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jaxurman: con

Feedback: 166 / 0 / 0
Jan 21, 2000
I’ve had two negotiations with Jack Alvarez, aka jaxurman, and intended to post the entire transcript of our emails here on GBU. But after running the idea by a moderator, I’ve been told the material is probably too lengthy to be useful as a posting here. The emails are available to anyone who requests them.

In the first transaction on a knife I had up for sale on the forums, he offered me a lower price, which I politely refused. After I sold the knife for my asking price, Jack emailed me offering to pay the full price, and suggested the following:

“…e mail the guy (third party name deleted) and just let him know the deal that we had e mail problems or whatever i will pay you an extra 5.00for the shipping fair enough ??? i am not asking you to be dishonest as this is the truth we were in negotiations on the knife so i think i should get it first …”

Of course, that we “were in negotiations on the knife” was not the truth at all, as I had rejected his lowball, and he had expressed no further interest in the knife. I wonder how the other guy would have felt if I’d complied with Jack’s instructions and told him the knife was “unsold”. Obviously, I told Jack to back off and forget it.

In the second transaction, he emailed me with some interest in a piece I offered for sale for $2,000 on the forums. I responded to him by email and tried to call him by phone, as he requested, but after two tries, couldn’t get him. The next day, I had an offer from a forumite who said he’d send me $500.00 right away and could pay the rest of the $2000 over a few weeks, with me keeping the knife until the full $2000 was paid.

There were still details of the arrangement to be worked out, but I emailed Jack to say it looked like I had a buyer on a payment basis, and that the knife probably would be marked sold if the details could be worked out. The next day, Jack responded as follows:

“...this is the second time that this has happened , with me dealing with you on a knife, i do not understand…i really think this is unfair…i have no problem with the price and would be able to pay yo all at once…i am truly disappointed as i was serious about adding this to my collection it surprises me that you would be willing to take payments…when you could have all the cash now at one time”

As I still had not received acceptance of details from the first trader, I both emailed and called Jack, saying if he wanted the knife for cash all he had to do was verify that he was sending $2,000 and the knife was his. He said he would have to get the cash “from New York”, and it would take him a few days. After insisting in the above email that I “could have all the cash now at one time”, I thought this was squirrelly, but agreed that if he could guarantee delivering payment within a week, we had a deal. I emailed the other buyer again, who graciously replied that he understood, since he could not offer all cash at that time.

Now it’s been more than two weeks since the deal was struck, and ten days past when he said he would deliver, and jaxurman is still protesting that he needs more time to raise the money. He successfully derailed my other negotiation by promising cash up front, which he obviously knew he could not deliver. This has left a bad taste in my mouth, a taste that smacks of fraud to me. If the delay had been from a trader who I knew and trusted, or even from a newbie, I probably would have let it slide. But this is all part of a pattern of insolence and empty blustering from Jack Alvarez, and makes me feel he knew all along what he was doing. I’ve terminated the deal, and as I say, would be happy to make available a transcript of emails on both transactions to anyone who would like a copy.

This is all I have to say about this matter. The emails speak for themselves. I’m sure this will spark another “I said/he said” flaming, but I have nothing more to add. If you’d like more info, please contact me privately.


I was told that unless Jack "Posts" something that Violates the Rules of the Forum ... A.K.A. "I am going to kill you Mr. Smith. Signed, Jack." then he will never be banished from our Forums.

Jack will carry on with this sort of nonsense till we start banning him on a personal one to one level.

Don't do business with Jack Alvarez.

Sorry to hear he got to you too,

Jeez,Alot of crap coming up about Jack lately.Kinda makes me feel like a shmuck for defending Jack a few times when dealer accusations,character issues would come up etc.I never have done a business deal with Jack before,but I have had a few e-mails in the past,bringing up his fathers illness and unfortunate death,and him not being a dealer.I have to say as of late,I'm a bit dissappointed of the feedback on him.If I recall in some controversal post regarding posting feedbacks he stated he never requested a feedback from any of his transactions.In a more recent post he stated just the opposite, that he did request such a feedback but never threatened or demanded such a thing.Not that it is a big deal,but because of the volume of business he does having so many "I love Jack" posts can be a bit much(redundant).I would like to hear Jacks side to this.Oh well,this sucks.

Knowing you as I do, the only bright side, as I see it, would be that that ******* (insert your own favorite expletive) doesn't end up with one of your knives. Especially the latter of the two you mentioned.

Write it off as a bad experience and move on, brother.
Well Jack, what do you have to say about what Will has posted?

And by the way, I would still like to know if you are the Jack Alvarez that wrote those articles for the Oregon Knife Club. A couple of other threads have been closed before you had the chance to address this question.

