Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

Nobody here has ever reported breaking a tip :thumbsup:

I've broken the tip on my small Wright's Jack. It's miniscule, most people would not notice if they took a look at the knife, the edge was straight as a ruler from choil to point and it's not anymore. I don't know how it happened, but it did.

Of course I reprofiled the blade, taking it very close to flat to the stone. The damage probably would not have happened if I kept the edge angle as it came from the factory.
My ancient grocery is obviously trying to drive us into the robo lanes. Oh, and ask one of our associates how you can help put them out of work by using our app.
There's a smaller and more expensive grocery with a 10% discount for geezers on Wednesdays and live cashiers every day. Time to switch.

I just have to remember.

Sounds good Jer :D Nice to see that one :) :thumbsup:

My apologies. I keep thinking of the forum knife as a Lambsfoot. Thanks.

No worries Fred :) Maybe one day :rolleyes: :D ;) :thumbsup:

Very interesting comment you make about businesses not taking cash, it is on the increase over here, recently we had a computer melt down with one of the leading banks, a lot of these businesses could not operate, and have a guess who were the first and loudest complaining? I will let you work that one out.:D:D:D

Yes, I guess it's a global phenomenon :( Ha! :D An accident waiting to happen :rolleyes: It doesn't seem long ago, you might get a discount for paying in cash, now you seem to get treated like a second-class citizen in some places o_O A friend of mine wanted to pay in cash at a hotel, and he got treated like he'd just robbed a bank! :eek:

Thanks, Jack. That certificate on the wall shows that I own a share of the Green Bay Packers. They are the only publicly owned major sports franchise. They have only offered stock for sale four times in the last 100 years, and only twice in my lifetime.
I don't get dividends, but I do get a vote at our annual stockholders' meetings.

Nice Vince, I remember when Sheffield Wednesday issued shares to fans in the 70's (just looked online and they are doing it again), to raise cash. My dad and uncle bought them, but I don't think they really counted for much - and they were a struggling club, not a major sports franchise! :D There are small clubs here that are entirely owned by their fans though :) :thumbsup:

Jack Black Jack Black - Thank you Jack. Cheers to you and the hard to come by Stingo. Fine assortment of images. I think of robotic automation as unavoidable as the Industrial Revolution. Whole swathes of the population will need to figure out how to survive. We’ll(or you all) will see how accurate the prognostication for new job creation is. Heaven help us. And that’s not even taking the Sigularity into account.:eek:


Good Afternoon Guardians.
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Thank you Harvey :) Yes indeed, I've seen the Terminator films! :eek: I have a friend who has a very minor role in helping develop a sewer-cleaning droid (think he does the welding), and I never fail to remind him how it ends! :D :thumbsup:

Fab pic of your AC my friend :) :thumbsup:

Great picture.
We used to see so many of those being carried, now it's more rare.

Here's mine out with me the weekend before last John, photographed in front of an unusual guillotine lock :)


Maybe some of the absent Guardians would be up for an Ashley's Choice day :thumbsup:


Looking good Joshua :) :thumbsup:

I've broken the tip on my small Wright's Jack. It's miniscule, most people would not notice if they took a look at the knife, the edge was straight as a ruler from choil to point and it's not anymore. I don't know how it happened, but it did.

Of course I reprofiled the blade, taking it very close to flat to the stone. The damage probably would not have happened if I kept the edge angle as it came from the factory.

That's a shame Christian, got a pic? :( Which one did you have, I can't remember? :thumbsup:

Morning Guardians, hope everyone had a great weekend. I think I must have eaten too much coffee candy as I went to bed early, feeling tired, fell asleep for an hour, then didn't manage to drop off again until around 6.00am o_O Hope your week gets off to a good start folks :thumbsup:

That lambsfoot is a charmer, ED! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

GT, I can assure you that after eating chicken fried steak, you won’t be doing anything quickly. :D
You can get chicken fried steak in Arkansas, for sure. ;) :thumbsup: You‘ll usually find it on the menu next to the redundantly-named “chicken fried chicken.” (Arkansans eat a lot of chicken; I’m surprised it’s not the state bird. :D)
Thanks for continuing my culinary education, Barrett! :D:thumbsup::thumbsup:

5K Qs 5K Qs - Thank you GT, and thanks for the nice image of your Man Jack.
Your Man Jack is wonderful, Gary!;):thumbsup:
I'm grateful for your compliments, Harvey & José. :)

Splendor in the grass! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Many thanks for your kind words Gary, it's good to see Man Jack again :) :thumbsup:

Stan Shaw's hands:


Thanks for the compliment and the hand photo, Jack. :) Stan Shaw's hands illustrate my point about the ridges on your stag HHB! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:

