Behold, John Locke's Knives from Lost!

Donald said:

....and besides couldn't they have gotten some money or at least some free (higher quality) knives for product placement? ...not that I would want to take any money away from the seller (imp) that kindly posted. I just recall reading that is an issue / done in the movies....

They could even have a flashback where he was carefully selecting his knives for the trip.... perhaps in Imp's store... :D

That would have given away the secret that he was in a wheelchair until the crash.
Good point, although I can think of ways around that...catalogs, phone, internet, but simplest, skip the flashback, I guess.....but still product placement? Anyone know about product placement on TV, in movies?

In any event, saw the knives in the episode, perhaps how I found the fan site, looking for a clear screen cap of them, then found this thread. I might have found the fan site because I was looking to find something about an episode I missed, didn't know SgtDraino did not have the link, but alls well that ends well. :) I am gratified that apparently the powers-that-be realize what great publicity the site is for the show, and at least as far as I know have not complained about it. Amazing, some rational thought! :cool:

One last thought, as far as flashbacks, one or two of the knives could have been given to Locke years ago by a friend, relative, or earned in some way. That would probably be beyond the scope of a TV program's planning and involve the age deception costs. It would have been nice though to see some good knives, from the U.S. etc, and perhaps even a couple picked up in Australia. All good fun though, and it was gratifying to see them being used to make a baby crib. :D
DONALD - ....and besides couldn't they have gotten some money or at least some free (higher quality) knives for product placement? ...not that I would want to take any money away from the seller (imp) that kindly posted. I just recall reading that is an issue / done in the movies...."

and... "Anyone know about product placement in movies?"

Yes, Donald, I do. Product placement is extremely big business in teeeveee and flicks. BUT, and here's the big "BUT," the companies whose products are to be used, PAY big time $$$$ to the movie/teeeveee production companies to have their products "placed" and prominently displayed on screen, by the actors. Afterall, it is "advertising," and if you "advertise" on teeeveee or big screen, you pay big $$$ for that advertising.

I.e., if Chris Reeve had wanted his very fine knives displayed, or used, on the show, he'd have had to not only give the production company a very large quantity of his expensive knives (most of which would have been dulled so the actors wouldn't hurt themselves... or someone on the production crew), BUT, he'd have had to pay BIG BUCKS to the company for them to display the knives prominently on the show. Primetime network advertising, don't you know.

Same with other products. When you watch teeeveee shows and flicks, and see products prominently displayed, just understand how those products got there, and how much it cost the product mfg. company to "advertise" them. If you can easily see a "brand name" of a product, you can bet the farm that the mfg. company paid for that display, and paid BIG TIME.

That's the way it works in Hollywood.

And remember, boys and girls, it's all about one thing: SHOW BIZ, and the "reality" of a show, is totally meaningless!!

Rugger said:
Other than the Harpy & the 119- looks like a Bud-K rep's sample case :rolleyes:

I think the Ka-Bar and the Tekna are quality. The Delta Defender doesn't look half-bad either, though I have no personal experience with it. It could be considered another "quaint" piece, since I don't think the Delta is made anymore.

One theory I've toyed with, is maybe Locke is a dealer for Master and Jaguar knives in his spare time. That would explain why 6 out of the 12 known knives in his collection are Master/Jaguar knives, and would also explain why he'd bother to bring so many knives with him on his trip. Maybe that really IS a sample case!

On a side note, in spite of what Imp said, I am thinking more that the "Fury knockoff" is an actual Fury. I recently got the Jaguar Sky Hawk, and if you look closely at the picture of it, compared to the picture of the Fury, you will notice that the serrations on the Sky Hawk do not extend along as much of the edge as the serrations on the Fury do. Looking at the picture of the knife in Locke's hand, the serrations on that knife appear to match the Fury more than they do the Sky Hawk.

And, pointless observation of the day...

The Last Confederate said:
I believe he gave out the Ka-Bar to Kate, and Sayeed got the Buck 119.

