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Black snakes are a blessing, unless they eat your baby birds. The only hots to worry about here are Copperheads and they are beauties. Some rattlesnakes but they pretty much keep to themselves. Freaks my wife out when I run and grab one like a fat, bald old Steve Irwin(RIP).
Below beauty just crossed the trail ahead of us last year. Very well behaved, there was a lot of traffic so I shushed him across the trail before someone stepped on him.
Glue traps are HARD to et things off of. I would probably have killed it but good on them for going to the trouble. I try to leave snakes alone but totally support exterminating hots around people homes. Just too much can accidentally go wrong with them in such close proximity. I have relocated a number of snakes, only a couple of Copperheads, mostly Black Rat snakes. I had a Dr. once that asked me to bring him a few. When they developed his neighborhood they ran off the snakes and they were overrun with moles and voles.
Glue traps are HARD to et things off of. I would probably have killed it but good on them for going to the trouble. I try to leave snakes alone but totally support exterminating hots around people homes. Just too much can accidentally go wrong with them in such close proximity. I have relocated a number of snakes, only a couple of Copperheads, mostly Black Rat snakes. I had a Dr. once that asked me to bring him a few. When they developed his neighborhood they ran off the snakes and they were overrun with moles and voles.
My dog and I came across it in the yard and almost got bit, so yeah, it was way too close to the house living under a boulder about 15 feet from our deck!

This rock, in the bottom center of the picture where it dug a nest - we filled the hole with concrete.

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I'm going to admit something a little weird... sometimes I call Smokey "Puppy Kitty".... the way he comes when he's called just sometimes makes me think he's more like a dog than a cat. Of course, then he comes over, rubs his head against my leg once, whacks me with his tail, and walks away meowing for food, to shatter the illusion.
I'm going to admit something a little weird... sometimes I call Smokey "Puppy Kitty".... the way he comes when he's called just sometimes makes me think he's more like a dog than a cat. Of course, then he comes over, rubs his head against my leg once, whacks me with his tail, and walks away meowing for food, to shatter the illusion.
I had a cat for over 18 years, that would play fetch with crumbled paper. came when I called her name everytime....more reliably than many dawgs I had growing up. would beg for food. would pout and hold grudges if she didn't get her way. wanted to be pet, never bit or scratched me and would sit next to me every day for a ridiculous amount of time. could open door knobs by standing on her rear legs and using her front paws. could open cabinets. a very smart and adaptable animal. reminded me of a mix of a dawg and a human in her actions, abilities and expressions.

I've had other animals that couldn't do anything.

each animal has its own unique personality.
I had a cat for over 18 years, that would play fetch with crumbled paper. came when I called her name everytime....more reliably than many dawgs I had growing up. would beg for food. would pout and hold grudges if she didn't get her way. wanted to be pet, never bit or scratched me and would sit next to me every day for a ridiculous amount of time. could open door knobs by standing on her rear legs and using her front paws. could open cabinets. a very smart and adaptable animal. reminded me of a mix of a dawg and a human in her actions, abilities and expressions.

I've had other animals that couldn't do anything.

each animal has its own unique personality.
I had a Calico cat that would play fetch, open doors and would grab bugs if she found one inside & then want to be let outside to release them. Scary smart cat!
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Our calico, Tater, still plays fetch with bottle caps even at 15 years old.

I seem to recall reading at one point, that cats possess an intelligence level near that of an 8 year old... Now whether it's true or not I don't know, but I've seen cats with more common sense and problem solving capacity than many adults I encounter.
I'm going to admit something a little weird... sometimes I call Smokey "Puppy Kitty".... the way he comes when he's called just sometimes makes me think he's more like a dog than a cat. Of course, then he comes over, rubs his head against my leg once, whacks me with his tail, and walks away meowing for food, to shatter the illusion.
Dogs & cats come from a common ancestor & the African Cheetah can get a few dog diseases along with having non retractable claws, While the African Besingee breed of dog is very cat like in many ways & they are even referred to as a cat in a dog’s body…
Dogs & cats come from a common ancestor & the African Cheetah can get a few dog diseases along with having non retractable claws, While the African Besingee breed of dog is very cat like in many ways & they are even referred to as a cat in a dog’s body…
Interesting, but too complicated for me, so I’ll just enjoy the pics. :p

Here’s Benny again. He’ll be 6 months old on Monday, just weighed in at 56 lbs. He’s a moose.

I was a little chunky in junior high and some kid tried nicknaming me “Moose”. Got sent to the principal office because my method of refusing the nickname wasn’t acceptable.

Kinda like the nickname now, but I’m “Doc” instead. Not like the Disney Dwarf though. Better than sleepy sneezy, wheezy or sleazy.