So .... where ya from!

Detroit, MI—> Southern Vermont—> Salamanca, Spain—> Central Valley, CA—> Shiga, Japan—> New York City

I paid for every step by working and saving. Spent scattered time in Tokyo and Budapest, somehow. Fun fact, I was in Charmartin Station in Madrid on the morning of March 11, 2004. Never really figured out how to talk about it so I just don’t.
i'm in marin county, california, by way of san francisco, las vegas, sonoma county ca, berkeley ca, detroit mi, neu ulm/landstuhl germany, miami fl, pompano beach fl, ft. lauderdale fl, new jersey, lon gisland ny and nyc. i moved a few times while in some of the above areas . . .
Another Ohio fella here, born and raised in Akron.

Uncle Sam moved me a few places around the world and then to south Florida where I met a nice girl and we spent the last 30+ years raising kids. Finally made it further north though, up in Tallahassee now. :thumbsup:
Born & raised in San Francisco.

It's not as bad as it sounds. SF in the 50's-60's was a great place to live & grow up. A small big city with a mostly blue collar working class population, when you didn't need $1M+ to buy a small 2 bdrm house there.

Lately not so much but it's still one of the most beautiful cities in the world if you know how to avoid the congestion, homeless, car break-ins and other nonsense that's currently going on there.

I still live w/in commute distance of the City but I seldom drive into town unless I have a medical or other appointment that requires me to do so or if there's just something I want to do in the City that I can't do elsewhere, like going to the theater/symphony and dining at a special restaurant.

Otherwise, SF is as alien to me now as it is to others which is a crying shame. :(

Just saw this and it immediately reminded me of this scene from one of my favorite movies, "Vertigo," set in San Francisco in 1958, where a dude is complaining to Jimmy Stewart that "San Francisco's changed. The things that spell San Francisco to me are disappearing fast."

And that was the exact same time in which The CIty was great for you!

How much our opinions and tastes are colored by our past experiences and expectations!

PS - FWIW, I lived in Bezerkely and worked in The City briefly in 1980 and have visited many, many, times since. It has a lot of charms, but it is incredibly expensive and didn't live up to my expectations. Maybe I would have liked Haight-Ashbury in 1967 . . . Summer of Love? I think that could have been cool.
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