what was your sharpest knife out of the box?

Aug 28, 2008
The sharpest knife I ever bought was one of Spyderco's sprint run Calypso Jr's. in ZDP189.........scary sharp!!! I've had some Benchmades, Kershaw's William Henry's,but nothing has come close to that one Spyderco.
That's a toss up between my Spyderco Military in CPMD2 and my Benchmade 555HG in 156CM, both nasty sharp right out of the box.
The sharpest OOB (production) knives I've ever gotten were(in this order):

#1.Fallkniven U2
#2.Kershaw CB Leek(& most all other Kershaws)
#3.Spyderco Chinook III(& every Spyderco I've ever gotten)
#4.AlMar SERE 2K
#5.Mcusta(all of them)
#6.Benchmade 710D2
#7.Bark Rivers(all of them)
#8.Vic SAK's(all of them)
absolute sharpest OOB?
Spydie Karambit

Sharpest OOB general use knife? three-way tie between my Spyderco Manix, Spyderco Pacific Salt and Buck 110
I remember these in particular...

Spyderco Caly III in VG-10.
Spyderco UK Penknife in S30V.
Buck 110 in S30V.
Benchmade H2O in X15 T.N.