Sorry something like this had to happen to you. It also sucks for the guy busting his hump to try and raise the cash instead of making idle promises. Everyone really needs to read this thread and see how one greedy error in judgement affects not just the person directly involved in the deal, but possibly many down the road.

How some people get up and look in the mirror in the morning amazes me :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear about your dealings with Jack. I thought Jack was suposed to be very wealthy, and had more money than he knew what to do with. At least that was the impression I got from previous posts.

I have never dealt with Jack, and I don't plan to.

I went down in flames for asking another member if Jack asked him to post a good comment as part of, or after a deal. I was accused of stirring up excrement, to put it nicely. (It turned out that Jack did ask that member to post after the deal was over.) I should not have asked that member in a public forum and I apologised to the other member. But I wanted the other members to know that Jack will ask for good comments after a deal. That just seems rude to me. If the service was all that great, then good feedback should be given freely, not asked for. I know another person who felt really pressured by Jack to post a good comment. Not a good way to do business in my opinion.

There is probably nothing wrong with asking for good feedback. Personaly, I would not ask someone for it. It would mean more coming unsolicited.

Then, after asking members for good comments, Jack seems to get the attitude that he is untouchable... "I am JAXURMAN!"

Just my .02 cents worth.
I have never done a deal with Jax, and I never will. Even when he was getting all his "Jax is great" posts, I heard in private conversations with other very respected members that other have had problems, but it just wasnt worth it to post negatively about it. And before you ask Jack, these as stated were one on one cenversations, and I will not reveal the identity of those I have heard this from.

Anyways, the "management" will not ban him it seems without something similar to an act of congress. In another post it was stated by a respected member that Jax did indeed make a threat...guess that just aint enough. Others have been harassed and intimidated by him. Still, that is not enough.

I have been around these forums long enough to see others get banned for far less, including being accused of being a dealer even when it was not obvious.

Now it seems that he can behave this way, even though many respected members are beginning to post of their negative dealings with him as the "management" seems to condone the behavior by lack of action.

Whalenk224, I saw when you made that post and thought it was quite a reasonable answer. I think you were jumped on by people who make themselves feel good by showing how "sensitive and tolerant" they can be. Doesnt make any sense to me, but thats the way it is.

Some people posting have never dealt with him, and other may wonder why we even poke our noses in. Well, for one, this is supposed to be a close knit community. When I see one of my forum friends treated poorly I will say something. Newbies also need to be able to see both sides so they are not flying blind about who they deal with.

Jack obviously makes lots of deals. However, charecter and behavior should also count for something. I know Jack has said he only "asks" for good feedback, and that people post of their own free will. Well Jack, ya know what?? Most will post if you ask as true knife knuts are generally polite people who just want to help out their fellow forumites. You take advantage of people good will in a most disgusting way.

Edited for obvious spelling error, Im sure I still missed some :)
Boy, I sure find it strange that JACKIE-BOY could not come up with the cash. This is the exact same reason he called me a punk, skunk, weenie, non-playa, little-leaguer and he the GOD cuz he could lay dem bucks on the table without the need to "locate" it first.

This reminds me of the deal on the Duncan Whiplash. Jack low-balls the seller, then turn around and offers it to me for $400. I tell him I only have $300 and need 30 days more to get to $400. That was totally unacceptable to jack and then he applied more pressure than I have ever experienced in ANY purchase, even buying a freaking car.

then when I told jack to stick it, I will not succumb to his high-pressure crap, I became the poor punk because I did not have cash available "on-hand".

Seems JAXURMAN ain't the big PLAYA he says. A legend in his OWN MIND:p :p :p :p

He won't get many more chances at this rate to con folks with the downhill slide of his rep. Thanks for the verification.

Though I have no connection to any of the parties involved, I've been reading these threads with some interest. I have, however, been wondering: How is "Jaxurman" pronounced? Is it "Jack's-your-man?" Just curious. :confused:

Sam, looks like we're neighbor's -- I'm in Ft. Worth. :cool:
I've refrained from posting on these jaxurman threads until now as I have had no dealings with either jax or any of the other parties. However, I have done a deal with Will York. Fell free to see my comments here and here in this forum.

Will is a great guy, and is as honest as the day is long. If Will can be pushed to post a negative comment here about jax, then something must really be amiss. I will not deal with jaxurman, nor give him the time of day. I will happilly deal with Will in the future, and I would trust him without question.

Sorry this had to happen to you, Will.

Ruel, Jack's your man is the correct pronounciation.

It is obvious that Jack does not always handle himself in a way that people consider acceptable. He has no business using profanity in his emails or phone conversations. He also should not believe that just because he is Jaxurman he is somehow more of a stand up guy to deal with than other members of this forum.