Think I just figured out why The Last Confederate thought Kate had the Ka-Bar. In "Walkabout," she's definitely got the Jaguar, BUT she's keeping it in the Ka-Bar sheath!


Gotta be a blooper. I'm kinda surprised they didn't catch that!
So I'm
curious how much Microtech or Desert Knife Works paid to have thier knive inserted into the 24 series.
sgtdraino said:
Think I just figured out why The Last Confederate thought Kate had the Ka-Bar. In "Walkabout," she's definitely got the Jaguar, BUT she's keeping it in the Ka-Bar sheath!

And I readily admit that anytime the camera was anywhere near Kate's waist, I wasn't looking at her belt!
Well, thanks to finally getting my Master Bowie back, my John Locke Collection is now complete! Here, finally, are all the knives from the show, in a single picture:


You gotta admit, that is pretty cool. :)

The hold up was getting my Master Bowie back, which was in the possession of knife makers John Bailey and Mike Spiker. At my request, they were making a "Master Throwing Bowie" for me; a copy of the el cheapo Master Bowie that is actually designed to withstand the punishment of being thrown at stuff! I've finally gotten that too (pictures to follow soon) and it is frickin awesome!

Now I just gotta find that Rimowa case. Which is turning out to be the hardest item of all. Looks like that model isn't manufactured anymore, and I can't find it anywhere!

Help! :)

Enjoy the season finale of Lost, just 19 hours away now!
That 'Master Jaguar' sure is the spittin' image of my 'Winchester' logo'd knife made by Gerber.... :confused:
Thanks for all the information. I actually tried to do a search for this information a couple of weeks ago and failed to locate this thread. I guess that says something about my computer skills :rolleyes:.

I had kind of expected the "big knife" to have been a custom. I should have known. TV is illusion, appearance is everything.

Pretty good TV show, however. I'm looking forward to the season finale tonight.
I'm not sure. But on a rerun episode played last Wednesday, June the 7th, when Desmond told Locke to get rid of the knife, it looked like Locke pulled out a SOG Tigershark.

Can anybody confirm this?
Never seen the show, never will- but this thread contains knife content, so I am happy.
Not surprising that they use mostly crap knives for the show.
The Tigershark has shown up numerous times, both in the hands of John Locke and Mr. Eko in Season Two. Also featured was a plain edge S&W SWAT folder, which Kate used to slice through electrical cable binding her hands. The other notable knife used was the venerable Buck 110, although they made errors regarding the date of the knife's manufacture and connection to the military.
Will P. said:
I hear he was going to teach the aborigines about the social contract....

Now that's the most essential identification,
for those who thought John Locke's first and foremost a character from a dreary TV series.
"Will P." is a funny 'nom de plume' for one so name-conscious :)
I'm unable to find any sites that have that Master bowie. I've looked at, which I assume is the website for the Atlanta Cutlery Master bowie. Can't find it there. Looked through the whole catelog at, and it's not there either.

I'm kinda partial to Ka Bar and SOG knives myself, and actually seen a Beretta Stampede Bowie I'd like to get, if I can find a local distributer that carries it. (always like to hold a knife before purchase)

But I wanted to look at the specs of the Master bowie for giggles, but can't find it anywhere.
1st off, i love lost, and am very eager to id any knife Locke has, any chace I get. This thread is awsum. If you go to, you can see screencaps from the episode "furthur instructions" where you can definetly see Locke with his SOG TIGERSHARK. while i was kinda put off at first seeing most of his "gun show cheepos", I was excited at seeing the SOG, and Spyderco Harpy (of which i have, and love it)
I felt the same way about that movie "The Hunted"... :rolleyes:

What was the deal with that knife? I remember watching the special features for the movie on DVD and they made it seem like that knife design was a super functional uber survival knife.
no collection would be complete without the vest, gotta get me the vest!!!!!!!!!!