What "Traditional Knife" are ya totin' today?

Yesterday and today it’s two from Paul. Appreciate it very much, my friend. And I enjoyed our long talk.

And Barrett thoughtfully ordered a nice slip for all of us. The SW Whittler rides in that so I don’t bumble around and crack the old bone. I got good edges on it, while inspecting and oiling it.

I think they knew what the were doing. If you figure this is a carpenter’s whittler, the sabre grind was smart. You won’t break this blade, or chip the edge, and the pen and coping blade are for real fine stuff.
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Hey bigfish64 bigfish64 ~ we were taking about your back deck knife, cigar, and firepit pics, and laughed how we pose and crop our “photography” to not show the hillbilly acres clutter. Like antique pruners, grilling basket, and my 40 yr old KMart snow boots…
So I was sure to show another view of knives on my deck. In the interest of full disclosure.
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Beautiful photography skills.

Thank you sir. :thumbsup: 😊

Mercy sakes. What a pair!

Thank you my friend and I loved your Lamb and fixed blade posting yesterday ! :thumbsup:😍

Thanks Jon. Second coat drying. Then wax.

Quite the difference in that second coat ........... wondering how it might look with a third. :thumbsup:😍😊🤔🤔 Might get too dark with three.
Don't you need to give the dye more time to completely dry before waxing ? 🤔🤔

Oh my, more vintage goodness!

Thank you my friend ..... I love those two old relics. They can still get the job done with authority too. ;)😊

Wow!! You gotta love knives with ‘stories to tell’ and those two beauties have some adventures to share!!

Thank you and I wish I knew the whole story of those 2 old knives. :thumbsup:😊

Be still my heart !!!!!!


Good stag gets you every time Harry ! :thumbsup:😍🤣🤣

They had to resort to all kinds of stuff before Mr. Dupont invented Delrin, didn’t they?

Very nice, My friend.

Thank you Jeff. ....................... What you said first .... :thumbsup:🤣🤣🤣

TEW Lamb and a PAL Jack


Lots of character in those two Steve ! :thumbsup:😍😍
Quite the difference in that second coat ........... wondering how it might look with a third. :thumbsup:😍😊🤔🤔 Might get too dark with three.
Don't you need to give the dye more time to completely dry before waxing ? 🤔🤔
Good day Mr.P...I cheated and used a hair dryer to hasten the process.

I may strip the wax and try a third coat if I get bored.
17114749159876270980906450505963.jpgI'm a fan of the black box winchester, fun fact,manitoba canada which it's cold but low humidity climate is ideal for preserving steel and bone type pocket knives,so anyone with a 2991 moose worried about its erosion, please send my way.
Yesterday and today it’s two from Paul. Appreciate it very much, my friend. And I enjoyed our long talk.

And Barrett thoughtfully ordered a nice slip for all of us. The SW Whittler rides in that so I don’t bumble around and crack the old bone. I got good edges on it, while inspecting and oiling it.

I think they knew what the were doing. If you figure this is a carpenter’s whittler, the sabre grind was smart. You won’t break this blade, or chip the edge, and the pen and coping blade are for real fine stuff.

Well done Paul and congrats Jeff, that's a nice old pocket worn 804 !

Lots of character in those two Steve ! :thumbsup:😍😍

Thanks Mr.P !

All's quiet on the Eastern front.

Nice pair Bob !
Both beauties ! :thumbsup:😍😍
I wouldn't count on it being quiet too much longer ............... we had some pretty stout winds ( low 50 mph gusts ) this morning ...... headed EAST ! .................. just sayin'. 🤣
Thanks Mr.P
Then I guess I will batten down the hatches.