STRIDER BT Destruction Test Video completed.

I have been following these threads for a while now and have finally decided to post.

Noss i enjoy the videos and its interesting to see the abuse all these knives can take.

I do some testing on the knives i make as well and find its always surprising how far you can push a knife before it breaks. I personally dont have a problem with what you are doing, i actually find the videos quite entertaining.

I dont think anybody expects the knives tested not to break. Your ultimate goal is to break the knives.

My only request is that you wont try claim on warranty from the makers. Sure some of the warranty's will probably cover the product and the one that seems to have caused the biggest uproar being the Strider will, in my opinion, cover the warranty claim. The way i see it is that these guys are just trying to make a living selling hard use knives and i think that all the knife tests you have done have proven that they are indeed hard use.

When they decided to offer thier warranty, i dont expect they would have thought that they would have people trying to break their knives on purpose.

Lets keep the knife tests coming and leave the warranty claims out of it. :thumbup:

I'm glad you enjoy the videos. My overall goal is not to break the knife. If this was true I would simply place the blade in the vice and slip a pipe on the handle and snap the blade.It would all be over in 10 seconds.The videos are 30 min to over 1 hour long so this is clearly not the case.

The objective here is to use the knife extremely hard on many different material and tasks. Extreme to some yes. Others no. So far all have ultimately failed however most have demonstrated their resilience to many hard use activities. In the end this is the ultimate goal. Some people see this differently then I do. This is fine with me. I bring it to the round table and
the debate begins.

I have stated my position about warranties many times on this forum.
Sorry if i've missed this as I've skimmed the thread quite quickly trying to find the answer :)

I notice some people early on mention the video shows a lack of durability in the 550 cord wrap and a lack of comfort. Could anyone indicate which video this is in?


Great tests, seems a rather honest and open way to shoot.
My tests are not scientific simply because I'm not a scientist. People looking
for scientific testing should look somewhere else. I never knew one had to be a scientist to buy and use a knife. I'll be darn, now I know after all these years.
hey man - i just watched all the vids - and i'd like to say thx for taking the time to see what it takes to break one of these bad boys. i happen to have a strider (bn ss - that i bought from tnk by the way) and you confirmed what i thought about the knife - it is a tough mofo. it may not be the perfect camp knife or the best at chopping wood - but i dont think that was the intention behind the design. anyways - dont let the haters get you down - some people here actually do like the vids and find them informative and entertaining.

thx again!
noss4... good work. I have not read all of the posts on this thread so this may have been covered already, I did watch all of the videos though. My question is do you intend on testing any Busse combat knives? If so, which ones. Thanks, Jeff
noss4... good work. I have not read all of the posts on this thread so this may have been covered already, I did watch all of the videos though. My question is do you intend on testing any Busse combat knives? If so, which ones. Thanks, Jeff

I will test a Busse battle mistress.
My tests are not scientific simply because I'm not a scientist. People looking
for scientific testing should look somewhere else. I never knew one had to be a scientist to buy and use a knife. I'll be darn, now I know after all these years.

I looked at "some" of your videos on your so called "use" of a knife.
You would get more benefit from a doing exercises on a
body solid machine and stationary bike.
Why abuse a knife...use and axe or a cheap piece of scrap steel
to do you videos,hell "boy" anybody can tear up stuff and
your pocket book would not get lighter in the process.
Your "test's show you like to do stuff the hard way and
have learned nothing from your peers....or maybe you
don't have any peers over the age of 9.:D
it has been proven physically impossible for anyone to feel insulted by an individual who would actually quote them self in their signature
I don't get all the Noss4 bashing. :confused: He does his "tests" on video and what you see is what you get. The interesting part is how each of us projects our own bias on what we see. Some say the "test" confirms their beliefs about a particular steel and/or grind, while others say it contradicts their beliefs about the same thing. Some say they will now buy a particular knife while others say they won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. In one sense, Noss4's tests are really testing our individual perceptions and subjectivity about the objective reality of the video we are watching. In other words the videos show us what Noss4 did with a knife, but how we each choose to comprehend, analyze, and then process that information varies considerably from one person to another.

