OT: just had my first kiss...

Just a tip to get you started. Kiss, pause, kiss, pause, french kiss.

Here's my baby.
I'm the one in grey in the first pic. She's the one in silver in all the pics.







I'll have to post more when I get my rims.

2001 Silver Acura TL, non-navi, Inspire tails & wood steering wheel, 2 burlwood dash kits & shift knob, TL-S passenger vent trim, Alumapro BP-10 & ZX400TI Phoenix Gold, Python 1500 ESP (remote start, all windows up & down, sunroof closes, prox, etc), factory spoiler & body kit, AEM short ram intake, blue alarm LEDs, Mugen grill, Comptech sways & springs.

On order: 19" Alstadt IVs, 225/35ZR19 Nitto 555s, SuperCrystal lugs, Comptech exhaust.
"Every man dies, not every man lives."

[This message has been edited by NaTeDoGG (edited 03-13-2001).]
Yes, don't forget to breathe. And while you're doing that ... Don't forget her ears!

Next week's lesson: Butterfly kisses, elbows, and fingertips. (Yes, elbows!)

I think we'll have you thoroughly corrupted before too long!

Darth Detori,

Now aren't you glad you told these guys (and gal)?

Rick Gray - Left Handers Unite
Yeah, really nice car Nate. I just recently bought a new Civic EX, but I'll spare you all the pics

Oh yeah, congrats on the first kiss Darth. I know how you must feel.

EDIT: Opps, oh man I just noticed the Acura is useless Nate, it an automatic


"Wow, BOB, Wow!" - the Arm

[This message has been edited by Cpt. Howdy (edited 03-16-2001).]
>>JohnR7, is that you and your family on the photos? Nice!

Yep, that be us. I have a 23 year old son also.
<img src=http://home.neo.rr.com/johnr7/daniel.jpg>
Actually,I believe that it does belong in this forum

Almost every balisong user I've ever known would've been glad to find a mate that didn't mind their obsession.I myself have had several ex-gf's that didn't mind my weaponry obsessions.Some thought that with the kind of hand control needed with a balisong,there were other things that that skill could be used for...hehehe.

Congrats kiddo.I hope it goes a lot further,since a lot of women these days still run when they find that a guy is into weaponry (although I've known the opposite sex to be into the same and the guys ran away
Oh yeah,and if you do want to "tie the knot" or "get fitted for the ol' ball & chain",I can perform the service

I am an ordained minister,but I'm the fun kind...a warrior-priest
I thought i'd just give you all an update.

we're now, as she defined it, semi-going out. It's basically like we are going out, but not as much commitment......or something. Frankly it's all the same to me, so it's just for her peace of mind or whatever.

I asked her out on monday and to make a really long story short, she said she needed more time but that she really really likes me. previous to this, we had had a phone conversation about where we both stood (saying that we liked each other). She said she didn't know how long it'll be. But as I said, it's like it's now so I'm not too concerned.

She's also taken quite an interest in balisongs. As I mentioned in another thread, i've been teaching her. She has a lot to learn, but I'm feeling pretty confident in her abilities (she plays guitar, so she has good manual dexterity). She actually WANTS me to bring them to school (I told her that it ISNT a good idea though); how's that for not being afraid of knives???

my official kiss count is now up to 4, by the way.

and on a side note, I've been writing an autobiography over the last two months, and as of last night I am proud to say that I am officially done! It's 134 pages long.

Holy crap!!! 134 pages?!? You should turn that into your English teacher and see if you can get a load of extra credit. Good job on picking an awesome girl! Especially since she likes balisongs


"And shepards we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command, so we shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be, En Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti"
A few of my balisongs
My Photopoint album
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">I asked her out on monday and to make a really long story short, she said she needed more time</font>

Some women don't like short notice. My current girlfriend is like that. If I call and say, "A friend just called me. He has to go on a sudden business trip this afternoon. He offered me two perfect tickets to a great concert tonight." She'll say no. I think she feels that to say yes would be to imply that she has nothing better to do than sit around waiting for me to call. Whatever.

Some women like to have a very clear understanding of exactly what the parameters of a friendship are, are we dating? just friends? steady? etc. They seem rather attached to these labels. I think it's because they're afraid of a misunderstanding. As she becomes more comfortable with you, she may loose some of that fear.

Balisongs -- because it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!

