What "Traditional Knife" are ya totin' today?


Buck 301
Thank you very much, Dylan!!!
I always enjoy seeing the posts of your great cutlery beauties; these 2 GECs today look fantastic!:cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thank you, JJ! I enjoy seeing your carries and collection as well - a lot of wonderful beauties.

Did you convert him.;)

'Tis a good question. He admires GEC quality and should I give him a user, I'm sure he'd take to it in a heartbeat. However, he is a big Sowbelly fan and carries a Case example every day.

I might track down a good 66 (he favors the stockman configuration), use it for a bit and then gift it to him so he won't worry too much over collector value.

Thanks a lot Dylan, the #44 was a kind gift from Duncan @Campbellclanman :) I hope your dad likes his as much as I do mine :) Nice red and black combo there, my favourite colours too :)

Thank you, Jack. I love that Ebony Big 'Un of yours - I need to scoop up a Big 'Un soon, myself.

Thank you Sir ! New York Knife Co

Fine pairing your sporting !!!!

Thank you, Gev, for the info and the compliment. NYKC sure produced some fine knives, didn't they?

A couple of black beauties for me today.

I had some photography issue yesterday and did not get to post yesterdays goings on which was more interesting than today . Started my latest project yesterday and had these 2 with me . A Remington Grand Daddy Barlow , which was a gift in 2017 from a young man who used to be on these forums . And a S&M Barlow from 2014 .

Then the U.S.Mail came and it brought me a couple of very nice Slips from @sunknife Greg .
The one on the Left is great for knives 3 & 3/4 to 3 & 1/2 ..... The one on the Right was great for the Remington .

Then today I checked out the fits of the Single Blade 23 and the Single Blade 77 Barlow . The 2 Bladed 23 would not fit in the longer slip .

Thank you very much Greg . I have admired your slips a lot in your photos , but they are even nicer in hand . You say that you are practicing but I think you are beyond that stage my friend .
