I say kill the Junior Member and just call it Member. Have Senior Member for 100+ posts. Everyone is giving us beef for the junior word anyway

Or we could measure them by the size of their posts and give them a name based on that. Like Big Member, Huge Member, Small Member or Average Size Member

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

Mike, I think you are right on the money.

This is a small member post. But I have had large member post in the past. I guess that means that my member post changes size, huh.

I have always avoided situations where I am judged by the size of my member. And what about the female forumites? I do not think that they would appreciate being labeled as "Big Membered" or the like. If you are going to adjust our ranking by the size of our posts, I would suggest "blowhard" for the longwinded members.

Personally, I think that there just should be "Member" status for everyone, unless there was some sort of benefit for manic posters (as if the oppurtunities that I have recieved as a result of this forum were not enough).

YeK "I am a bigger member than You" im
I think I tripped somewhere a page back...

First, I think a few more titles might be a good idea. Maybe put in "member" at 30, and "senior member" at 60? I think it might be more constructive for people to have a better idea of how much time whoever they're dealing with has spent on the site.

Second, how does one tell how many posts you have to your name?

Time to skip and abandon the retirement home.

Ted Stewart
As a genetic Siciliana and "memberless" member, I reserve the right to de-member any member that refers to his member as evidence that he has greater member status than I.

"A nice chianti......"


To see how many posts a person has, click on the little icon that looks like a letter with a question mark on it. This will give you the magic number, among other things. I see you have 19 posts as of right now.

David Rock

[This message has been edited by David Rock (edited 23 March 1999).]
Cobalt,You get a black belt when your perfectly good white belt gets dirty enough.

POZ,that was great.We have to retain our senior status,if for no other reason than being able to say"Doom upon you" to our juniors.

Ghost, That may be the traditional way but in my case, my wife would probably wash the belt and,thus, I would never make it to black.
That`s OK Cobalt,a mans shirt is dirty if it smells,a woman defines this by,"Has it been worn."We are still senior.Yes;seniors!.

Mike,we cannot kill our junior members.Who would be left to carry on?That does not mean that we cannot disparage them in the meantime.I used to be an F.N.G.,let `em sweat!

With the distingished,and singular, exception of RedTwin1;I can`t help but noticeing that we are preaching to the flock,gentlemen.Wow;I edited a post!I am a geek now;for sure!


[This message has been edited by ghostsix (edited 23 March 1999).]

[This message has been edited by ghostsix (edited 23 March 1999).]
Senior? Ha! Maybe in a week or so when I'm allowed to drink beer, but come on . . .

Let's see, benefits for senior members? Here are the benefits I've recieved, off the top of my head: (Keep in mind, this is for both forums, which I basically consider one place. I would not have found Bladeforums without KFC.)
1. My brand spanking new Alan Folts custom that's on the way--for half price, because Mr. Folts is cool like that.
2. Found out what Filipino Martial Arts are. Found instructor with help of a forumite. Hope to begin study in May. Forums may indirectly save my life one day.
3. Found out what Mad Dog knives and Busse knives are. Never heard of 'em before.
4. Forumites helped me find places to get my knifemaking supplies. Working on first knife.
5. Found out lots of good and bad about Cold Steel. Much better informed now (but I like 'em!
6. Newfound respect for Spyderco.
7. Redefined sharpness, edge-holding, hardness, temper expectations. Suddenly dissatisfied with collection (hey, it ain't all a rose garden!)
8. Got to see a pic of the Outsider.
9. Now MUCH better informed about political issues.
10. You people don't treat me like I'm going to lose it one day and kill you because I like knives. (this one is important. I'm sure the rest of you know it too.)

We'll stop at ten for now. As you can see, I'm just glad to be a member. Thanks!
I disagree with the whole idea of a caste system. Even if nobody is offended at being called a junior member and nobody discounts the posts of the many with great experience and expertise who are junior members, it wastes time with new people constantly asking what they have to do to advance in caste. I keep getting emails from new members.

It could be worse. I belong to one pay BBS where if you fall behind in your membership dues you get reclassified to "Leech." Most of the members there are either "Royal" or "Regal" and new people are constantly asking what's the difference and which is better. (The difference is whether you pay by the month or by the minute, but I never can remember which is which.)

"Member" and "Senior Member" would be better than the current castes, but I'd rather abolish the whole caste system. Properly we're all aristocrats; we all have the right to go armed. How about changing it so everybody is an "Aristocrat"? Does the software require two different castes? If so can you give them both the same name?

I'd rather have it say nothing than say "Aristocrat," though. Or make everybody a "Member" regardless of number of posts, if we must have titles. Distinguishing moderators and administrators is useful, and I like Walt's "Whacko" title (though I'm jealous of it), but we don't need distinctions between members.

-Cougar Allen :{)