A couple new Lambsfoots made their way to me just before Christmas;) and I'm excited to show them to my Guardian friends but haven't had any sunshine for a photo for what seems like weeks now, until yesterday.
The first is a standard clad in Ebony. The blade was touching the mark side liner and the tip was high enough above the liners to catch a finger on. While I was at it, I contoured the edges of the scales and ran through the grits up to about 600 then gave them a quick buffing. I'm very pleased how they turned out.
Welcome back, Mark, and congrats on the new ebony lambsfoot! :cool::cool::thumbsup: You've got it looking fantastic! (I don't think I have the nerve to try that blade-centering procedure. :eek:)

It's a stressful job, as you know. I try to surround myself with things that make me smile. :)
Good plan, John! :):cool::cool:

Morning friends!
Hope to comment on all the great posts later on, but headed out the door now. Have a great Friday!
Fine pic of your horn lambsfoot, Dennis! :thumbsup::cool::cool:

You're a lucky man Vince :) I had chilli and a coke for lunch in a local pub, but I think you would have taken the chilli back! :eek: :rolleyes: :D :thumbsup:
I have absolutely no standards when it comes to chili. :rolleyes: I don't think I've ever had chili I didn't enjoy! :)

Files are what cutlers use, and they do the job well (just go slow) :) Stan Shaw cuts his blades out with a hacksaw, and most of the rest of the work is done with a file. I've given him quite a few over the years, he gets quite excited about a good big sharp file :) "Eee, that'll tek plenty o'steel off!" He'll say :thumbsup:
Interesting! :cool::thumbsup::cool: I'm certainly no cutler, but the only time I reshaped a blade (circumstances forced me to modify an Opinel blade into a spearpoint) I decided to use a file and was surprised and pleased by how well it worked!

Finally have a vintage lambsfoot to post! C & X Lockwood Brothers. Though the master blade looks more like a wharnie than a lambsfoot.

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That's a vivacious vintage lambsfoot; congrats!! :cool::thumbsup::cool:

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All normal here Jack! LOL!!
Batter Up!!!

Thanks GT, That space age fairing isn't such a bad idea. :p:D

Happy weekend, y,all.
Taylor, ED, and FBC, those rosewood Hartshead Barlows are SUCH appealing lambsfoots! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

After work I stopped at the hardware store and picked up a file and a Dremel. Use my A. Wright lambfoot to make a paper stencil then use a Sharpie to mark up the blade. After that it was hiho hiho off to work I go.
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Didn’t take long with the Dremel to remove the bunk of the steel. Then I took the file and touched it all up. Boy how I wish I had these tools when I started this project!!! The end result looks a little something like this.
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Nice refinement of your initial modification! Certainly something to be proud of, I think! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thought I’d do a photo of my whole flock together this morning. I’m hoping to add one in stag in the future. Maybe track down a Hartshead Barlow on the secondary market if I’m lucky.
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Splendid flock you have! :thumbsup::thumbsup::)

I never replied to the Knife of the Year thread, but I’m submitting my choice here.
When Jack posted the thread, I was stunned to see the iron wood guardians knife...I had completely forgotten that happened in 2019 as well! It truly was the year of the Lambsfoot!
My submission didn’t get the most pocket time; it’s not that kind of knife for me, but it does get carried and used as appropriate. It was the knife that I got to commemorate the birth of my daughter, child #3. The right, special, knife coming around at the right time!
My submission for KotY:

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Thanks for the KOTY story, Mike; quite a special knife in more ways than one!! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I had a pleasant trip over to York. It has been a dull day, but wasn't raining at least, and there were a few sunny intervals.
Having had coffee before leaving home, and on the way there...
We decided to stop off for a pot of tea. We were rather amused by this fancy tea-set, but it belied a foul crime, the worst cup of tea I've had in my entire life! :eek: o_O
The cake was good...
But after the rotten tea, I really needed something decent to drink. Fortunately, one of my favourite pubs was just across the road, The Blue Bell :)

After a pint of Brew York brewery's Session IPA, which is brewed 100 yards down the road, and a pint of Brass Castle 'Bad Kitty' (vanilla porter), brewed a few miles away, I felt a whole lot better :) :thumbsup:
Thanks for the tale, and photos, of your trip to York, Jack! :cool::cool::thumbsup: That Blue Bell sign is great! ;) The "bad tea" sounds suspiciously like a convenient excuse to get to the pub! :eek::D:thumbsup:

Good Afternoon Guardians

How could such a nice walk...
End like this?...
I hear music when I look at that lambsfoot phot, Harvey! ;):cool::cool:
Did Ari decide it was time for his first swim of 2020, or did you get caught in the monsoon that moved through the Midwest for the weekend??

