Broke my ankle

Good to hear John, the doc seemed to be pretty credible, folks at work knew him by name with positive things to say.

Hmmm 21 years from now, that'll make me 81, if I'm still here I'll bump this thread up then ;) if the mods don't mind?
Hope you're doing better.

I broke a knuckle w weeks ago and I'm afraid it's not going to be the same again.
Plate and Pins....Pins and Plate, both of which require Surgery, which I will be having tomorrow around 2pm

Just back from the Doc's, could have covered it with a phone call as he didn't need to take another xray or even examine my foot. He went by the previous xray's and showed me what was going on. The ties that bind in my foot snapped, when it folded up against the outside of my leg, which is why there is way more bruising on the side opposite of the bone fracture.

Then he explained that they would put a plate along the bone that was broken to pull the two pieces into place. And then, they will put pins, a couple at least, through the plate and into the larger bone to try and pull that over to close the gap and promote healing of the ligaments/tendons...

Gonna be a LONG LONG day tomorrow I'm afraid !!!
And the Doc said, NO pressure on that foot once the pins are in place, he showed me a fellow's xray, had basically the very same fracture, nice long plate, MANY pins holding the plate to the smaller pieces of bone, and several pins pulling the larger bone over....BUT I noticed that the gap of the mortise was still rather wide, wider than mine was right now, and the Doc said 'Good eye there, I taught you well !, that fellow didn't listen and put weight on his foot and caused the pins to slip and he needs to get it repaired" WOW, a real confidence builder doc ;) or at least a very good warning for me.

He said he may have me stay the nite as it will be a very long day, surgery will take just over an hour and recovery from the OR a couple hours, sometimes it's best to keep people there just for the nite, but, if I come out of it and decide nah, then I am free to head home.

We shall see, I will be bringing my new Kindle white that my kids got me for Christmas to read during the long wait periods, to keep my mind off food...

Wish me well guys, I'm gonna need it.

Good Luck. Hope all goes well. :thumbup:

Tell the Doc that you prefer GEC or Case pins, because they are intended to last a lifetime. :D
Hope you're doing better.

I broke a knuckle w weeks ago and I'm afraid it's not going to be the same again.

thanks sorry to hear about that knuckle, should get it looked at when you can!

and yeah, Case/GEC pins, I'll bring that up at the next meeting with the Doc ;)

And Esav, I've marked it on my calendar :) Thanks !

Got up early, had half a banana and some water as I have to fast before surgery. So, I'll be out of pocket for a while folks, appreciate all your thoughts and prayers guys/gals !

Just seeing this thread now Gary, get well soon and I hope the surgery goes well!
Thanks Erik, and just back from the hospital....

The Doc sent a nurse to tell me that I don't need to be operated :( seems there were emergencies that ended up taking longer and so I arrived there at 1pm again no food, no drink. Got the IV punched in at 2pm, and there I laid, ankle swelling up more from the crazy bed I was end, few hours in a nurse came by and said 'you want a pillow for that leg?' uh...yeah! so I got a pillow but wasn't much help really. Around 6pm they came in and said hey, can you go home and come back in the morning at 5am?
Well, heck, why not? ;) just what I always wanted to do, nothing like getting a pile of nerves from the worry of the operation and if I should stay the night, guess they solved that problem for me...

SO, didn't really feel very hungry, but was thirsty and now I have to fast again for tomorrow's operation ugh! so I'm eating very light, some grapes and some cucumbers and a few bottles of water and then early to bed to get up by 4am.

Wish me luck guys!
it looks like your hospital is operating on the saying,
"The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions!"
Hehe, indeed they are, of course, pay me now, pay me later, I could have said NO and then waited until who knows WHEN the doc would be able to and of course that would put him in a good mood by that point, poke the bear ;)

OR, do I wait and take my chances with a doc that's worked most of the day and nite only to go BACK early to do another operation. But I am going to hang my luck on the morning I guess and see how that plays out.

Good luck tomorrow. :thumbup:

The delay must have been from the parts run to Bradford & Titusville. :D
Hah that MUST be it :)
Nite guys, off to bed now
Watch a boring movie, it might help you settle down.

If that doesn't work, there's always infomercials. :yawn:
Thanks Esav, and it went pretty smooth, early rising and a quick drive but got there on time this morning, they apologized for yesterday but I told them things happen.

A plate, 9 screws and one long pin does it for now, Doc said it all went well, so we shall see, up to ME not to screw it up by putting any weight on it at all right now.

And yep, another IV, don't care for those things but I do have good veins so they got both on one try each, no trouble. And I tell ya, I remember being wheeled into the OR, then moving from my bed to the OR bed, I asked them first when will the lightening bolts come down as it reminded me of Frankenstein's laboratory ;) they laughed pretty hard at that comment and said yeah not today. I laid down on there, guess I didn't see him stick stuff into the IV but WHACK that's ALL I remember of that room, I think I saw Curly in the corner with a big wooden mallet that said Anesthesia on it ;)

Next thing I know, it's several hours later, waking up in another area. Came out of it pretty good, not groggy so that was a good thing, hate sounding any MORE stupid than I usually do :) Said things went well, gave me some water. and after a bit took me to my old room to wait to be let go.

Right now it's just a splint wrapped in Ace bandgage, have an appointment next Thursday and will probably get a cast at that time and later one I should be able to go back to the boot.

So, gonna rest up a bit now, pretty long day, even if I did get a nap !

Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts folks, much appreciated !!!
Took an early call for bed last nite, can't seem to find a position without pain, mainly the side that was sliced open, ugh this will take a bit of time,
Gary, I hope your recovery goes well.

BTW, hope you get a good Peanut in return. I've gotten three lately and all had good F&F, so I'm sure you'll get a good one in return.

Well Ken, the new one showed up, I'd swear it was the same but the tell me it is a different one, serves me right for not taking a photo ;) but, it had the very same attributes;

Main blade had minimal side to side play
Pen blade solid
Stag scales VERY thick

Main blade wasn't very sharp, not a big deal as I counted on sharpening both on arrival, but, the Pen blade of the first was adequately sharp as was the Pen blade on the replacement, which made me think it was the same one, just maybe mixed up in the store and a few days later out it goes again ;)

At any rate, I'll not try to exchange for another peanut like that one again, she said she was sure the next one I wouldn't like either...

Leg is letting me get some rest finally, next visit on Thursday and a proper cast on that day I think once they check it over.

I hate waiting :)
All you old guys are pretty durn cool if ya ask me. But then again, no one asked me, but still!
Get better soon Gary, we need ya back on the rugby team asap. ;)
Hey Gary, get well ASAP!!!

Hopefully you will make a full and complete recovery.................
I know it's no fun being stuck at home while immobile. :grumpy:
It might help to say " There's no place like home ". :)
Hopefully, You can accomplish something that You normally wouldn't have time for. :thumbup:
(This being something You can do without a lot of physical movement.) :cool:
GOOD LUCK toward Your recovery. ;)