One knife for 2011?

I think I could do it with my Red Alox Vic Cadet. As it is, I have been carrying pretty much all of 2010. With the occassional edc rotation, it always makes its way back into my pocket. Too much utility to do without, and the really cool thing about carrying it is I don't have to make any sacrifices in doing so. It's not like any other knife really has any pluses to carrying them over the Cadet.
I love this thing, and while not officially throwing my name in the hat, I can say it will probably make it through most of 2011 as my constant companion.
I am going to try this once I get back from the holidays. It is between a Case Tony Bose lockback whittler, ebony norfolk, SAK red alox Farmer, or a SAK huntsman plus. I may add a companion knife to carry along with it on some days, but one of those four will always be with me. Decisions, decisions...
I'm in...been carrying my Buck 303 exclusively for about a month now, in addition to a leatherman style on my keychain. I like scissors :D
OK I'm in. I'll be with my USA schrade 77ot for all 0f 2011. It's been in my pocket about 90% of the time since I got in August so it shouldn't be too hard.

One small Douk Douk. It was my EDC all of 2010 and I'm going to see if I can make it go another 10-20 years.

I doubt it. Which is why I bought two.
No problem doing it here, well.. sorta.

My peanut is "the" knife I carry. It is always carried, and a lot of the time, the only knife I carry. It is my trusted friend and companion.

But some times i carry something else with it... the 'nut has senor status, and gets a lot of preference... sometimes the other knife is just carried and never used. But at times the 'nut never gets used... But the 'nut is Always there.

I was actually just thinking of this tonight, about going with one knife for all of this month, the one i used at dinner tonight-- a cotton candy russlock.

Think I will go for just the peanut or just the russlock for all of Jan. Will decide in the morning before church, when i "pocket load" for the day.

As to not acquiring any new knives, or only buying one in 2011.... I'd like to get at least one new one in 2011, since I didn't get any in 2010, nor in the last half of 2009.

Well I've made it two days so far with the Electrician :)

I'm going to try to limit my knife purchases this year to a Forum knife. I've always wanted to get one and for some reason never have. Also a GEC of some sort but no need to get it until later in the year.
A knife nut hanging around a knife forum, is like an alcoholic hanging around a bar.

... where the patrons all keeping ordering rounds for everyone!

Now, as for me, I can't do it. I'll carry one of 4 main EDC knives around for a week or so, but I gotta switch it out once in a while.

Polygamy is acceptable when it comes to knives y'all. ;)
One small Douk Douk. It was my EDC all of 2010 and I'm going to see if I can make it go another 10-20 years.

I doubt it. Which is why I bought two.

I'll see your small douk douk and raise you a medium. I managed to keep a small Texas jack in my pocket 80% of last year I'm gonna try a medium douk douk for all of 2011. But then I wouldn't have my small Texas jack.....Uhh could I carry the same two knives all year? Wait... there's my swayback and that sweet Queen gunstock....I'll get back to you.;)
A knife not used is a knife abuse

I could not in good conscious want to be accused of abusing my knives.
I also could not bear to hear the upset emanating from my knife drawer

I have a lovely collection of knives
I intend to use them

So I will respectfuly decline to join this masocistic endevour ;)

But good luck
Hmmm, since I always have at least two slippies on me if I'm dressed and out in the world and I have two more knives on my duty belt, a Kabar TDI dedicated to weapon's retention/last ditch, and a Queen D2 BEM folding hunter in a mag pouch for general cutting (has taken care of a few avocados this week), it would be hard to stick to one knife. I simply carry more than one at all times.

Of all my knives the one that gets carried always is a battered little SAK Classic. I did replace it for awhile last year to give it a rest, but the replacement (a similar type) broke, so the Classic went back into service. The spring on the scissors is long lost now, as is the toothpick. Whatever else I am carrying, that little SAK is always in my pocket if I have anything in my pockets.

Except for the occasional "go to town" moments when I might want to change up a little to match the mood, I pretty much reach for the same two knives each day for the last few months. The SAK Classic and my single-bladed Queen Jack, all stainless blade and slighly cracked Delrin winterbottom scales of it.
OK i'm in..I'll give it my best effort. I think the longest I have gone so far is maybe a week. The only problem is, I got 4 new knives for Christmas and I'm still " Like a kid with a new toy". So, I guess on those days when I need to spread the love, I'll have to carry two. My EDC for 2011 will be the Tribal Spear. Wish me luck..
Have I gone off the deap end?

Nope, not at all, just sounds like you may have found the perfect knife for yourself. I'm definitely in. I've already posted about it, but mine will be the yellow CV Case pen knife that I got from my son for Christmas. It hasn't left my pocket since I got it, and I have a feeling it will stay that way, not some much because of any effort or restraint on my part, but because it's turned out to be everything I need and want in a knife, with some sentimental value to boot. Good luck guys.

Well' it's only been about a week for me so far but I'm giving it a shot.

My knife of choice is a "Gum Fuddy" Case Humpback Stockman that I got from my lovely wife for Christmas.

Feel free to call me a lunatic but I'm actually shooting for the same knife for the rest of my life.:eek: For some strange reason, I am very confident that I can pull this off.

I will still carry other knives in addition to my primary knife but the "Gum Fuddy" will always be in my pocket. (At least that's my plan anyways)

Have I gone off the deap end?
This is what I want to do as well
As of today it has been 3 weeks since I slipped my Alox Bantam into my pocket and it only left the pocket to cut something:D
That's a nice knife mdsmith, and with sentimental value too. A good choice to carry for sure.

Like Voltron, I am a big Victorinox Cadet fan. That is the closest I have come to a true EDC over the past 3-4 years. I don't carry it every day, but most days... Of course, I also have more than 1 Cadet that I carry so I am cheating that way too... Probably the closest I will get to 'one knife' though. I really do consider the Cadet to be just about the perfect EDC for me, but there are so many other knives out there that I also like...

I also always carry 2 knives, and the 'other' one gets rotated quite a bit.
I have had my Buck 301 in my pocket all of 2010. It wiil probably stay in my pocket all of 2011 too. :thumbup: