Traditional treasure hunt picture game

Ramrodmb Ramrodmb if you pass, Roll Tide!

Edit - Just straightening the pic up!
Nice! Hat and Scout!:thumbsup:

How about an Otter knife and a picture of an otter?

Ramrodmb Ramrodmb if you pass, Roll Tide!

Until all these hats started appearing, I thought the challenge was a scout knife with a favorite mat. o_O:rolleyes:

- GT


Better late I guess lol, man I need to clean my hat lol
I won't tell anyone technically y'all posted caps not hats ;):p

Valiant effort men, but a tad too late. Jack Black Jack Black beat you to it.
5K Qs 5K Qs - lol, nice mat!:D Bonus points for a good beer.
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Finally lol. Well in light of a recent purchase, and getting a laugh from the antics of our Australian friend @meako , how about a BIG 'ol Bowie knife with a crocodile! Obviously a toy or pic, as a bonus I'm donating a 10 inch bladed Schrade Bowie to the prize pool. Anyone who pulls off the knife and a LIVE croc in the pic wins the Schrade Bowie automatically! Here's look'n at you meako;):D

What I'm throwing in ( THIS is a knoife!) Lol couldn't resist
Edit to add, until this prize is claimed, it will still be up for instant win to anyone with a Bowie and live croc/gator in the same pic. If that is ok with rockgolfer
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Wow that is a big gator, for sure wouldn't want to ride up on it on 2 wheels:eek: joeradza joeradza is your post a general post or a submission to the challenge? I can accept a gator, although I was looking for a knife and photo or toy in the same pic. This is rockgolfer rockgolfer thread, I'll defer to his decision. The instant win, definitely both in same pic, that would be epic! Gators included:thumbsup:
Not an entry. Just for fun. Yeah he was a big one. Judging by the width of the lane he was 12-13'. We pulled the car over and he took his time moving on over.
I'll owe you a pic with them together just for fun. I can usually find some small gators down by me.
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Few years ago while taking the USS. North Carolina battleship tour there was a 8 footer and about a 5 footer swimming around the ship. My boss has property on the coast near North Topsail beach Nc the bay that borders their place is called alligator bay. Theres a big one that lives near their property, but I haven't seen it yet.
OK. Feeling a bit nostalgic today. I want to see a vintage carbon steel kitchen knife with your favorite vintage cast iron skillet.