Custom Low Rider pocket clips

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I need the knives in most cases unless I happen to own one. I do not own a D4 though. Sorry. The good part about that is that turn around time is fast. Once I get the knives they are usually completed the same day and ready to mail out, but if I'm swamped with a bunch at once or something they can be 24 hours before being mailed. Only exceptions are if I get it on a Saturday and get several at once.

Thanks for asking and thanks for the compliments on my clips.

I will attest to that fact. The turn around is very fast.

Also a question... how does putting a clip into liner-less G-10 work? On a Dodo for example is the G-10 strong enough to hold the screws? I'd like to somehow convert my Dodo to tip-down carry but am not sure if that's do-able without a complete rebuild. I also have a somewhat insane idea for a clip design.
Personally I feel that Micarta and especially FRN both hold threads exceptionally well. On most regular G10 and carbon fiber I will place some threaded stainless inserts on the underside of the scale to hold the clip and give it something to hold onto better. Spyderco's G10 though is both heavier and tougher making it not only more rigid but also able to hold threads better than most G10. The G10 Spyderco uses has 30% more glass in it so I trust it more.

The key to making any non metal threaded holes last is to never overtweak the screws by tightening them more than snug along with also never using loctite or superglue in the threaded holes. Doing so will just make the threads pull out the first time you back out a screw after the glue sets.

On the previous page I show a Spyderco Carbon Fiber Military that I placed inserts on. The Dodo could be done the same way being a take apart knife. This too has its risks of losing the inserts though so its best to keep the clip on the knife at all times even if I do this. Its also best to not make a habit of taking the clip on and off a lot with non metal threaded scales. I've got FRN folders out there with clips on them and no metal backing that I threaded over ten years ago long before I made my own clips. So I know they can work. I also carry and use quite frequently a Micarta and G10 only knife that have clips mounted this way. It can be done. Those are the same price. Placing inserts adds $10 more in cost though because it requires a $5 pivot barrel to volunteer itself for the inserts.

This is what I was thinking... it's a bit odd I think. I would think you may charge more for this assuming you're willing to do it and it's possible. I was also contemplating getting the G-10 swapped out with red G-10 but that'd be down road if ever.

From what you're saying with the Spyderco G-10 just screwed into the G-10 should work... I think adding a plate or something may not work with the clip placement in any event.

I was thinking bead-blasted Ti. I got a little carried away with the rendering. Took it as a chance to beef up my Illustrator skills.

Thats probably going to require smaller screws than I even stock which would also mean new drills, and threaders which would add up to way too much money for the few clips I'd ever do that way. I'd be a bit worried about tension on those also, and low riders can be bad enough there at times. It seems the narrower you make the clip the less tension it will have available to the user. I can compensate some but only so much. With the design you have there it doesn't have a bend in it at all so I don't know how much grab it would have to it.

I can easy make adjustments to it, larger screws running perpendicular to how they're running now for example. It's hard to judge scale when you don't have the knife sitting in front of you (which I didn't whileworking on this). I would think the tension would be fine for my needs. I'm not hanging upside down or anything.

The main thing I want in the clip is a simple square design with three pieces. The clip, and a spacer on either end of it, one with bevels on it so you can actually clip the thing onto something.

How about the placement of the clip? Is that a do-able position?
I didn't touch on the placement. I have my doubts because the ball on those can sometimes be hard enough to disengage for some. I know thats one of my issues with it. Otherwise I like that lock fine but the ball eludes my fat fingers. With the clip there it may make it even harder to access but in that respect your flat stance design may be the only way to pull it off putting it there. I think tip up is really a better mode on that knife, and the ball is probably the reason Spyderco did it that way also.

Making the clip so that it had a cut out or section taken out of the middle to take it farther still from the hole might work.

More like this here. I did this free hand just now so its not real great but gives the idea.

This way you make the ball still accessable and easy to get to without the clip blocking a finger.

Interesting idea. Perhaps even just on one side. Could make for a nice asymetrical utiliarian look.
When I get back in the shop I'll try one and see how it works and looks on my Dodo.

I haven't said anything about it but when installing my A/C in the shop I managed to stab my hand good with a screwdriver right in the meaty part of the skin and muscle between the thumb and index. Poked it in there a good 3/8" making a nasty wound. As is typical with me I stuck a bandaid on it and finished the job at hand before looking it over good to realize that but by that time it had clotted up good and I stuck some super glue over it squeezed it shut the rest of the way and decided to wait it out. Its messed my grip up good and pretty much put a halt to most jobs in the shop but its looking much better so hopefully here in a day or three I'll be back to normal.

Not a problem. Being open to that has made me a nice hobby and basically brought on this forum. I will usually try anything once. Sometimes twice but if it doesn't work out after that its going to be pretty hard to talk me into a third strike. :D

I think that will work a lot better for ball access yes. When I'm up for it I'll grab up a piece of scrap ti and give it a try. Not sure what I'll do on the bottom and top piece just yet. I'll have to think on that.

Yesterday late I got a knife in the mail to do a low rider for that my wife has gone absolutely bonkers for. Guess I know what to get her for her next gift now. Anyway, the request from SW was for a purple low rider on her purple mini Grip knife. I am quite happy with the results of the color match. I think you will be pleased with it SW. The color is as close as I can get it. Took me three tries to get this and I've learned when to leave well enough alone. Besides that it passes the wife's inspection so I know its good to go.:D It will be on the way home to you in the morning.

Thanks for trusting me with your purple knife. My wife thanks you also.

Wow, nicely done! Beautiful matching of the colors there. Now the question is how close can you get to benchmade'a od green ha ha.
She just left in the mail on the way home to ya! By the way, if you think it looks good there it looks better in person. Color match is pretty close in the sun and good lighting. The factory clip and extra screw are in a small zip lock baggy in there with the knife so be sure to find those before tossing the mailer out.

Don't do many of these but figured I'd post it up since its getting shipped out today.

These are tougher to pull off than most. That little lock thing is effectively blocked by the low rider for the tip up mode of carry but the lanyard still works. I've found most guys don't really use those locks anyways though so it isn't a big deal.

Thanks Rich.

I knocked out one of these clips you designed for your Dodo today Deadguy. Have to say it was a lot more work. Its probably slightly off from the pic but close enough I think. I didn't really want it on my Dodo in this mode of carry so I made up a scale actual size to use as a template so I could mount it on that. It works. Not sure what I think of it but its hard for me to judge fairly because I don't really like tip down carry, but you may like it. Anyway, here it is.

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