Small EDC fixed blades

My 2 would be from Lions Den Blades. Zac is an excellent maker. The wrapped one gets carried daily.
Bought this a couple weeks ago and it's been on my belt most days since.
Smallest fixed blade I own. It sleeps in my wallet.

I carry a small custom knife, a Rob Amsler Ti. VAL. It just came back from the spa, resharpened & blasted. I carry it in it's kydex sheath in my left front pocket.
And this one from Dave Ferry, aka Horsewright on the forums, called California Coyote


I added the belt loop and concho snap so I could wear it horizontally


Good stuff right there, nice, small, solid working knife
And this one from Dave Ferry, aka Horsewright on the forums, called California Coyote


I added the belt loop and concho snap so I could wear it horizontally


Good stuff right there, nice, small, solid working knife

Now that is a really nice looking knife!

Well, I'm currently carrying Bradford Guardian 3.
It's a nice sturdy knife and I like the horizontal carry.
"Small EDC knives". Well, back when I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand, I once got talked into going to an elementary school to give an English lesson. Probably 4th or 5th grade kids. One kid sitting halfway back in the classroom had a small square-ended knife sort of like a couple in the picture (# 2 & #4). Maybe an 8" blade. He was kinda futzing with it or cutting his nails or something. Kid had the family water buffalo parked down the street - took it to graze on the way to and from school. I told him to put it down and pay attention. He must have brought that every day and no one cared. I had a couple made by a hill tribe smith, maybe 6" blade. One disappeared and another is around here somewhere. Wonderfully useful straight-blade knife. Hand-forged with exotic wood handles, cost me maybe $1.50 each.

"Small EDC knives". Well, back when I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand, I once got talked into going to an elementary school to give an English lesson. Probably 4th or 5th grade kids. One kid sitting halfway back in the classroom had a small square-ended knife sort of like a couple in the picture (# 2 & #4). Maybe an 8" blade. He was kinda futzing with it or cutting his nails or something. Kid had the family water buffalo parked down the street - took it to graze on the way to and from school. I told him to put it down and pay attention. He must have brought that every day and no one cared. I had a couple made by a hill tribe smith, maybe 6" blade. One disappeared and another is around here somewhere. Wonderfully useful straight-blade knife. Hand-forged with exotic wood handles, cost me maybe $1.50 each.


That's a really cool story/experience. My wife traveled Thailand before we met and her stories always made me want to go.
Now that is a really nice looking knife!

Well, I'm currently carrying Bradford Guardian 3.
It's a nice sturdy knife and I like the horizontal carry.

You can't go wrong with the Bradford Guardian's any flavour and you have a winner for sure!

This new one of mine is quite a bit smaller and actually heavier than the Guardian 3 was, due mainly to the brass bolster, which works well and balances the knife out.
Dave Ferry's sheath retains the knife very secure, with a thunk as the guard seats itself inside. The small bobtail fob I made aids in drawing the knife from the sheath.
That leather adapter I made allows you to unsnap and remove the sheath without having to undo your belt, but if it ever came unsnapped, it wouldn't fall off as the snap that passes through the slot is taller than the slot, if you want to remove it completely from the sheath you have to pry the slot open a little bit in order for the snap to clear, which is a plus in my book :)