i probably should have read the whole thread here.... but i have one question for the LEO reading this. this is a totaly hypotheticle question so please dont over-analyze it. im just trying to make a point. let me phrase it like this:
say for instance, in NYC, a bigot senator helps in passing a law that prohibits black people from wearing dark clothing because it helps them sneak up on women at night. aids therefore, aids in rape. and its a felony.
now would you enforce such a clearly insane, unreasonable law? i would hope that the answer is no. otherwise, i would say that you should arrest the people for not DEMANDING for a complete and total police reform of NYC. you see the thing is, that "im just doing my job" isent an answer. enforcing tight, unrealisticly stupid, and overly strict laws are unnecissary. i personnaly have respect for the police around here, but honestly cant say that i like them until i meet them (the decent ones at least). as police officers its understandable that sometimes oyul have to use tactics to get criminals to incriminate themselves. but when you use them on people who arent doing anything wrong, then your just de-huminizing them. but the disgusiting thing is, AS LAW ENFORCMENT OFFICERS, YOU DO NOT SEEK JUSTICE, YOU SEEK CONVICTION. and that, is what trully disgusts me. you look at all the evidence, but you only use what is neccissary for conviction. now back to the subject. i can live without a switchblade or an auto. i can even live without carrying a pocket knife with a blade over "2. as long as i werw able to get a conealed carry weapons permit. but wait a second, the police dont like to hand those out. its unconstitutional. the gun laws, AND the knife laws. now im sure im going to get alot of "if you dont like it, move" comments. but do you know what, i shouldent have to. i should be able to change the laws and vote on reform with my fellow citizens. but even THAT, is borderline impossible. at least when it comes to little things like the length of a pocket knife blade thats legal, or oh, i dont know, HOW MANY TERMS OUR MAYOR CAN HAVE!!! now granted, i dont think all laws and government are stupid, and yap yap yap. i belive, that the people should not be punished. but that criminals should. you think stopping a law abiding citizen from concealing a firearm is goign to lower crime? you think that its going to stop criminals? all your doing is disarming the law abiding citizens that pay you. and the reason im saying that YOU do it, even though you only enforce the laws, you should be alloud to question them. and its sad that you dont. it truly truly is. this city has become borderline totalitarian. ive seen police brutalitly. it makes me sick. it should make YOU sick as well. i had an encounter with the police once where they stopped me on the street as i was carrying my package back from the mail truck (i walked up to the truck to get it) and i was asked a few questions. they asked me a few questions. that was it. or at least, you would think that was it right? they spoke to me in such a de-huminizing tone, so authortativly, that i felt depressed for at least a week. i felt like i had just gotton the crap beat out of me. all in all i guess im just mad that the laws in NYC are sometimes a little pointless. but im just mad that its so hard to change them. and in the end its not even up to the people. im also a little mad that donald trump can get a concealed carry permit, but i cant. wich is odd, because niether of us are convicted felons. but oh wait, hes rich and well connected. shows how deep the corruption spirals down. and i guess that was more then one question lol :foot: