What Makes a Good, Traditional Barlow?

My last true safe queen TC. Also has the best fit and finish of any TC I have handled, strong walk and talk, no gaps, just amazing. I think its begging to be carried.
Thanks guys! And thanks for posting those pics Charlie! My mission tonight is to go back and learn the history of your knife : )
Reaching back to page 14 I found this:

I believe the three bone colors are:

copperhead sawcut (the first one)
tan sawcut
antique yellow sawcut

I really like the firs tone, the copperhead. I like the coloration of the bone at the top near the bolster where it looks like there are some spots where the dye seeped in just a little deeper, like veins in the bone sucking up the dye

I know mine is not the tan, but is it the yellow or the copperhead? I will have to dig it out but the tube I received it in did not have the label, rather a hand written note from Charlie to the original owner (very cool) but no color listed.
Thank you Duncan, I think it is the yellow as well after reading more of the early thread. Photobucket won't let me look at so many of the pics due to that 3rd party hosting thing though.

What an amazing picture! Two well loved and well used companion TCs. Just fantastic : ) You have removed all doubt that I want to carry mine. And ever since Charlie's post above I can't stop calling it Queen or maybe Queenie? :D