The "Name that Plant" Game

ohh let me get a better pic
Ohh so that;s how it is... Nice job.. your turn.. I'm about out of pics here at work.

I'll shake things up a bit, and post a tree:



some parts are edible (pods and flowers are what I have heard), It grows all over the place (does not grow in colder places, prefers a hot summer). It has pink flowers in spring.

This specific picture is of the Oklahoma/Texas version. It als has an eastern counterpart that has slightly different bark.
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No takers? Looks like Redbud (Cercis canadensis).

An excerpt from The Folklore of Trees and Shrubs (just to make this more interesting):

"The tree is commonly called Judas tree because according to legend, after Judas betrayed Christ, he hanged himself on C. siliquastrum, a tree closely related to the eastern redbud, which grows in western Asia and southern Europe. The legend further contends that the blossoms were originally all white and turned bright pink in shame.

Eastern redbud is at its most beautiful in early spring when the branches are covered with lilac-pink blossoms even before the leaves emerge. Not only are the blossoms beautiful to look at, they are also tasty to eat! (Try them raw in salads or fried for an unusual appetizer.) Folk healers used the bark to treat diarrhea and sometimes even as a remedy for leukemia.

American Indians made bows from the wood of the western redubud, Cercis occidentalis.

Redbud is the state tree of Oklahoma."


Guess now I have to come up with a plant.
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Correct Doc :thumbup: That particular one is growing in my back yard.

The reason that i know it is that my grandpa was over here, and he thought it looked edible, so he ate it. So, I had to look it up to make sure he wasn't going to keel over or anything.
OK, here is a couple of pictures that I took last week.

This is a poisonous plant. Also a medicinal plant, and a very 'strong' one :rolleyes:


And this is what happens when you break a leaf off.



Sorry about the quality of the picture - I used a flash, because evening was coming on.

Ding, ding! It's one of the Dogbanes (Apocynum), probably cannibinum (Indian Hemp). I usually identify to species with the flower, but Spreading Dogbane (A. androsaemifolium) usually is more branched than Indian Hemp.

As for uses, the 'strong' reference above was to the quality of the cordage made from the fibres of this plant. About the strongest there is in this neck of the woods, anyway.

So, take it away, Theo. :thumbup:

I'm going to cheat a bit, I found this mushroom this morning and while I'm 99% sure what it is I haven't eaten any yet. I'm years away from comfortably identifying edible mushrooms. So I'm throwing this out there for identification/confirmation :D


here is an easy one.. sorry but I'm about out of plant pics on my photobucket...
This is a tree native to the eastern us...the wood excels for use with the bow drill method of friction fire the fruits of this tree while not poisonus provide little is any actual nourishment.. however they are filled with a fluffy fibrous interior that can take a spark from a ferro or turned into char cloth.. this species can also be known by the name buttonwood.. as it was used to make buttons some time ago. as you can tell by the pic.. mature versions of this tree drop there bark in late summer and early fall.
I se where you are going with the button connection But Concarpus erectus is a type of Mangrove I believe.