I (think I) chipped my Triple Cut, Sterile, Steel Heart today...

This thread is the reason I am a INFIaholic.

Add the top notch customer service and you have IMO the best knife company in da world!!!:thumbup:

Thank you so much for the thread DtownDM and for your post Bossman, made my day!!

Now I am off to get my Busses and find me some steel to chop!!:eek:;) J/K!!

I couldn't agree more:thumbup:
WOW. Thanks Jerry, both for the great story and for the offer to fix it. Awesome.

Best knives, warranty, customer service, and knife people in the world. No doubt.

As that signature line reads (I forget whose): Busse: knives you swear by, not at.

That's a Mr. Mills quote and Hammy has it as his sig line....
This incident brings up an interesting point.

The ASH is really think, like .28 or .30---or is it .32?

A blade that thick and short might as well have a convex edge. That convex edge would have busted that chain without a hiccup.

What say you?

When I was much younger, I had been in a fairly similar situation. I was in the Cucamonga wilderness in California, with one of the first large survival-type knives that I had made the year before, in 1979. I came across a dirt bike that had either fallen or been thrown, into a deep gourge. As I sat there on a rock, in the closest thing to the wilderness that I had come across near Los Angeles, I thought to myself, "What would happen if I were pinned under that bike and had to chop my way out?". . . . I suddenly had this overwhelming need to chop the frame of the dirt bike in half!!! :thumbup:. . . . All went fairly well until I whacked into the drive chain! Yowza!!! . . . . That messed my D-2 blade up in a very bad way! In a "Chips Ahoy" kinda bad way!!!!

And to think of the poor bastid that was headed back to get his dirtbike when the weather was a little nicer...you make me sick sir, just sick. :D :p

I like the Busse warranty. It definitely justifies the price of these awesome blades. Way to go Jerry...you da man.
I have a 2007 SE ASH1. It's good to know it could chop through a big old chain! I'm impressed. Great stuff. :D
Man that sucks! BUT, it was a big chain. A certain 'ex' person in my life once put a few little "teef" in my ASH1 but digging roots and hitting stones:thumbdn:. It's not much, but I see them every time I use the knife. Way to go chopping that chain man!:eek::thumbup:
thanks everyone.

and for what it's worth, I didn't hesitate one bit... all of my knives are users, and I'd already been beating on that one for the last year. about a week ago, before the re-beadblasting, it already looked beat up (though it wasn't chipped).

it was sort of funny at the time, I hadn't planned on doing such a thing, but then I saw the chain, immediately thought of the various things folks have done with their Busse blades, and said WTF... I just had to know how it would hang... :)

and you know what... even if the boss man hadn't wanted to warranty it, I'd have had no regrets at all. I'm pleasantly surprised it only sustained the damage it did, all of which just served to further strengthen my opinion of its durability.
Some one is going to put you in a padded room. That is just crazy.

I was actually surprised you made it through. Put a small hurting on the blade edge. I have broken more than a few knives in my time. Doing much less abusive stuff than that.
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Great story all around :thumbup:

The Busse warranty is outstanding, and one of the things that initially won me over to company loyalty, hogdom, and the inevitable realization of lifelong financial ruin :)
DDM---Does this>UJ
...mean anything to you??

that should mean a lot !

you have made a ex_hog proud DM !!! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


And sweet story Jerry.... infi is in a league of its own..

Rock on ! :cool:

as u can see even in the most extreme conditions infi refuses to chip

(( goodbye ))

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Great. Encourage the scumbag.
ummmm, no, I don't know nor am I related to Jarvis in any way. Sure, I remember the guy and the recent stories of his, well, melt down and such, but no, I have nothing to do with any of that or him. and let's keep all of that drama out of here...