One of my favorite knife photos!! :cool::thumbsup::cool:

Sunny Saturday in my comfy chair, dog on lap, rereading Dune.
Sounds idyllic! :thumbsup::thumbsup:;)

Good morning Guardians, hope everyone is having a lovely weekend :) It's been raining here since late afternoon yesterday, but I have a chore list as long as Meadowlark Lemon's arms, so I'll be in the house all day. Hoping I can spend some time hanging out here of course ;) Have a great Sunday folks :thumbsup:
I've never heard that expression before, and was surprised that a Yorkshireman is the one who introduced me to it! :eek::rolleyes: Were the Harlem Globetrotters a big deal in the UK?

Good Morning Guardians
I'm forced to post from my phone this morning. I wish I could reply to more of you but quoting takes much effort on my phone. I'm spending the morning in the Emergency Room with my Mom. She fell and bumped her head last night. She is fine and headed home soon. I'll try to post a picture later.
Glad it seems to not have been too serious, John. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Good Sunday Guardians.:):thumbsup:
What a desirable duo of lambsfoot barlows, José! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

Lovely pair, Mark! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

- GT
Thanks for the compliment and the hand photo, Jack. :) Stan Shaw's hands illustrate my point about the ridges on your stag HHB! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:

Stan's arms are much the same. "They never 'ave any trouble finding a vein," he says of his trips to the hospital :)

I have absolutely no standards when it comes to chili. :rolleyes: I don't think I've ever had chili I didn't enjoy! :)

It was bad! :eek: :D

Interesting! :cool::thumbsup::cool: I'm certainly no cutler, but the only time I reshaped a blade (circumstances forced me to modify an Opinel blade into a spearpoint) I decided to use a file and was surprised and pleased by how well it worked!

They are the right tool for the job my friend :) :thumbsup:

Thanks for the tale, and photos, of your trip to York, Jack! :cool::cool::thumbsup: That Blue Bell sign is great! ;) The "bad tea" sounds suspiciously like a convenient excuse to get to the pub! :eek::D:thumbsup:

Thanks Gary, we should have gone straight to the pub! :D :thumbsup:

I've never heard that expression before, and was surprised that a Yorkshireman is the one who introduced me to it! :eek::rolleyes: Were the Harlem Globetrotters a big deal in the UK?

You can have that one on me mate! :D Harlem Globe Trotter games were televised in a way unlike other sports at the time, shown during the children's late afternoon slot, and a lot more fun to watch than cricket! :rolleyes: There was even a cartoon spin-off I dare say some remember. I wouldn't say they were that big a deal here, but they were a household name at a time when folks would have been unlikely to be able to name another basketball team :thumbsup:
Sounds good Jer :D Nice to see that one :)
Thanks for sendng it to me. It's an extra hand-friendly handle with a lot of panache. Whoever made them did a great job.
Harlem Globe Trotter games were televised in a way unlike other sports at the time, shown during the children's late afternoon slot,
I think the Harlem Globetrotters had a live actor Saturday morning kid's show. I seem to remember a Globetrotter asking a kid, "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" "Practice, man. Practice." "That's an old joke." "How would I know? I'm just a kid."
I wouldn't mind remembering stuff like that if I also remembered everything else.
Like what day is senior discount day and whether this is one.
Taylor, ED, and FBC, those rosewood Hartshead Barlows are SUCH appealing lambsfoots! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

Thank you, Gary. Jake is good lookin' annnnd a hard worker. He would make a good catch for any single lady Lambsfoot.

All you Guardians, have a great week.

A recycled pic because everone likes Lambsfoot pics. :D
Good Morning Guardians

Looking good John :thumbsup:

Thanks for sendng it to me. It's an extra hand-friendly handle with a lot of panache. Whoever made them did a great job.

I think the Harlem Globetrotters had a live actor Saturday morning kid's show. I seem to remember a Globetrotter asking a kid, "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" "Practice, man. Practice." "That's an old joke." "How would I know? I'm just a kid."
I wouldn't mind remembering stuff like that if I also remembered everything else.
Like what day is senior discount day and whether this is one.

I haven't seen those knives on sale for a while, but I bought quite a few, and all the friends I gifted them to spoke highly of them :) It's funny what you do and don't remember isn't it Jer? Well more 'strange' than 'funny' :rolleyes: Two good-looking Guardians knives there my friend :thumbsup:

All you Guardians, have a great week.

A recycled pic because everone likes Lambsfoot pics. :D

You too Kevin, nice to see your lovely '19 :thumbsup:

I went for a coffee, and they told me THIS was cake! :eek: o_O :rolleyes:

That's a shame Christian, got a pic? :( Which one did you have, I can't remember? :thumbsup:

I got the small swaybacked version.

No pic. It's a non-issue really. Even with the (very) minor damage, my Wright's is still pointier than it came from the factory. It's pointier than my waynorth. If I handed this knife to someone who hadn't thoroughly examined it before, there's little chance any damage would be noted.