I (think I) chipped my Triple Cut, Sterile, Steel Heart today...

of course people make mistakes, but none of that drama or Jarvis himself have shit to do with me or this thread (no matter what I chopped with my Busse)...

can a mod please delete these off-topic posts and put a stop to this thread hijkack (whether intentional or not) or at least lock the thread to prevent more?

I understand, and I never said you were connected with Uncle Jarvis in anyway. No need to close the thread, but just move back onto topic.

of course people make mistakes, but none of that drama or Jarvis himself have shit to do with me or this thread (no matter what I chopped with my Busse)...

can a mod please delete these off-topic posts and put a stop to this thread hijkack (whether intentional or not) or at least lock the thread to prevent more?

Downtown..I will see if I can get a MOD for you...and for the record UJ has made MANY mistakes and I think we have given him chances to prove himself..and once again he has shown that he is what he is.... fill in the blank

Now lets get back to the THREAD that Downtown has started..:thumbup:

Man, I dont support what he said previously, but I believe that people make mistakes.

and when people make mistakes and own up them in the right way, we typically let them back in here.

When they continue the type of behavior that this scumbag exemplifies, that is another story all together.

The difference is how we own up to our mistakes. To most people that defines integrity.
Lets split a Large Cheese Pizza and a beer and get back
to the guy who freed the tree from its bindings... :D
That was what I got out of the post at the beginning also.:thumbup:

Then Jerry chimed in and convinced me that come hell or high water, I WILL GET ME A NMSFNO!

Seriously, I've got several SwampRats and a few Scrapyards, but I never really got the madness over Busse, I thought that it was some cult collaboration to keep prices inflated and I figured that I got just as much knife from the Swamp or Yard.


You made me a believer, both Downtown and Jerry, and I will never again be an INFI doubter.

Thought that you longtime Hogs might like to hear that, and especially you Jerry, you just demonstrated that your knives are truly built for tough times, guaranteed beyond compare, and I now believe that I WILL be able to take it with me and the Devil had better watch out when I get there!

Chuck- The newly converted

+1 ... a new industry standard has just been established.

The market place has thrown down the gauntlet and Busse Combat Knives (and Jerry) have picked it up and summarily kicked our respective asses with it.

Very impressive!

Why do you think I work where I work.....

JERRY ROCKS:thumbup:

and wel the knives RULE...
+1 ... a new industry standard has just been established.

The market place has thrown down the gauntlet and Busse Combat Knives (and Jerry) have picked it up and summarily kicked our respective asses with it.

Very impressive!

Jerry first threw down the gauntlet some years ago. At a knife show (Blade?), he demonstrated a Busse Basic 9, and made over 2000 consecutive cuts through manila rope, using the same 2" section of the blade. He only stopped because he ran out of rope. No other manufacturer or maker has risen to that challenge yet.

It may be that other knives could chop through a chain like this. It is probably NOT the case that the maker would step up and offer to take care of the damage.

That's part of why Jerry Busse and his crew have such a loyal following.
Busses kick ass plain and simple. Discovered a big ass centipede which looked like it should be chopped up... even though i saw rocks around and underneath it i was like f it my ASH-1 can take it. barely any damage to the edge with a couple of rock hits and boom no more crazy looking bug.. :)

Not as scary as a chained up tree but if i see a bug on a chain now i know i can destroy at will.
So I am at work with a bunch of doubting Thomas' and decided to show this thread.

First response was "No way" or "He didn't really chop that chain".

Then I had them read Jerry's response, and they kinda got quiet.

So I chimmed up and said "No bull about this knife and company, in fact we all just ( chip ) in from time to time :D.

I don't have a large collection, only 7 but I know that I have found the only knife company I will ever need :thumbup:
I'm so glad I jumped on this Hog train! Let live with no regrets and attack all chains that come our way!!!

Ahhh beeeeerrrrrrrrr
This is a great post... I am going to have to send the link to my friends who just shake their heads when I tell them; ya- I did get another knife recently.
A Fatty ASH1 just wants to puck shirts up. I'm glad Jerry chopped on that bike and decided to fulfill his destiny. Life without Busse knives or this forum would be a bit boring.
I remember a long whiles back in my knife ignorance days, Busse Combat would be at the gun show in Dayton Ohio, and silly me thought that my Ontario spec plus was all the knife I would ever need so I never hopped on the Busse bandwagon.

Now I have learned much in the time since those days, and I still like my scrappers and rats, BUT as previously stated the "Busse doubting" veil has been lifted.

I now believe that Busse is more than a catchy trademark, more than an advertising gimmick that appeals to us waiting for TEOTWAWKI, and more than another high priced gadget churned out to capitalize on the "ALL THINGS TACTICAL" craze.

Will I devote every spare dollar that I posess to acquiring vast stockpiles of INFI? Most likely not.

Will I travel to BLADE to battle in the trough with notorious HOGS for a chance at INFI infamy? Probably not.

Will I badger Skunk for Green Linen on something or the other that no one else has? Nah.

Have I read on the NMSFNO and secretly craved one but had doubts as to whether the hype justified the cost over SR101 or SR77? You know it.

As soon as the eagle craps next week will I own one? You better believe it.
(you fellas better leave at least one in the company store for me;))

The next time that I am chained to an immovable object, or bound about with 2,000 turns of rope, will I worry as to whether I can get out? You already know the answer to that one.

I've became narrowminded regarding knives from the first time I held a Busse.
end of story.
great story and test u can see after first chop that chain wasnt that rusty u can see shinny steel only 20 swings to break free thats one tuff a$$kicking ASH