Let's see your good old basic fixed blades, Bowie's, Stickers, etc.

And since it's a pic thread - here's a snap of my Buck Vanguard 692 with their "Heritage Walnut DymaLux" handle.

That's beautiful, I wish we could have had one as a forum knife :thumbsup:
Great knives!:cool::thumbsup:
I had a Coldsteel recon tanto from about 1997 until I gave it to my nephew about 4 years ago. Coldsteel may have some goofy products but those old CarbonV knives was tough! I beat on that thing like it owed me money like a kid in his teens and early 20s is apt to do, and it just took it. Honestly the only other knife I've found that is that kind of stupid tough is the Gerber strongarm. Thats why its attached to my "get outta dodge" bag,after extensive use and abuse to prove itself of course. :thumbsup: