The Fusion Battle Choppasaurus Is Coming 3-5-2023 At 9:00PM Eastern . . . .

A nuclear meltdown version would be quite appealing

I like it better too. It's a nice traditional or classic look. (but I still like the style on the Anorexic too)

I'll have to take some measurements or comparison shots later but I'm betting it is the exact same as the Anorexic but with all the humps "filled in" and a bit more blade height all the way out to the tip as it's less pointy than the Anorexic. Should make it a bit more blade heavy which means it'll hit just that much harder.

Following up on my previous post, here's a side by side shot of the Anorexic Fusion Battle Mistress next to the Choppasaurus.

2nd pic shows how the Choppasaurus is a taller blade. I laid the AFBM directly over top of the Choppasaurus (despite how the wide angle makes it look skewed) to show the additional height and material left in the blade of the Choppasaurus.

I'd be interested to know how much additional weight is in the Choppasaurus vs the AFBM. I don't have a scale unfortunately. There is a subtle but noticeable increase in forward weight in the Choppasaurus.

If I'm in town this weekend, I'll do some impromptu 2x4 testing wrecking.

Just got mine. That's the nicest, most satiny, stonewash I've seen.
Have you owned one of their stonewashed blades before? If so, does it seem different than previous ones you've owned?

The oil coating on it defitnely adds a bit of shine but still, the underlying natural shine seems to show through a bit. It is nice looking for sure!
I wish I could have gotten one. I'll be scouring the exchange shortly, hopefully I can trade sumthin