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HI Kerambit Design Thread

Daniel Koster

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 18, 2001
This idea has been kicking around for a while and it's time to get it going.

At least a half-dozen of you have asked to see a new design.

So, start posting pics and links and let's get a dialog started.

Nice idea. I'll start.

Something like this?


Dimensions? no idea. I would like to see a double edge, point strong enough for prying, chiruwa style scales and protruding tang. All uniform hardened. A finger-hole in the handle would be nice.

Flame away,
That's gotta be a no starter, Aardvark. Except for maybe on the survival forums who's going to WANT to cut brussel sprouts?
I have a traditional-style horn handled kerambit from Valiant. I'll try to post a pic tonight.
Originally posted by Rusty
That's gotta be a no starter, Aardvark. Except for maybe on the survival forums who's going to WANT to cut brussel sprouts?

If I am ever attacked by brussel sprouts, I would want something a heck of a lot more substantial than a kerambit with which to defend myself--maybe an 18" AK.
Nice picture Eraaij. I think the curve is a little to much for a kerambit. Reduce the curve by 1/3 and that will be a little closer.
Nice picture Eraaij. I think the curve is a little to much for a kerambit. Reduce the curve by 1/3 and that will be a little closer.

I think I'll leave the further drawing to Penditive right now, but reduction of the curve by 1/3 is certainly a good suggestion. As long as it still can cut Brussel Sprouts, that is. :p

I've got one by Kris Cutlery and I like it alot. I'll try and post a link here....
Wow, they totally redesigned it from when i got mine 5 years ago:( I'm not really happy with the new one, but here it is:
Wow, they totally redesigned it from when i got mine 5 years ago:( I'm not really happy with the new one, but here it is:
I've got a set from Valiant, and while I like them, they are too small for my "paws".

Here's a pic from valiant's website (gotta click properties to get the Image link, guys)

I don't have measurements handy at the moment, but if you would like to send an example to the kamis, I'll donate one of my valiants to the cause.

I'm on a business trip at the moment, but when I get home on Friday, I'll try to remember to take a pic of one of the valiants against a backing of graph paper as well as some in hand photos, so y'all can get an idea of size. (someone email me with a reminder) TC@wtshtf.com

I really do like the strider(it's actually sized right ;) ) and Emerson Kerambits, but when I can buy 10 of the valiants or 3-5 of the future HI kerambit(assuming cost will be between $60-100) for the cost of the strider, I'm just not willing to pay that much.


I've had a korambit/khuk idea in my head for about a year, now (Hibuke and I had some back-and-forth on the subject awhile back).

Think a 10-12" chiruwa hanshee with a finger ring at the butt end. That way it could be used either as a khuk, or kerambit style (with a reverse grip).

Here's a picture of my Valiant. It's simple, well-executed and meets my definition of a wicked blade.

Edit: Paw-size does not seem to be a problem either. When I grip this my whole hand only touches horn.

Hey Dan, Spence...

Originally posted by spence

I've had a korambit/khuk idea in my head for about a year, now (Hibuke and I had some back-and-forth on the subject awhile back).

Think a 10-12" chiruwa hanshee with a finger ring at the butt end. That way it could be used either as a khuk, or kerambit style (with a reverse grip).


Yeah, I wanted an HI Kerambit for 'bout that long, too! :D:D:D

IMOHO, a regular 12" Siru, but Hanshee-shaped, with a long false edge, would be my dream HI-Kerambit. That would fulfil both roles extrememly well...
Originally posted by Hibuke

IMOHO, a regular 12" Siru, but Hanshee-shaped, with a long false edge, would be my dream HI-Kerambit. That would fulfil both roles extrememly well...

Yep, although I don't care about the false edge.

A visual starter might be the Bura hanshee-M43 that munk has. Only, I'm thinking chiruwa, not partial-tang like munk's blade.