My encounters with Jack have all been very positive. He has treated me with a great deal of respect, has never used profanity and has never harrassed me to try and get one of the knives I was selling. He emailed me with an trade offer on a knife I had for sale. I told him that I was not interested in a trade and all he said was "OK, no problem. Maybe next time." I have actually grown to like Jack, but can certainly understand why others have problems with the way he does things.

It seems like there is getting to be a rather large anti-Jack contingent on this forum. Those that are against Jack have presented a good case for having him banned. If he is indeed threatening people then that is totally unacceptable. I have seen no proof that this is actually being done. All I have seen is that there is proof that Jack is sometimes overly aggressive in his dealing, and that he will lose it if he does not get his way in a deal. These are not good things, but are not a reason to ban him either.

The above is just my opinion and is not meant to infer that I do not believe what certain forumites are posting about Jack's threats. It is just that to this point these threats are nothing but hearsay and unsubstanciated claims. No one has ever shown anything that I would consider to be a threat that was made by Jack. Until I see such proof I am not going to think that Jack is anything other than someone that can be an a$$hole when he wants to be and maybe even when he is not intending to be.
It seems that Spark was looking for info on whether Jax had bought a knife and sold it for profit here on the forums.

Didn't you just mention that he lowballed on a Whiplash then offered it up for a higher price? Seems as though if you got the details of both transactions, that might be a case in point.

Can't recall which thread it was, but I'll try and find it.
Like I said ... I do have a witness to the conversation he had with me for 2 hours where he threatened me. OVER A FUQING FLASHLIGHT TRADE OFFER!!!!

But I guess I need a DNA sample along with that. :(

Jack just might be the O.J. Simpson of the bladeforums.
What I asked for, guys, is a clear pattern of behavior where he bought knives X, Y, Z, then turned around and sold them for profit right away.

I cannot take action against someone for what they do off the forums. If Jack is threatening people, that's a matter for law enforcement, not me.

If you have problems, *document* them clearly then lay it out. Don't just say "Well, I think it's really mean!" and quibble. Make your case.

is Jack's style. He has never screwed me in any deal, cause we could never make a deal. I just did not need Jack to do me a favor by allowing me to purchase a knife from his-Highness "JAXURMAN".

My Bitch is simple. Jack walks like a dealer, talks like a used car salesman for a salvage yard, buys low and sells high. Jack is a Dealer that has zero style and an enormous ego. I say Jack is a Dealer when he low-balls a guy selling a knife and then offers it up within a week for a substantial profit. He has done it to me and squeezed the crap outta me until I told him to F*** himself. That's the same line I would use to anyone who tries to pressure me into buying something he is selling for a profit. Jack has E-mailed me to call me every name and profanity in the book, and has E-mailed me to post some kind words to help him out when he got into a Jam a short while ago. But when it comes to jack being a "PLAYER", he just does not get it, never will, and it's time for Jack to take a breather.

I have NEVER engaged in any deal with Jack that was not 100% ethical because I have never and will never deal with him. I also know of no instance where there is evidence that I have seen that Jack has screwed someone. Jack's just has zero class, a big freaking mouth, an enormous ego, a serious attitude problem, and needs to be continually praised because of his low self-worth. Jack talks the talk, but in the final anaylsis, CANNOT WALK THE WALK

Hey Jack, wanna borrow a few bucks? BAAWAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:p :p :p
I think the most glaring statement is the lack of posting from jaxurman... I've seen other threads where he was mentioned in merely an off hand way and he was in there with guns blazing in no time.

Silence can speak volumes. I've never done a deal with Jack but if you've got something to say, Sir, now is certainly the time and this is certainly the place.

Tactful user and appreciator of this Forum... May the wisdom of Cougar be with you in your time of need. ;)

Jack does not come on these forums until late in the day. I have a feeling he will have something to say this evening. Maybe I am wrong, but I doubt that Jack will not defend his honor.

It does seem that when Jack gets involved in these threads the feeding frenzy begins. I have a feeling that this time will be no different.
I've met Jack in person, and I immediately knew he was not the kind of person that I would be likely to deal with. We are a community. Jack doesn't seem to have a sense of community - he's a PLAYA maybe he thinks this is some kind of ghetto ***Disclaimer, I'm not a PLAYA so I wouldn't know how the PLAYAs play***

We often joke about the "knife bug" as a "sickness"...I think it's really sad when someone actually does exhibit signs of actual mental illness possibly brought on by the knife bug. ***Dislaimer, I'm not a psychologist, although I have taken an intro class in psych***

I'm sure we will see what he has to say. In the mean time I will pop some popcorn and chill some beverages.