While I don't think Noss4's methodology is very scientific, I am not prepared to take the time and spend the money myself to even duplicate his efforts, much less make them more rigorous. I used to think Cliff's tests lack scientific rigor, but I did not have the time or energy to duplicate his test's either, so I just shut up and took what I could from what he did. His tests have improved considerably. Perhaps Noss4's methodology will improve over time as well. Regardless, I enjoy watching his videos. :)
I think that if Noss4 standardized his tests there would be sme good results from it for comparison purposes. He's almost starting to do that.

I would say that if you want to start off batoning with a wood baton like you did on the becker and the strider go ahead. Then you graduate to chopping concrete and then you graduate to hammer hits on the spine. At least some comparison data can be extrapolated from it. If you do this with every knife until failure, that will give a pseudo basis for comparison.

Say start off with around 100 hits from a wood baton on the spine.

then go to concrete/brick chopping for 100

then spine hits with a hammer for 100

and start over gain until the thing fails.

just some kinda did this with the becker and the strider.
I am looking forward to seeing the battle mistress. A few years ago I pounded the spine of a basic #9 with a hammer for hours splitting seasoned wood. The pics were posted and I took a little criticism. The knife never broke. I would say it is going to last at least twice as long as the strider if not more.
The pics were posted and I took a little criticism.

I can never understand why someone would be criticized for hard use of a product that is advertised as a hard use item.
I think that if Noss4 standardized his tests there would be sme good results from it for comparison purposes. He's almost starting to do that.

I would say that if you want to start off batoning with a wood baton like you did on the becker and the strider go ahead. Then you graduate to chopping concrete and then you graduate to hammer hits on the spine. At least some comparison data can be extrapolated from it. If you do this with every knife until failure, that will give a pseudo basis for comparison.

Say start off with around 100 hits from a wood baton on the spine.

then go to concrete/brick chopping for 100

then spine hits with a hammer for 100

and start over gain until the thing fails.

just some kinda did this with the becker and the strider.

I agree Cobalt. Also, I think this has been suggested before, but maybe a little change of scenery? I think that noss said he had a seperate microphone set up so it might not be possible, but it would be cool to see these blades performing out in the woods.
I definitely abused the knife no doubt. I was surprised at how well it really held up. No warranty was ever used.
My only request is that you wont try claim on warranty from the makers. Sure some of the warranty's will probably cover the product

Lets keep the knife tests coming and leave the warranty claims out of it. :thumbup:

I am pretty sure that no knife company or maker will cover an intentional break.

Hey how about a FEHRMAN CPM3V big mutha!!!

How about a CUSTOM BIG MUTHA!!
It was interesting to observe from that last clip noss4 added that the blade broke in half from the frontmost spine serration.

I wonder if the serrations were shallower, would the blade be stronger when spine hammering? Is this a possible weak point in Strider's design?

I'm really looking forward for the BM testing :thumbup:
My tests are not scientific ...

The actual defination of that term, not the meaningless jibberish tossed around by people with no actual experience, is that YOU LEARN. To do something in a scientific manner means simply that you gained knowledge. This can even be as basic as the fact that you realize what you did needs improvment in method.

That is how actual published research is performed. The initial experiments are usually very rough and often just check methods to see what they can measure and how and that is an integral part of the process. If you really don't think you learn anything from what you are doing, then that is fine, but just be clear what it is you are saying.

Science does not equal precision. It simply equals knowledge. Note as well that a method can never be scientific, you have to look at what was proposed to be learned and was that actually supported by what was done. If you don't actually conclude anything then by defination it isn't scientific. This is how you define art which is something done simply for personal enjoyment or expression without the constraint to prove or illustrate anything.
