SRM, Bee, Enlan, Navy and knives Fan post

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What's about the Enlan EL04? Have you seen it overthere yet? It's very promising, here is my short review.


Thanks for the mini-review on the EL-04. It is indeed quite a handsome piece. The f&f on mine looks better than that of the EL-02bs, so Enlan may be making progress.

Unfortunately, it uses the same oddball pivot screw for which Enlan provides no tool.

My EL-02b is starting to get blade play. I have tried every tool I have but nothing fits.

Unless I can find a tool that works, this will be relegated to the junk pile and I won't be buying any more Chinese knives with this goofy pivot screw.

A major disappointment -- what in the world was Enlan thinking, producing these things with no way to adjust them?
Yeah, that edge didn't last long, I took it to work the next night and my loader was bragging about us screwing around the night before, so I needed to repeat it for the rest of the guys, next I added stabbing through a standard galvanized steel garbage can to the test. So, back to the stones, I had an idea from a post a member did on making his own wicked edge-esce sharpening system where he bought stone in bulk from an industrial supplier who specialized in Mold maintenance, I conveniently know an engineer who maintains a mold machine in town and he set me up with some stones to try, but they were 1/2" by 6". The stones worked really good but it was tricky getting a consistent edge with such skinny stones, while trying to take out a big nick about 3/4" up the blade I removed to much material and made the knife look very slightly Kukri-like. I tried to ignore it by telling myself I would sharpen it out over time but after a few days I caved in and went back to the stones again, ive given up on to much of a polished edge on a hard use knife, but while I was at it this time I took the trailing edge of the convex out to match the primary bevel, it needs some more polishing but i like how it cuts, I also did a jimping mod im going to post over in the tinkering forum (I was taking pics for both). Sorry for the lousy pics, macro photography isnt my thing.
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Thanks for the mini-review on the EL-04. It is indeed quite a handsome piece. The f&f on mine looks better than that of the EL-02bs, so Enlan may be making progress.

Unfortunately, it uses the same oddball pivot screw for which Enlan provides no tool.

My EL-02b is starting to get blade play. I have tried every tool I have but nothing fits.

Unless I can find a tool that works, this will be relegated to the junk pile and I won't be buying any more Chinese knives with this goofy pivot screw.

A major disappointment -- what in the world was Enlan thinking, producing these things with no way to adjust them?

I use round nose pliers for adjusting the pivot:
The size of SRM knives have really kept me away from them. I prefer a large folding knife. So I bought a couple of NAVY brand knives. They were awesome. One was a copy of a Benchmade Mini Skirmish, the other was a copy of an AlMar Sere 2000. For the money they cannot be beat. Great knives. Mine locked up solid, no blade play early lockup. The 440C blade steel was not bad either, they came very sharp and held an edge for a long while. They also never chipped like some higher end steels tend to do then cutting dirty materials. I have (too) many knives, so I gave one away to a good friend and the other I believe I threw in with another knife that I sold here.
Vortex, my system includes a variety of stones that happen to come on sale and a couple of stropping blocks with green compound. This thing is still very much a WIP, and lacking a name, im open to suggestions. Its nice to get a hard use knife that you can afford to break or loose and still trust.
Vortex, my system includes a variety of stones that happen to come on sale and a couple of stropping blocks with green compound. This thing is still very much a WIP, and lacking a name, im open to suggestions. Its nice to get a hard use knife that you can afford to break or loose and still trust.
As a Sharpmaker user stropping blocks (and free hand sharpening) are still new area for me, so a pic would be appreciated when your system is finished.
Got a make and model (or size)?


I use the large paper clip formed into two pronged end (short, two 'L's). Put them (the shorter part of the 'L') through the pocket clip holes (taken off from the handle), press down the forked end into the pivot, turned the pocket clip. It works nicely!

The idea is: the twisting force is applied to the pronged end nearest to the pivot, so it (the paper clip) won't bend, and the vertical pressure is maintained throughout.


Can you put the image somewhere else? i don't have and will not create FB account ...
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I know, I don't have one either, I pirate my wife's. That link is supposed to be public, try it again and let me know what you get.
Have anyone of you seen the El 04 in micarta and the eL 06 IN DIGITAL CAMO? nice! The new EL06 comes with a different type of screw.

I opened my Enlans pivot and am now trying to change it to a bolt or stainless screw instead. Any one knows the diameter of the screws that SRM , enlan uses? M2.5? and M2?

Oh, I removed mine by using a cheap long nose plier into the two holes.
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For those frustrated with the 3 or 5 hole pivot:

I was able to remove the pivot using the pocket clip and some push pins. The holes for the clip are positioned similarly enough with the pivot holes to make a little custom wrench. I clipped the sharp ends off the tacks but left enough so that there was enough play to accommodate for the imperfect congruency. Worked great.




SC, you get bonus points for ingenuity. Somewhere I saw a homemade tool posted, it was made of a handle off a screwdriver from the dollar store and 3 little pins, when I get tired of the snap ring pliers ill try for one of them. I thought a cork and 3 finishing nails might be even easier.

Your idea is what I used similarly, instead of pin, I use paper clip, inserted through 2 of the 3 holes. Thank you!


Can you share how the EL04 handle performs? It looks more comfortable than EL02 variant, while blade shape is basically the same. Will it be awkward to hold it edge up (like in Mercop's IET-see Prac Tac subforum) or icepick edge in?
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I have SRN 710 and it is the best knife for value I've ever come across.

Untitled by rlibson, on Flickr

The fit n finish is remarkable for the price...heck it's just plain remarkable at any price.

I also have Navy K506 - it's a beast of a knife but the FnF is nowhere near the 710.

Untitled by rlibson, on Flickr

Bottom line - 710 is a great EDC, Navy is a pass for me at this point.
Vortex, I unfortunately cannot see your blogs from here in China. The 710 silver color is discontinued so I can only get it in black.
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