The Annuals are coming!

I was able to pick up a small. Still some left looks like too. The pricing was interesting because to get a “normal” wood inlay with polished handles and blade would be $25 more than the annual cost. So seemed reasonably priced as far as our hobby goes.
I was able to pick up a small. Still some left looks like too. The pricing was interesting because to get a “normal” wood inlay with polished handles and blade would be $25 more than the annual cost. So seemed reasonably priced as far as our hobby goes.
Agreed. They might be putting a few up at a time to spread it out. When I first posted today, there were none. One minute later...smalls were back.

Good on GP and CRK for not hiking the prices up. Very admirable. Lord knows they could have.

I'm sure we will see some on the Exchange next week for $2K.
Agreed. They might be putting a few up at a time to spread it out. When I first posted today, there were none. One minute later...smalls were back.

Good on GP and CRK for not hiking the prices up. Very admirable. Lord knows they could have.

I'm sure we will see some on the Exchange next week for $2K.
Yeah possibility they are spreading it out. Checked again just now and seems like none left.

Agreed they could have charged more, much more they would have lost me. I was thinking that too, I’m sure the secondary will be up there in pricing. We will see how their long term value holds compared to the old annuals.
The stock was a little finnicky on release because they were loading into the system one at a time, and there were some issues. The large dropped from the main page multiple times, but it was still in stock. They are gone, and that's it for now. I was watching because I was really curious to see how fast they would go. They might sell for a premium on the secondary, but I think there's an upper limit here that's going to cap out quickly, but I could be wrong. The polished slabs were a real turn-off for me because of how easily they scratch, unless they are glass blasted and then polished so hold up better? Not sure.

All in all - cool knife, and I'll be interested to see what happens with these on the secondary, and which inlay they do next year.
If anyone got a lefty and wants to move I have some trades to make it worth your time
There are large right and left hand Mags up again, and right-hand smalls. No damascus though. Looks like they are letting them out in small bursts.
It is so great the annuals are coming back!

CRK has been on fire with the new inlays and steels, so this just makes sense.
so are these going to be safe queens for everyone who got one? Let me know because part of me says I have 10 other small sebenzas I could use but nothing feels better than using a premium tool for everyday jobs mines gonna be a user
I'd be interested to know too. I won't use my old Annuals for anything but food. Can't replace 'em...can't reblade 'em.
im still trying to figure out what the big deal about these are, they are essentially a bit more spruced up and got a year on them? i dont see how that commands a tremendous premium. sure if you collected all the other years, yea. Not hating, but i guess the pj does the trick for me. Maybe if the inlay was in precious metals...
I'd be interested to know too. I won't use my old Annuals for anything but food. Can't replace 'em...can't reblade 'em.
I’d be really surprised if you couldn’t reblade them. I would think they would only reblade with only another polished drop point Magnacut blade.
I’d be really surprised if you couldn’t reblade them. I would think they would only reblade with only another polished drop point Magnacut blade.
I'm talking about pre 2012 Annuals. They were Regulars. Different knife and blade. CRK told me over the phone that they no longer offer reblading for Regulars and haven't for some time.

But, if I was misinformed...then I'll send mine in for two more blades, use the heck out of it, and sell all the rest. :)
im still trying to figure out what the big deal about these are, they are essentially a bit more spruced up and got a year on them? i dont see how that commands a tremendous premium. sure if you collected all the other years, yea. Not hating, but i guess the pj does the trick for me. Maybe if the inlay was in precious metals...
It is essentially the standard pricing. A large glass blasted sebenza with inlays runs for $650. The extra $50 is for polishing.

I can see a different perspective if you view the entire recent price hike as a tremendous premium, but I've accepted it.
It is essentially the standard pricing. A large glass blasted sebenza with inlays runs for $650. The extra $50 is for polishing.

I can see a different perspective if you view the entire recent price hike as a tremendous premium, but I've accepted it.

maybe? my first crk was under $300 thanks to ebay bucks, but thats circa 2017? idk what msrp was back then