Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

Thanks for the encouraging words Jack! :) Positive visible results do make it easier to keep it up! I will definitely try to get that photo in the coming week. It’s going to be a beautiful Saturday here. Milder temps and low humidity are drawing us to the outside for some more deck work. Finally on the verge of completion. Have a great weekend my friend! :) :thumbsup:

Thanks Ron :) Don't work too hard, and have a nice day :) :thumbsup:

Good morning Guardians! Hope y’all are all doing well and have a great weekend! I’ll be totin my PD stag big’un today! :) :thumbsup:


That one is looking better and better Ron :cool: :thumbsup:

Love the background.
Like Cutlers, Saddlers are becoming a dying breed.

That's the spirit, Jack. :)

Yes indeed :(

Thanks pal! :D :thumbsup:

Good Morning Guardians
There were some nice Summer Storms last night.
Thunder, lightning, and heavy rains. Luckily, it ended before I went to bed.

My "Recycled Saturday" picture...

Lovely pic John :) :thumbsup:

Everyone’s knives are looking great today! I don’t have any flood or bee swarm pictures or anything really exciting today just some good, strong, black coffee.

Good start to the day Les ;) :thumbsup:

It'll get ya goin' !

I have had a serious lack of energy lately and work has been crazy busy so I have been drinking BANG to keep me going. I know it is a bad way to get energy but it works.

Had me ol' '18 with me, was that the day before???

I bet! :D That's a great pic Kevin :cool: :thumbsup:

Good morning, Guardians!

I've got a lot of catching up to do here after a very busy week. But first, chores.


Hope you get a chance to put your feet up Greg :) :thumbsup:

Thanks, Jack! You know, I’ve heard of the Forest of Dean, at least in passing, but for some reason I thought it was in the northern part of England. (Obviously I was wrong!)

I was amazed by the beauty of the whole area, the first time I visited, friendly too :) :thumbsup:

My brother asked me recently which was my favorite between Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The World’s End. It’s a tough call, but I think I enjoy Hot Fuzz the most. :thumbsup:

I enjoyed all three Barrett, but I think I'd give it to Shaun of the Dead, with Hot Fuzz a close econd :) :thumbsup:

Yeah, that rendering definitely makes it look 3D, especially at the bottom where it extends out away from the building, but it sounds like the plan was always just to paint the wall to give the illusion of a 3D structure. As for the cost, the artist did state “that the paint will be of highest quality and robust for outdoor conditions.” :rolleyes: :D

Yes indeed, I had only seen it in the market-traders newsletter, which didn't state it was just going to be a paint-job, I thought it was going to be some sort of frieze or moulded structure :rolleyes:

Looking good Barrett :) :thumbsup:

We call this weather Junuary out here in the Pacific Northwest!!:D
Wintry bluster, intermittent rain, lightning and thunder sometimes, interspersed with warm sunshine!! Dithering stuff!!:eek:

Sounds like England! :eek: :D :thumbsup:

LOL! I was going to mention Hot fuzz as well Jack. Brilliant film. :thumbsup:
I've never made it to Wells though, but I may change that as I'm looking at visiting places by car when I'd normally use the trains. But I'm not going anywhere if their going to bring in stupid rules about how to visit the pub.

Colourful. Nice shot.:thumbsup:

He could of at least posed with a proper pint of Yorkshire ale instead of that urine sample... :rolleyes:

Just a few pics from my walk yesterday.
Rivington Country Park, in the county of Lancashire.

Pigeon Tower. A summer house built in 1904.

Lever Bridge.

Rivington Pike.


The obligatory pork (and cranberry) pie.

And seconds. 'Cos one is just never enough.

Lancashire. With West Yorkshire in the far distance.

Thanks for looking chaps. I hope your all having a nice weekend so far. :thumbsup:

Sorry David, I thought you'd been. Looks good doesn't it? Have to watch out for The Baby-eating Bishop though! :eek: :D Thanks for those fantastic pics, you clearly had a much better day yesterday than over here, where it didn't stop raining :thumbsup:
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Just a few pics from my walk yesterday.
Rivington Country Park, in the county of Lancashire.