[This message has been edited by Gollnick (edited 04-20-2001).]
"I think she feels that to say yes would be to imply that she has nothing better to do than sit around waiting for me to call. Whatever."
I never thought of it like that. hmmm

"Some women like to have a very clear understanding of exactly what the parameters of a friendship are, are we dating? just friends? steady? etc. They seem rather attached to these labels. I think it's because they're afraid of a misunderstanding. "
and another good point. Actually, a few years ago we were going on a few dates and, through convoluted storytelling, the impression was made that I thought I was going out with her. To make a long story short, it ended at that (so i'm a little paranoid of it too).

and Cameron: I actually am going to make a copy and turn it in to my world lit. teacher. She expressed a great deal of interest in reading it (although I fear she'll be somewhat offended by some things in it, even though I never said anything to offend her in it; in fact I said she's one of the best teachers I've ever had). I'm going to see about getting multiple copies printed and bound at Kinko's over the vacation I have next week.

Writing it was one of my life goals, so now I'm down to 9. Now I just need to find Bob Saget and kick him in the ass...

Have to agree with CG here.

An anecdote: Several years ago, I went out for a drink with a friend. As the evening progressed, conversation turned to past relationships, etc. When I told her it had been a while since I had been out on a date, her response was: "Ok, then - this is now a date!!" and snuggled right up to me. To make a long (and potentially graphic) story short, the bar closed at 2 am, and I didn't take her home until, well, much later than that (everyone get your collective minds out of the gutter!
). It wasn't the "typical" pick-up situation, as I said, this was a good friend, there had almost always been an emotional synergy going on before this evening, and I was thinking "Of course! Why didn't I think of her this way before? What a fabulous idea!" (doing the classic V-8 commercial smack on the head). Two days later, we meet again for drinks. Much public cuddling (she's not a public cuddler, usually) I thought tended to confirm my earlier thoughts - that this girl was definitely someone with whom a romantic relationship could be a good thing.

Here's where the story comes to a bad end: I actually got excited about the idea of "dating" her, and I opened my big, fat, stupid mouth. She went through a whole series of reasons why it wouldn't be a good idea.

The moral of the story: There's "dating," and then there's "dating." Relax (but not too much), don't press the issue. When/If she's ready to jump into dating, she'll let you know.

Flying over your house ....

'Scuse me while I flip this out ...
Haha i can completly relate... The girl i'm with (... well every other day anyway..) is like obsessed with lables or whatever. I've known her for a few months now and we are on the phone all night about every other night... Some days she just wants to be with me, says how much she loves me, etc... Then the next day she'll say she hates me and never wants to talk to me again... See, girls are schizo... And she's going into the military this summer, so basically she's really scared about being to close to me then just having to leave... (a little too late for that.....). That coupled with the fact that she's 2 grades ahead of me and whatnot, she has a lot of doubts... I can deal with it now cause i think she's getting better, but maybe some day i'll just flip and say i can't take her crap anymore... At this point i'll cut her face off with my bali (j/k... just to make it on topic a little) ; )-
well as I said, I really dont care about the title; it'd just be nice to have so I can have something to refer to her as to other people (like you all).

she DID refer to me as her boyfriend the other day on the phone, but there were various encompasing circumstances. She was waiting for her ride home from work when this 29 year-old guy (from work; i've met him in passing before) was hitting on her. She was like "well yeah, I have to go call my boyfriend now..." yet he kept on hitting on her, WHILE checking out other girls. What an ass.

"There's "dating," and then there's "dating." Relax (but not too much), don't press the issue. When/If she's ready to jump into dating, she'll let you know."
I'm well aware of that, but it's good that you pointed that out. the first "dating" you mentioned is pretty much what we defined as "semi-going out". I'm not pressing anything, and I suppose I am waiting for her to decide to "officially" go out with me. But in the long run, I really dont care (I dont care much for the whole system of what defines "going out"). I've got it bad for her and she's got it bad for me; that's all that matters.
jeez, 17 and just got your first kiss? today's my 18th birthday, and even i've had more luck then that.
ArtWlfDog, it's not Darth's age that's important here dude, it's the fact he initially got his first kiss! I'm sure all of us on this forum have different levels of experience with the opposite sex, and you can bet your shiny brand new Jag that we all got those experiences at different times in our lives - that's just the way it is. Darth, I suspect, got his Jag(s) before you got yours on your 18th birthday, but the fact you got yours later in life than him doesn't make the fact you've just got one any less important!
thank you guy in black.

Today was the first time when it wasn't a goodbye kiss. I found that balisongs make really great massage tools (the punyo, the latch, the edges, the skeletonized holes). It eventually led to two consectutive kisses. Now she had just read the section in my book entitled "chicks", so she new that I was keeping count. So when we pulled back, I simply said "6". She laughed, so it was cool.

and for you information, the official count is now up to 10

now here's a question: am I the first guy to ever give a girl a massage with balisongs?