she looked completely average. But now I look at her and she is the single most beautiful creature Ive ever seen." When I met Kyla I thought she was pretty good looking (very cute) but not what i'd consider hot. But now it's entirely different- It's like "DAMN you're hot!" and "WOW you're beautiful!".
That's exactly how I feel about my friend Kyla [Woolfe is her last name], we work together, go out to lunch together (every Saturday at 12:00), and we talk a lot. I've recently become friends with a lot more girls, it's pretty cool! My lifting partner (weight lifting) and I talk a lot and he has helped me get some self-confidence, I am wearing slightly different shirts and I have changed my attitude a little bit (and than I become friends with a bunch more girls....coincidence?
) and I haven't thought about "going away permanently" for a long time now, it just doesn't enter my mind.
Thanks for putting up with my crap guys, I hope that this thread isn't moved somewhere else, I like keeping it here with my friends.


"And shepards we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, so we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be, En Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti"
A few of my balisongs
My ClubPhoto albums
From What is your best method to get girl?

Keep it real. That is rule numero uno in life. That means don't lie, don't be fake, show what kind of person you really are... it means to act like yourself, mean what you say, let ppl know how you feel, etc.

I can't stand little games in relationships. Come out and say wtf you are talking about instead of playing little mind games. If someone is just keeping it real with me I won't get mad and stupid over it. But lying or not saying something because you don't think I can handle it makes you a little fake ass wuss and a waste of my time.

Don't be too sprung at first, or if you are, don't show it. If she thinks you are more into her than she is into you - you lose.


"...all power is inherent in the people... it is their right and duty to at all times be armed." Thomas Jefferson (1824)

[This message has been edited by NaTeDoGG (edited 05-18-2001).]
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by BalisongMan:
Sweet car NaTeDoGG!!


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Cpt. Howdy:
Yeah, really nice car Nate. I just recently bought a new Civic EX, but I'll spare you all the pics

EDIT: Opps, oh man I just noticed the Acura is useless Nate, it an automatic

Bah! Its a SportShift!

Here's an update on my baby: http://www.NatesTL.com

Recently I met an amazing Peruvian grrl... she is amazing... waiting for her to get off work right now so we can go out.
Both of my high performance cars Ive owned were/ are automatics

in HS I had a dodge daytona 2.5L turbo with a lot of turbo trickery and a dodge minivan auto tranny
she ran a 13.23@100mph and got 28mpg

my 55 has a TH400 with a Hurst Dualgate 4speed auto shifter (sort of a prehistoric sportshift)

WHOOOOO!!!!!!! well that was a VERY interesting week on the subject of her and I.
basically, to make things rediculously short and sweet, I broke up with her (well, it was more mutual, but I initiated it) because it was like she was tired of me. Turns out it was that I was making her feel uncomfortable because I was trying to be close to her more than she wanted. or something like that (hard to summarize). So in the beggining of this I told her I'd be patient and wait until she was ready to fully commit. We had all of this mapped out and everything. But it got to a point where I couldn't wait anymore, which was wednesday.
Then I told her something I'd been keeping from her, which also kind of doubles as my greatest fear. She told me she wouldn't have responded badly to it had I told her earlier, but she was pissed (ENTIRELY rightfully) that I hadn't told her. Then I realized I was basically a lier and a hypocrite- the things I hate most. I hated myself for it, but surprisingly she wasn't all that mad at me. At least as not as much as I was at myself.
So basically it ended up being both of our faults.
We talked on the phone later (I had to have that whole talk online- it would have come out ALL wrong had I done it on the phone) and we were totally cool and everything. We both admitted that we both really want to be with each other but weren't really sure how, fearing that we'll end up where we were at that point.
So thursday and friday at school we were all close and everything- I was holding her/her hand and it was like nothing had happened, like it had just advanced our relationship. and it had.
So then last night she came over for maybe, oh, 4 hours. She said she really wanted to kiss me, but I said that before we do anything we should decide where we are first. So we talked about all the options and just didn't know what to do.
She knew everything (EVERYTHING) about me and so she told me about everything about her. There was one thing she lied to me, to everyone about. It didn't really matter that much as it didn't even really count, but it really took me by surprise. Aside from that, it turns out about 9/10 of her boyfriends had been sex-driven scumbags that she went out with. Almost all of them asked if she would have sex with them and she said no to all of them. That's basically how most of them ended. Sex isn't high on my priority list at all- I mean, if it happens it happens, that's it. I'm not going to ask or force or anything. So it's like I am different from these guys that have messed her up (I dont mean to toot my own horn or anything...). She told me that she had never told anyone as much as she had told me. That was like ".......wow...". Honesty is very important in our relationship, as our problem before was not knowing where we stood.

So later we ended up on my sofa. Once again she said she really wanted to kiss me. Then I said "so do I". So we did. Then I said "you know what? I dont give a **** where we are, lets just go with it". And so this is how we are now. I guess we're going out again (well semi-going out), but once again it doesn't matter. All that matters is that we're together. It's what we both want and no titles will get in our way.

It's pretty hard to explain in depth. Only she and I can truly understand it. But I am SOOOOOOOO glad we didn't fall apart. I dont know what I would have done without her.

I'm probably going to by her a bali and get the handles engraved so that they say (when closed) "Keep Those You Love Close To Your Heart" on the latch it'll say "And" and on the other handle it'll say "A Knife Close To Your Side". The kind of nostalgic gift only I would give
to Darth..

Man thats a lot of politics. But Hey only you know how happy you are and Im glad you are happy. I wish you two only the best.

To JB..
I shattered my right ankle (basically powdered it) so I have to drive left footed (the car is modified so that there is a bar attached to the gas pedal that passes under the brake and is attached to another pedal. It sucks and is pretty crowded but, I make the best of it. Thats why I have a dual gate. I used to have a M21 4spd in it but 1) Im lucky to be alive and 2) I dont look a gift horse in the mouth... I just do the best I can

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by e_utopia:
Sorry, Nate(s), but if it's got a torque converter....

If you're happy with it, great, but I'd rather not waste all that power.

Yeah... I do love driving a sitck but I do love my TL and there was no other car that could compare to its power and luxury for the price. SportShift is a joke no doubt but all the other features in the car more than make up for it in my opinion.

Nates representin!
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Darth Detori:
Turns out it was that I was making her feel uncomfortable because I was trying to be close to her more than she wanted.</font>

Dude, you must not be freaking listening to me. Look what I said:

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Don't be too sprung at first, or if you are, don't show it. If she thinks you are more into her than she is into you - you lose.</font>

No matter how long you know someone, they can, at any time, flip the script and leave you stuck all alone, still loving them.
I think what you did was wonderful. If I were her, I would be honored. By the way, I am new to this forum. Clay from balisongxtreme gave me the link.
Well...Im trying to get my friend to come down on the price of his CTR yellowbird but no go. Honest Ive ridden in it before...SICK car

Back to topic Darth..sometimes you win, sometimes you lose..but you ALWAYS learn soomething. Take that to heart my friend. You did what you felt was right, and no one can fault you for that. Also, Welcome to the forum Swim.