Pigeon Tower. A summer house built in 1904.

Lever Bridge.

Rivington Pike.


The obligatory pork (and cranberry) pie.

And seconds. 'Cos one is just never enough.

Lancashire. With West Yorkshire in the far distance.

Thanks for looking chaps. I hope your all having a nice weekend so far. :thumbsup:
Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful photos David! :) :thumbsup:

Thanks Ron :) Don't work too hard, and have a nice day :) :thumbsup:

That one is looking better and better Ron :cool: :thumbsup:
Thanks Jack! It’s nice with a gentle breeze blowing. Came in for a water break. Both in and out if you know what I mean! ;) Of all the Lambsfoot beauties I’ve got, I believe my PD Stag Bigun has stolen my heart. It’s not the prettiest by no means. You remember I got it from you. It’s a second with a crack in the stag repaired at Wright’s. It did have the polished blade. It’s centered and has excellent walk and talk, smooth but strong. It’s really funny how that happens sometimes when we bond with a knife. Not at all unlike you and you Stag Hartshead! I hope the rest of your weekend is a great one my friend! :) :thumbsup:

The excitement ramped up a bit when this Southern style peach cobbler came out of the oven! :p
And here I am trying to eat healthy! :eek: Looks delicious Les! :thumbsup: :)
Great pictures of Wells Barrett.:thumbsup:

LOL! I was going to mention Hot fuzz as well Jack. Brilliant film. :thumbsup:
I've never made it to Wells though, but I may change that as I'm looking at visiting places by car when I'd normally use the trains. But I'm not going anywhere if their going to bring in stupid rules about how to visit the pub.


Just a few pics from my walk yesterday.

Rivington Country Park, in the county of Lancashire.

Pigeon Tower. A summer house built in 1904.

Lever Bridge.

Rivington Pike.


The obligatory pork (and cranberry) pie.

And seconds. 'Cos one is just never enough.

Lancashire. With West Yorkshire in the far distance.

Thanks for looking chaps. I hope your all having a nice weekend so far. :thumbsup:

Thanks, David! Excellent photos from your walk, too. :thumbsup:

Are you saying you don’t want to enjoy a pint and a pie at the pub (the three P’s) while wearing one of these? :eek: :D


Shaun of the Dead... Hands down, without a doubt. ;):thumbsup:

I enjoyed all three Barrett, but I think I'd give it to Shaun of the Dead, with Hot Fuzz a close second :) :thumbsup:

It’s a close call for me between Shaun and Hot Fuzz. It’s entirely possible that my answer would change depending on which one I’ve watched most recently. :D

Yes indeed, I had only seen it in the market-traders newsletter, which didn't state it was just going to be a paint-job, I thought it was going to be some sort of frieze or moulded structure :rolleyes:

The good thing about paint is that it can easily be painted over in a couple years when someone in charge (hopefully) realizes what a terrible decision it was. :D That, or they commission the guy to paint the rest of the building to match. :eek:

(By the way, Jack, several of your quotes/comments got bundled together and sort of hidden in one quote at the end of your first post on this page.)

The excitement ramped up a bit when this Southern style peach cobbler came out of the oven! :p

Mmmmmmmmm :) Don't leave it cooling on the window-sill Les! :eek: ;) :thumbsup:

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We call this weather Junuary out here in the Pacific Northwest!!:D
Wintry bluster, intermittent rain, lightning and thunder sometimes, interspersed with warm sunshine!! Dithering stuff!!:eek:
Dithering indeed Charlie. We had about 3.5 inches of rain yesterday alone!:eek: Not much in the way of sunshine either.:thumbsdown:

