I should have included a smiley in that last post so here are two in this one to make up for it.

With all those loaded words, "caste" etc., I probably came across as trying to foment a violent insurrection, but nobody seems to care about it but me and even I don't really feel it's that big a deal. I guess the revolution will have to be postponed for a while ... I'd better go reapply the Marine Tuff-Cloth to those weapons I'm stockpiling so they don't rust away....

I guess I'm just naturally subversive ... I could pick a more important cause to fight for, though. Like, why do hot dogs come in packages of ten and rolls in packages of six or twelve? It's a conspiracy! Roust out the Bonfire Boys and sharpen up your knives!

-Cougar Allen :{)
I should have included a smiley in that last post so here are two in this one to make up for it.

With all those loaded words, "caste" etc., I probably came across as trying to foment a violent insurrection, but nobody seems to care about it but me and even I don't really feel it's that big a deal. I guess the revolution will have to be postponed for a while ... I'd better go reapply the Marine Tuff-Cloth to those weapons I'm stockpiling so they don't rust away....

I guess I'm just naturally subversive ... I could pick a more important cause to fight for, though. Like, why do hot dogs come in packages of ten and rolls in packages of six or twelve? It's a conspiracy! Roust out the Bonfire Boys! Sharpen up your knives!

-Cougar Allen :{)
I should have included a smiley in that last post so here are two in this one to make up for it.

With all those loaded words, "caste" etc., I probably came across as trying to foment a violent insurrection, but nobody seems to care about it but me and even I don't really feel it's that big a deal. I guess the revolution will have to be postponed for a while ... I'd better go reapply the Marine Tuff-Cloth to those weapons I'm stockpiling so they don't rust away....

I guess I'm just naturally subversive ... I could pick a more important cause to fight for, though. Like, why do hot dogs come in packages of ten and rolls in packages of six or twelve? It's a conspiracy! Roust out the Bonfire Boys! Sharpen up your knives!

-Cougar Allen :{)
I should have included a smiley in that last post so here are two in this one to make up for it.

With all those loaded words, "caste" etc., I probably came across as trying to foment a violent insurrection, but nobody seems to care about it but me and even I don't really feel it's that big a deal. I guess the revolution will have to be postponed for a while ... I'd better go reapply the Marine Tuff-Cloth to those weapons I'm stockpiling so they don't rust away....

I guess I'm just naturally subversive ... I could pick a more important cause to fight for, though. Like, why do hot dogs come in packages of ten and rolls in packages of six or twelve? It's a conspiracy! Roust out the Bonfire Boys! Sharpen up your knives!

-Cougar Allen :{)
I agree with Cougar before he decided to soften his approach.

I think the whole thing smacks of faux classism.

There can be no better example of the ridiculousness of the junior label than a post I just saw by Larry Harley identifying him as a 'junior member'.

Personally, I'm holding out for the label of curmudgeon.
(Hey, if it was a good enough label for H.L. Mencken, then it's good enough for me.

mps -- Curmudgeon at large
Just to think that I started this thread as a fun joke.

The truth is that we all know who we are and what our capabilities are regardless of our member status. If you place any value in the status classification, your reading more into the forum than there really is. It isn't like being a Junior or Senior member makes any difference to anyone, anyway.

CHILL OUT!!!!!!!!!hehe
Wow. Does it really make THAT much of a difference as to "Junior" or "Senior" member?
We joked the other day about coming into the world in diapers, and going out in Depends, hence the note I left in my "what should I buy?" topic. The way I figure, if you only have two levels of membership:

Apprentice-- under 100 posts

Member-- above 100 posts

Now, I believe "Whacko" status belongs to only one person. The rest of us just enjoy the discussions

" I wear my wife's eyeglasses because she wants me to see things her way "
Ok, here's the deal.

Based on the feedback that we've received from you guys, the Junior Member status is going bye-bye. As soon as you register, you are a Member.

Senior Members are those who have made over 100 posts. That's it, no classism, no secret handshake, etc. All posts are being update as we speak to reflect this.

Have fun, and thanks for giving us your opinions.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
HA HA HA!!! He agreed with me He agreed with me!!!! Sorry, I had to gloat here....

" I wear my wife's eyeglasses because she wants me to see things her way "
It isn`t over `til it`s over Walt.I hereby nominate Cougar as resident Overseer of others morals.No offence Coug.but,you seem to want the job.

Holy frijoles! Walt's not a wacko anymore. Must have had his meds adjusted...

Now if the rest of you non-seniors can keep it down, Matlock's starting.

Don LeHue

The first sign of poor craftsmanship is wrinkles in the duct tape.

As a mere junior member (only halfway along in that status) I suppose I ought to be properly deferential to the Senior citizens, but I'll just say that it would seem very weird going from "junior member" to "senior member" at a mere 30 posts.

I guess I would second Mike T's comment that having only the categories "member" and "senior member" makes the most sense, but that the threshhold for "senior member" ought to be higher than 30.

Paul Neubauer
Oops! It looks like that's already been done.

Paul Neubauer
To those of you who were kind enough (or have your threat level detectors set low enough) to notice that my 'whacko' status mysteriously disappeared; I was mystified also, so I emailed Spark:

At 07:24 PM 3/24/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Hey, what happened to my 'whacko' status? Are you trying to tell me
>something? Have I been demoted just because I haven't made it to first base
>with DC?
>Let me know, please. Whacko Walt

Walt, you need to get your total posts up to over 100, otherwise it will
switch over again when that happens.

Once yer there, I'll change it back to Whacko



Refering to the above, I am faced with three possibilities:

One, the vaunted skill of Spark and the 'Dark Angel' Mike Turber, has been collectively defeated by a simple UBB proggy.

Two, they have purposely deprived me of my valued 'whacko' status. 'Hey, Spark; is that a GATOR mine I see in your pool?' (flashback to the Star Trek Movie where the Klingon boarding party reaches the bridge of the Enterprise, only to find a computer talking to them; when queried by their commander as to what it was saying, they said, 'nine, eight, seven........) Do you hear any counting, Spark?

Three, this is all a ruse to get DC to go to at least first base with me. Heh heh heh.

You know which possibility I favor!!
It's not that I've been defeated, it's that I'm really lazy.

I could change your profile back to Whacko right now, but then when you hit over 100 posts, you'd turn into a Senior member again, at which point all of the "What happened to Walt's Whacko Status?" posts would begin again, forcing me to answer each and every one... eventually resulting in my having to change your profile yet again, etc.

Instead, I have elected to procrastinate as much as possible, and will wait until such time where you have made over 100 posts, so that my work is minimized, thereby ensuring my slothful life style is maintained.

But wait!?! Looking at his profile, it appears that Walt is indeed over 100 posts, in fact he has over 300 posts!?!? Time to find what's wrong.... more to follow...


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here

Does this mean you've gone straight on us - no more Wacko!


Go get that nasty bug that killed Wacko! I know you can do it. Too many bugs - too little time! Seriously, thanks for all your hard work. I know how annoying it can be. We do appreciate the improvements you've been making and I know that means a lot of time spent.