OT: just had my first kiss...

LOL - Yes... an open bali massage could get messy... ;o)

I hope you were a gentleman Darth, and warmed it up first.

I must admit a bali massage is a new one on me! It probably helps with the closed bali techniques too!
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Darth Detori:
I found that balisongs make really great massage tools (the punyo, the latch, the edges, the skeletonized holes)
Dude, quite the inventor, i'm impressed, never thought of that!
Very cool, keep it up!

And please let us get an update on the offical count...

Be well!/Jonas aka 2Sharp

"Who want fulfillment? -denial lasts forever"
Total Emerson knives freak!!! Usual Suspect wanna-be...

The coolest bar in the world: http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Camp/8373/index.html
My knives!

[This message has been edited by 2Sharp (edited 04-22-2001).]
No,you're not the only one to give massages with a balisong
They're good to use for some pressure points during massage techniques

*The* Lunatic Puppy
It wasn't me...It was my *good* twin..
My "inner puppy" made me do it..
yes it was closed, and they were two BM42's so I wasn't worrying about popping pins

and the official count as of last night, 12:00, is 13.
LOL, are you going to compete with your friends to see who gets more kisses?

As you guys know I just had my birthday last Wednesday, I turned 17 and I have never had a kiss or a girlfriend (which makes me mad)
, but at least the girls like to look at my muscles and my blood veins (they stick out a lot, if you've never seen this than find some pictures of body builders, they have veins sticking out the wazoo), I love to lift weights


"And shepards we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, so we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be, En Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti"
A few of my balisongs
My Photopoint album

[This message has been edited by BalisongMan (edited 04-23-2001).]
just give it time, man. Frankly, this has all happened so fast. I mean, it hasn't, but it seems like it. Time flies when you're having fun, I guess.

But what i'm saying is that it'll happen sooner or later. Don't worry about when, don't rush it- you'll find each other eventually.
B-man, the problem with being a 17 year old male is that the 17 year old girls can date 20 year old guys without taking too much heat from their parents. For the most part (and this is fortunate, I think) 14 year old girls can't get away with dating 17 year old guys. The good news is, from there on in it only gets better!

Flying over your house ...
THAT guy ...

'Scuse me while I flip this out ...
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I found that balisongs make really great massage tools</font>

Way to pull the thread back on topic.

By the way, there are several websites with videos of various balisong manipulation techniques, but none that I'm aware of with video of balisong massage techniques. Darth, since you seem to be taking the lead and pioneering this area of balisong application, perhaps this is an opportunity for you, www.balisongmassage.com?

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!

[This message has been edited by Gollnick (edited 04-24-2001).]
Thanks for the update Darth, and congratulations on your autobiography... and other things. Treat her with respect and kindness and she should stick around for a while.
Cameron, just a word of encouragement. By my 20th birthday, I had only had 2 kisses. And one of them was from a drunk chick so I don't think it should count
. And I'm just about as attractive as they come
so you can understand my frustration
. But, by my 21st birthday, I was engaged to the most beautiful woman I had ever met. And by that point had I certainly lost count of the smooches and *uh-hmm* "everything else". My point is that you never see it coming. One day you're in your parent's basement playing Tony Hawk 2 and the next day you've got a smiling girl in your arms, happy to be there. You only need two things to land a nice girl... patience and self-confidence. The rest will take care of itself.


"One in the hand is worth two in the sheath"
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Blasto:
My point is that you never see it coming. One day you're in your parent's basement playing Tony Hawk 2 and the next day you've got a smiling girl in your arms, happy to be there.</font>

Hehe.. you said it ! It was like that for me! And once you get the girl, you start to think "Damn, I wasted too much time playing those stupid games... If I only had known it was THIS easy... " :cool:

Balisong Sweden
I absolutely love TH and TH2!!!!
I have a lot of patience (sometimes
) but the self confidence part.....
especially since I've never had a girlfriend; that doesn't do well for the 'ole self esteem.
I'll live, and I'll continue to kick-a$$ at TH/TH2


"And shepards we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, so we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be, En Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti"
A few of my balisongs
My Photopoint album
"I have a lot of patience (sometimes ) but the self confidence part..... especially since I've never had a girlfriend; that doesn't do well for the 'ole self esteem"

I was in the same boat as you a little over a month ago. Although it may seem hopeless, good things do happen. When they happen is pretty much entirely random. Trust me, I'm not THE most attractive guy. I mean, i'm not bad looking, but i'm not model material. I weigh about 210, i'm 6'1", and i've got something of a belly (I suck it in bigtime; whenever she holds me around the waist I say "please do not grope the love handles
")- yet she still likes me. You have to have personality, I guess.
I'm about 6'2" 165, and according to Mr. Darth Detori, I don't have a personality

I can make people sh!t their pants laughing so I guess I have something of a personality. I have tons of friends at school and at work so I'm not a loner. It's not that I'm a loser (though I feel like one a lot of the time) it's just that I can't find a girl that I know likes me and that I think is hot.


"And shepards we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, so we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be, En Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti"
A few of my balisongs
My Photopoint album
"It's not that I'm a loser (though I feel like one a lot of the time) it's just that I can't find a girl that I know likes me and that I think is hot."

Well, for one thing, if you're always looking for "hot", you may be waiting longer than you think. Physical attraction seems to grow as you come to love a person for who they are (cheesy huh?). Look for a best friend in a girl, not the best face or body. You'll have no problem smoochin' a girl that you truly respect and admire, no matter what she looks like.

Oh yeah, and you're only as much of a loser as you think you are. If you believe you're not a loser, chicks will think so too.


"One in the hand is worth two in the sheath"
At my school Im partially cool. Some girls hate me others like me. Some look good, some dont. I have alot of friends but I dont usually do anything with them besides go to partys. Im in 8th grade and 14. But we all act like were 18, I dont carry a bali. I have had my kiss(from the girl and the knife
)I find that if you just listen to them the ones that fit you will like you. Some hate you from the 1st time they see you
and some are all over you. Mel was all over me on the bus ride to Universal Studios(field trip yesterday
) and I havent talked to her in like 3 monthes. Just puttingin my 2 cents.

On a side note: is illegal for a minor to carry a bali outside of school?
Im 19 and 5' 10 and a buck-50 Im small I know
I met my first girlfriend at my friends high school dance and shes an amazing looking woman but she has the intelegence of a paperbag. My second girlfriend lasted a week and she left me for a bodybuilder [shrug]. The girlfriend I have now, I can tell you honestly when I met her that I thought she looked completely average. But now I look at her and she is the single most beautiful creature Ive ever seen. Women have a hard time dealing with me it seems. I hate to talk about myself and I guess Ive done a lot of interesing things. People also make note of my high intelegence which is a huge sticking point for me. If I cant have an indepth conversation with a woman, she has absolutely no chance of dating me because I seem to get bored. Also I have a mild case of cerebral palsy, which either makes me unattractive or scary to some girls for whatever shallow reason. (feel free to ask about cerebral palsy if you want, part of having it is to educate others about it and physical disabilities in general) My point is: If a crazy, knife flippin, outspoken, short, puny, cerebral palsy havin guy can find his dream woman; theres one out there for everyone. And it seems the harder you try to get a girl, the less likely it is to happen because you make flubs. accept that you are single, go out places with your guy or girl friends and when you least expect it, it happens.
