Post up your Snake Pics!

Thanks, I guess that means I'll have to throw a few more in. This time lets do a couple of the "mini" snakes

Ringneck Snake


Dekay's Snake


Worm Snake

Yuck, this thread is creeping me out. Wish I had my camera when snake were around but I never do.

About 2 days ago we had a little rattler near our smoke pit (Camp Pendleton). I taped my Endura 4 to a broom handle and attempted to kill it, but alas, it scurried back in to its hole.
Everyone needs watersnakes..




What kind of snake is that in the bottom pic? I'm in DE and it looks VERY similar to a snake I came across while wading in a local river trout fishing. It slithered up stream between my legs from behind and just went on its way. Kinda creeped me out quite a bit.
thanks! i'll start paying attention for them. the avatar is dsc (dynamic stability control) off symbol from a bmw e46 m3.
Ahh, right on. I'm a VW tech, and the symbols are pretty simliar if not the same haha.
They are quite toxic. As far as rattlesnakes go that one ( C. horridus) is in the top 30 percent for venom yield/toxicity. They are however fairly easy to deal with because most individuals are reluctant to bite and most bites, from adults, are "dry" for the initial strike.
I guess I was told wrong! Thanks for the heads up!
What kind of snake is that in the bottom pic? I'm in DE and it looks VERY similar to a snake I came across while wading in a local river trout fishing. It slithered up stream between my legs from behind and just went on its way. Kinda creeped me out quite a bit.

All three in that post are Northern Watersnakes (N. sipedon). They are harmless but very prone to biting ig picked up.
Alright, next snake. I'm not gonna say what it is. I'll be impressed with whoever gets it first. Joe, no helping.
Here's one that turned up on our property a few days ago. I was away or I would have gotten a "live" shot. My wife dispatched it with a shovel, not something I normally approve of, but we are starting to have too many kids/dogs/goats on the property to put up with venomous snakes. If it were just me and my wife, we'd probably have let him be.


I can think of about ten dozen things, not least of which being "a dead hatchling..." :D

A half finished root canal followed by a shot to nads being another one...


ick :barf:

I personally love snakes.
I find them to be more pleasant than people for the most part.:thumbup:
I love this thread. It's one of the first that I visit each day when I get on BF.