Thanks Jack! It’s nice with a gentle breeze blowing. Came in for a water break. Both in and out if you know what I mean! ;) Of all the Lambsfoot beauties I’ve got, I believe my PD Stag Bigun has stolen my heart. It’s not the prettiest by no means. You remember I got it from you. It’s a second with a crack in the stag repaired at Wright’s. It did have the polished blade. It’s centered and has excellent walk and talk, smooth but strong. It’s really funny how that happens sometimes when we bond with a knife. Not at all unlike you and you Stag Hartshead! I hope the rest of your weekend is a great one my friend! :) :thumbsup:

I remember it well Ron, I still have a couple of pics of it when it was new :)



Yes, funny how a particular knife can steal your heart away :) Thanks pal, you too :thumbsup:

I’d say you’re putting your Hartshead to good use, Jack.:thumbsup:

Good Afternoon Guardians
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Thanks Harvey, cool pic of your IXL :) :thumbsup:

The good thing about paint is that it can easily be painted over in a couple years when someone in charge (hopefully) realizes what a terrible decision it was. :D That, or they commission the guy to paint the rest of the building to match. :eek:

(By the way, Jack, several of your quotes/comments got bundled together and sort of hidden in one quote at the end of your first post on this page.)

Oh, I'm sure there's plenty of scope for more corruption Barrett o_O A few years ago, the city council spent several Million 'renovating' a large part of the market. When the screens went down, everyone was shocked to see that all they had done was rip out most of the stalls - they hadn't even fixed the leaking roof! o_O

Thank you for drawing my attention to that my friend, I managed to fix it on my phone last night :thumbsup:

Thank you posting this too! :D It's just what I had in mind :D :thumbsup:

Good Morning Guardians, Sunday again, where does all the time go? Hope everyone is having a good weekend :) :thumbsup:


Guardians, if you have spare time today, and haven't already nominated someone for my giveaway, please give some thought to who might enjoy this African Rosewood Lambsfoot. So far there are only 9 entries, and only 6 nominees. The link is in my sig line :thumbsup:

Good Sunday morning Guardians. I thought that I would post this recycled photo in as much as it shows some sunlight reflecting on my HHB and the Laurel Oak tree it is nestled into. Haven't seen the sun in a week and more of the wet stuff on the way.:( Glad that I have all the really great posts on BF to keep in in fine spirits! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

I remember it well Ron, I still have a couple of pics of it when it was new :)



Yes, funny how a particular knife can steal your heart away :) Thanks pal, you too :thumbsup:

Thanks Harvey, cool pic of your IXL :) :thumbsup:

Oh, I'm sure there's plenty of scope for more corruption Barrett o_O A few years ago, the city council spent several Million 'renovating' a large part of the market. When the screens went down, everyone was shocked to see that all they had done was rip out most of the stalls - they hadn't even fixed the leaking roof! o_O

Thank you for drawing my attention to that my friend, I managed to fix it on my phone last night :thumbsup:

Thank you posting this too! :D It's just what I had in mind :D :thumbsup:

Good Morning Guardians, Sunday again, where does all the time go? Hope everyone is having a good weekend :) :thumbsup:


Enjoyed your shared ditty regarding Sandy Denny. Part of my generation and a great talent whose life was cut short. Thanks Jack for sharing.

Good Morning Guardians

Tight Lines John! :) :thumbsup:

Good Sunday morning Guardians. I thought that I would post this recycled photo in as much as it shows some sunlight reflecting on my HHB and the Laurel Oak tree it is nestled into. Haven't seen the sun in a week and more of the wet stuff on the way.:( Glad that I have all the really great posts on BF to keep in in fine spirits! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
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That's a nice pic Bill, I hope you get some more sunshine soon :) :thumbsup:

Enjoyed your shared ditty regarding Sandy Denny. Part of my generation and a great talent whose life was cut short. Thanks Jack for sharing.


Thanks Bill, an iconic track which hast lasted well I think. Many have covered it, and often very well, but none of the versions compare to Sandy Denny's original :thumbsup: