Slow reveal ...... the dark side emerges ...

At this moment, it's on it's way........

The comments are much appreciated...Thanks.

It's been an enjoyable project, and Stephens patience
through the various delays, made it more so...
The best thing about this knife is that will get to see it, and its brother in Amsterdam in July! Now, if I can find some babes to distract Foster and slip him a mickey....just maybe...
@ Russ: Very nice knife.

@Stephen: congratulations man. Nice score!

Kind regards,

Thanks, Guys.
Peter.....have a good trip....Hope you enjoy the view..!
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D .... it's arrived!!

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Yeah Baby! :eek::thumbup: I didn't realize that the sheaths would work out to be negative images of each other - too cool. What an outstanding pair.

Don't leave that thing unattended around Gill come July. :p

Stephen - please see if you can swing a single shot of the new one - I'd like to have it to include in Best Bowie 2010.

Thank you, Stephen & Russ for sharing the process & pictures.
My name is slowly moving to the top of Russ' list.
I think these pics have determined what I will ask for.

Beautiful knives - Enjoy them.

If you ever grow tired of them...

(dibs :D)