• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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Our "Front Porch" ....

you are welcome! thank you! - who knows maybe someday we will have to take each other up on that :thumbup:

what if i told you- the otherwise perfect steaks- paled in comparison to the italian pasta salads taste... this pasta salad is my new favourite it is just so delicious! you will have to try it!!! :thumbup: :) - gotta have premium ingredients but otherwise it is quickly prepared... now onto the leftovers...
Andreas...those steaks looked fantastic.....:thumbup: :thumbup: And while I do like a good pasta salad....given a choice between that and steak......well.....not really much of a contest.....:D
And this pasta recipe, building such a fine reputation, is..............................................................where?
^ :D

i got it - may need to do a translation - everytime i get recipes from my friends from the US i am surprised how different ingredients are named

Any new and interesting news coming out of the Ranch......??? Updates on ti scales, cool new stuff for Blade or Rob's new haircut.....wait....that last one hasn't changed since I've been here......:D

Not much happening in Canada.....but it looks like we are inching towards spring.....which means golf.....bikes on the road and if we're really lucky....a few drinks on outdoor patios.....(but that doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon....at least comfortably).....but I am really excited about the golf.....
Remember what Mark Twain said about Golf.... :) As for news..... I don't have any. Perhaps a little bird will. :)
Remember what Mark Twain said about Golf.... :) As for news..... I don't have any. Perhaps a little bird will. :)

Rubi....indeed....but he was definitely not in a cart with a cold beer and his buddies.......

Although to be fair....I do enjoy walking the course.....it is more enjoyable that way.....and if I take enough mulligans then the walk usually stays pleasant.....:D
Rubi....indeed....but he was definitely not in a cart with a cold beer and his buddies.......

Although to be fair....I do enjoy walking the course.....it is more enjoyable that way.....and if I take enough mulligans then the walk usually stays pleasant.....:D

Hard to believe I used to actually "Live" on a Golf Course. That was - Convenient to say the least. I would walk a couple yards and hit some balls with my wedge while my Steak was cooking, walk back, Flip it and go hit some more. Pretty place.
Had a lake with a Marina, a Beach and a Dinner Club..... All within the confines of a gated community which was planned for like 4000+ homes, it had about 117 when I lived there. Needless to say, it was never crowded anywhere. I would walk or take a cart and played by myself 95% of the time which again was convenient but "different".
Anyway, that was along time ago and then I played during my "Corporate obigatory" years and haven't picked a club up for.... the last 10+ other than hitting some balls off an island last summer for fun. Funny how it really is like riding a bike.
I honestly don't miss the game.
THAT would be a great place to live.....

I grew up with golf.....my dad is Scottish, was a member of the St. Andrew's University golf team and was a scratch golfer.....so golf was a part of the fabric of my upbringing.....I always enjoyed it....and got decent.....but it never became a passion.....
I have picked it up and put it down many times over the years.....last few years I have really had a good time with it......
I never miss it when I take a break.....but when I start up again....I always wonder why I stopped......it's a lot of fun and a really great way to hang out with your friends....
Plus the odd bet and a few beverages while playing keeps it interesting......:D
So I saw a pic from the Ranch this morning of a new iteration of the XM-18.....a full ti slicer with a full lanyard hole delete.....both on the XM and on the scale.....
It really did look great....but then I started thinking and looking at a few of my XMs.....
I'm not a big fan of lanyards....but for some reason I like the hole there....maybe it's because it leaves the option open or maybe I just really like the design.....not totally sure....

Is this a limited run or is this an evolution in the XM design....???

Also....just wondering what others think of the new style...???
I have not seen the Pic. I too am not an "lanyard" fan per se, the Only real value for me in an attached "Fob" is Drop Avoidance during deployment.
I have found that "IF" I drop something, it is usually while removing it from my pocket - I don't know why. I am hard-wired to have a gentle touch possibly.
Never been one to GRAB hard at things so I drop them. A Fob gives me something to hold onto in addition to my knife.
I think I grab my knife with my thumb and first two(2) fingers while the Fob gets grabbed by my last two(2) fingers. It has become kind of an unconcious action but that is what I surmise happens.
So anyway.
I'm sure if there are "pics" being published Rob will have some posted in the near future. I expect it will be splendid if in fact it is a "new" iteration.
Again, what's taking you so long Mr. Rubi....... :) ;)

Courtesy of Mr. Rob.


Haha, it seems xxfalconxx beat me to it. :thumbup:
Since this is a porch, and the subject of lanyards has come up...

Any of you neighbors found a source for nice, dressy lanyards that don't look like tactical, biker, death-impending, skateboard, requiem paraphanelia?

In my own compulsive way, I have now overinvested time on eBay and online knife shops looking for lanyards to complement my nice, gentlemenly knives.
I "make" my own. Some para cord and If I am lucky enough to have an RHK bead I will incorporate that but, simple. Serviceable and helps me Not drop my knife.p

Knife comes out of pocket in "Deployable" fashion with Fob being held by the last two(2) fingers..... works for me :)

Take notice, careful to keep fingers OFF the lock bar..... "Professional at work here" ;)
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^^^ I'm not familiar with any specific person....but if you go on YouTube and just search "lanyards" there are tons of videos by some very talented people....it would also give you a great idea on what's available in both colors and knot styles.....many of them come with instructions on how to do it yourself or you could find a person whose lanyards you like and contact them......

Just an idea.....